Christian Gaudin


Eyes Full of Sun
Vincent, a twenty-five year-old intern, lives in Rennes with his mother and his eighteen-year-old brother Bernard. In order to cheer up Bernard who has just failed his baccalauréat exam, the father invites him and his older brother to spend a holiday in his villa in Morocco, where he lives estranged from his ex-wife. Vincent and and Bernard decide to get there by sailboat, accompanied by Geneviève, Vincent's fiancée. Vincent, who has never forgiven his father for leaving him when he was a child, remains hostile and withdrawn. Once in Agadir, they take part in a regatta during which Bernard gets to know Monika, a sexy uninhibited girl. But Monika is actually attracted to Vincent who, despite his dislike for any compromise of principle, finds himself torn between two women. Written by Guy Bellinger
The Hand
Screenwriter Philippe (Duchaussoy) imagines a crime committed by his wife Sylvie (Delon) and a mutual friend Pierre (Serre): a dead body is put in a trunk but the hand sticks out. Sylvie and Pierre begin to have an affair and things get very dangerous and the imaginary crime is on its way to becoming prophetic.
Tender Moment
Teenage student Olivier (Verley) meets 25 year-old Frédérique (Delon), wife of race car driver Enrico (Hossein), and start an affair. But guilt and doubt storm over Olivier's mind.
Один человек лишний
1943 год. Группа французского Сопротивления получает из Лондона приказ освободить двенадцать человек, приговоренных немецкими оккупантами к расстрелу. Партизанский отряд проводит исключительную по дерзости операцию и освобождает пленников. Мчится по улицам города крытый грузовик, в кузове которого 13 бывших смертников. Откуда же взялся тринадцатый, и кто он, этот лишний человек?
Brigade Anti Gangs
The struggle between a ruthless leader of a bank robbers - Raymond Pellegrin - and the cops who are determined to put him in jail for long.
Yehudi Menuhin und Herbert von Karajan – Mozart: Konzert für Violine und Orchester Nr. 5
The Sleeping Car Murder
Six people travel by train overnight from Marseilles to Paris. When the train arrives at its destination, one of the passengers, a girl, is found dead in a sleeping berth. The police led by Inspector Grazzi investigate the other five passengers, suspecting that one of them was responsible. However, as the investigation is stepped up, the other passengers start turning up dead. It is then up to the last remaining two to solve the case, before they become the next victims.
Constance aux enfers
Rear Window meets Estate violenta. The middle-aged Constance watches a young couple that lives across the courtyard; the girl plays loud pop music and goes out of her way to be unpleasant to the classically educated and piano-playing Constance. Then one day Constance sees the boyfriend strangle the little tart in a fit of jealousy. He sees her, too, and has nobody else to turn to for help. Constance keeps silent about the murder and offers the young Hugo a place in her bed. Then the blackmail notes start to arrive...
Ladies' Man
A famous FBI agent's vacation is interrupted by murder. His investigation leads him on the trail of three women of the local upper middle class.
Три мушкетёра: Месть Миледи
Вот уж правда, счастье и несчастье идут рука об рука. Вспомните, как повезло Д`Артаньяну: его полюбила прелестная госпожа Бонасье, сама королева вознаградила его за отвагу, а главные забияки мушкетерского полка назвали гасконца своим другом. У Д`Артаньяна появился могущественный враг - сам кардинал Ришелье. Он не может простить мушкетеру истории с подвесками. Но даже кардинал - еще не беда. Куда страшней разъяренная белокурая тигрица миледи де Винтер. Д«Артаньян встал у нее на пути, и она решает отомстить...
Women Are Like That
American FBI agent Lemmy Caution arrives in France to track down a dangerous spy.
Gorilla's Waltz
This is the third feature in a series about an intrepid French spy by the nickname of "The Gorilla," but unlike the earlier films, this time around Roger Hanin replaces Lino Ventura in the title role. A West German scientist has discovered a way to recover missiles shot into space, and the major Western powers are after his secret. Even though the scientist is willing to pass his discovery on to NATO, it is guarded by an elite, undercover West German police force. As foreign agents, including the Russians and Americans, try to get their hands on the secret, "The Gorilla" is forced into the affair by his surly, aging boss -- he has to make sure that the scientist's discovery ends up with NATO.
Остров Гламадор
Научно-популярный фильм французских кинематографистов рассказывает о мальчике Фафаи, который завоёвывает доверие одичавших коней и приводит их к хозяину. Но, увидев, как жестоко обращаются с лошадьми табунщики, мальчик выпускает табун на волю.
