Jean-Bernard Bonis

Смерть : 2003-12-07


Oranges amères
Recognizing no boundaries to her love, Angele manages to foment riots, rages and tragedy in colonial Algeria. Angele, an Algerian colonist with impeccably French origins, has fallen in love with Said, the assistant in her brother-in-law's bakery shop. Said is conscious of his Arab origins and traditions, and Angele has her work cut out for her if she wants to persuade him to marry her. Once she does, all hell breaks loose, as neither her European-origin peers nor Said's conservative Arab family approve of the union. When word of the proposed marriage gets out, strikes, violence and murder quickly follow, ruining not only Angele's life, but the lives of those around her. Her brother-in-law Paco, meanwhile, has been doggedly trying to get along and raise his family in an increasingly chaotic and difficult situation.
831, voyage incertain
This is the adventure of two men, John and his sergeant Karl, through a hostile and generous forest. It is also the evolution of their relations, of their respective choices in front of the events which face them.
L'air d'aimer
Le voyage à Paimpol
The dream, which filled half of her life, was no longer enough for Maryvonne. She leaves her husband, child, lover and leaves for Paimpol. And there, it's a breath of fresh air in the form of real life, reality finally joins the dream.
Farewell Fred
Fred is a gambler and deep in debt. He owes crime boss Victor a lot of money and the time to pay has come. He decides to take a massive risk to refund his debts and agrees to kill a man. Fred knows he has to pay his debt and that the only way to do it is to carry out the hit arranged by Victor.
An insurance investigator meets an attractive woman in a hotel on his way to check out the causes of a fire that destroyed a movie set.
История о проститутке, преданной своему другу и проданной им. Ради любви она становится безропотной рабыней, сносит насилие, унижения и издевательства. Но что ей делать, когда она понимает, что ее любовь прошла?
Bye, See You Monday
A French Canadian relationship drama based on a novel by Roger Fournier.
Le pion
Humiliated and down on his luck, a superintendent turns his life around when he decides to write a book.
Dirty Dishes
Diary of a housewife, going mad. Armelle is nearly 30, with a husband and two sons. It's the early 80s in France, unemployment is high, and she's not worked (outside the home) since she was a dancer at age 20.
Скажите ей, что я её люблю
Давид Мартино - бухгалтер. Каждую пятницу уезжает из города, якобы навестить родную мать. На самом деле его родители давно умерли, а он посвящает каждый уик-энд мыслям о женщине, которую знает с юности - о Лиз Дютийе. Но Лиз замужем за другим человеком, у неё есть сын. Однако Давид преследует её, пишет ей любовные письма, считает, что они созданы друг для друга, сходит с ума от любви.
Shadow of the Castles
In the north of France, the life of a nice family of marginalized.
Он хотел жить
Молодой инженер-химик Андре возвращается из армии в Париж и влюбляется в начинающую актрису Мари, работающую в туристическом агентстве.
Лучший способ маршировки
Фильм о мужчинах, которые проводят лето в лагере, воспитателями и, по мере возможностей, отдыхая и развлекаясь. Один из них — Марк — случайно застаёт в комнате перед зеркалом другого воспитателя и сына директора лагеря — Филиппа, переодетого в женское платье.
Le voyage d'Amélie
In this gentle comedy, a disaffected group of young people bungle their first hold-up when the old lady they choose to rob turns out to be even poorer than they are. Not only that, but her husband has died, and she needs to get his body back to his hometown for burial and she is getting no help from the state. The would-be robbers good-naturedly agree to help her, and have a series of odd adventures involving the old lady, the corpse, and themselves. Eventually, the old lady dies as well, and they are really in a pickle.
Camille or the Catastrophic Comedy
Camille invites some soldiers to spend a Sunday in the country with her. When they arrive, they find that something is amiss.
Bruno: Sunday's Child
The weekend of August 15th gives the opportunity to Michel Fauvet, a recently divorced father, to spend two full days with Bruno, his thirteen-year-old son, that he can normally see only one Sunday a month. Feeling guilty, he tries to compensate for the trauma inflicted to Bruno by giving him presents. This time around, Michel has decided to treat him to a nice trip to Bruges and the Belgian Coast. Which will not prevent Bruno from asking his father disturbing questions.
City of Contrasts
A fictional documentary that portrays the city of Dakar, Senegal, as we hear the conversation between a Senegalese man (the director, Djibril Diop Mambéty) and a French woman, Inge Hirschnitz. As we travel through the city in a picturesque horse drawn wagon, we chaotically rush into this and that popular neighborhood of the capital, discovering contrast after contrast: A small African community waiting at the Church's door, Muslims praying on the sidewalk, the Rococo architecture of the Government buildings, the modest stores of the craftsmen near the main market.