The Terror with Women
Aimé Morin, a good-natured bookseller, is also one of the candidates in the local elections of his small town. He is well-liked by most but he also has political enemies. Among them is Lagarde, a journalist close to the latter. Lagarde takes advantage of Morin being on holiday in Paris to try and tarnish his reputation. His machination unfortunately works and poor Aimé finds himself mistaken for a sex maniac.
Дамский портной
Париж, 1956 год. Фернан Виньяр вступает в права на владение довольно скромной мастерской по пошиву модной женской одежды. И эта увертюра заканчивается самым прозаическим образом - у нашего героя возникают немыслимые сложности как финансового, так и морального плана, так как его клиенты - просто женщины...
Незначительные люди
Уже немолодой водитель-дальнобойщик, обремененный женой и тремя детьми, влюбляется в молоденькую официантку придорожного кафе по имени Кло. Она отвечает ему взаимностью. Жизнь простого работяги трудна, жизнь простой официантки тоже. Разве может быть что-то хорошее у них? Лишь на мгновения…
Le printemps, l'automne et l'amour
Love in a Hot Climate
Love in a Hot Climate (Spanish: Sangre y luces, French: Sang et lumières) is a 1954 Spanish-French drama film directed by Georges Rouquier and Ricardo Muñoz Suay. It was entered into the 1954 Cannes Film Festival.
Assistant Director
Dardamelle does not conceal the fact that his wife has made him a cuckold.How will his fellow townspeople react?
The Wild Oat
A small village is torn apart by a quarrel between the baker and the italian grocery tenant, mother of a pregnant young girl. She accuses the baker's son, doing his military service in Algeria, to be the father of the would be child. Offended, the baker refuses to deliver bread to the villagers standing on the mother's side.
Imperial Violets
Правосудие свершилось
Версаль. 20 присяжных созываются на трехнедельный судебный процесс. Семь (и два запасных) отбирают жребием для того, чтобы решить судьбу Эльзы Люнденштейн. Эльза - директор фармацевтической лаборатории, родившаяся в Париже в литовской семье, - обвиняется в убийстве любовника, неизлечимо больного раком, которому она торжественно поклялась положить конец его страданиям, если они станут невыносимыми.
В этом скетче-комедии, сравниваемом с американским фильмом «Ад раскрылся» (1941), разыгрывается спектакль, посвященный свадьбе дворянина, но результаты его плачевны.
Impasse of Two Angels
Stage actress Marianne has decided to give up her career to marry wealthy nobleman Marquis Antoine de Fontaines. As a wedding present, Antoine gives his future wife a precious diamond necklace, which is coveted by a gang of crooks. Jean, one of them, is given the mission to approach Marianne and steal the necklace from her. The only trouble is that when he meets her, she recognizes him as the man she once loved.
Неуловимый Фредерик
Детективы плодовитой писательницы Соланж Дельмон пользуются успехом у публики, хотя пресса устами анонимного журналиста Б.Б. и пытается обвинить романистку во вредном влиянии, оказываемом ею на молодежь. Проблемам мадемуазель Дельмон готов посочувствовать её новый сосед Ришар Ферне, и постепенно Соланж открывает ему свои творческие замыслы и знакомит с персонажем будущей книги – поездным вором Фредериком. Однако созданные фантазией писательницы методы ограблений вымышленного Фредерика внезапно начинают воплощаться в жизнь.
Valley of Hell
Noël Bienvenu, owner of a career, is a widower and lives with his parents. His son Bastien, whom he despises, was sentenced to six months in prison for theft. Noël goes to see a dying friend, Romieux, who asks him to take care of his daughter Marthe, who has settled in Paris (Batignolles district). Noël goes there and discovers that Marthe is destitute (her lover Gaston being an incarcerated mobster): he then offers her to come and live with him and soon, marries her.
Carnival of Sinners
A struggling artist buys a talisman that gives him love, fame and wealth. The talisman is a severed left hand, and it works perfectly, in fact, magically. But of course there is nothing free in this world, and after one year the devil comes and asks for his due.
Убийца живет в доме №21
На Монмартре совершено несколько преступлений, подписанных таинственным господином Дюраном. Благодаря информатору комиссар Ванчеслав "Ванс" Воробейчик узнает, что убийца живёт в пансионе, расположенном в доме №21 по улице Жюно. Полицейский, переодевшись пастором, поселяется там.
The Lafarge Case
Based on true facts, a news item which was widely talked about in the nineteenth century, this is the story of a wife who might have poisoned her husband .
The Postmaster's Daughter
A small town postal official allows a military officer to sweep his lovely daughter away to St. Petersburg, assuming the man will do the right thing and marry her.Instead, a future of scandal and tragedy awaits her.