Margo Lion

Margo Lion

Рождение : 1899-02-28, Constantinople, Ottoman Empire [now Istanbul, Turkey]

Смерть : 1989-02-25


Margo Lion


Доктор Франсуаза Гайян
'Mammy', Françoise's mother
Франсуаза Гайан (Анни Жирардо) - врач по призванию. Она всю свою жизнь посвятила пациентам. Для нее нет безнадежных больных. Дни и ночи Франсуаза проводит в больнице, и только короткие минуты она посвящает своему любовнику. Но ее двое взрослых детей страдают от двойственных отношений родителей: мать с отцом живут вместе, но больше не любят друг друга. Дети ревнуют ее к работе, к любовнику, к ее бешеному ритму. И вот наступает переломный момент...
The Shadow Line
Story of a young, inexperienced ship captain named Marlow, who struggles in solitude during the voyage with disease, insubordinate crew and vagaries of weather.
La vie facile
Mrs. Chantereille
In this French-language film, Albin is a mercenary soldier. Sure, he's paid to kill, but he only agrees to jobs where he's killing those who need to be killed. Anyway, he trusts his buddies, and they trust him: in this case with a big haul of money they found in a jungle shoot-out. When he returns to France one of the first things he does, quite by chance, is to go see the act of Le Grande Magic Circus. The circus keeps coming into his life for the rest of the movie, as he tries to live a "regular" life.
The Demise of Father Mouret
La Teuse
Serge Mouret is a frail and devout young priest in a tough country parish. When he falls down and loses his memory, he is nursed back to health by Albine, the beautiful carefree niece of the outspoken atheist Jeanbernat. After Serge and Albine fall in love, Serge recovers his memory and realizes the grave sin he has committed.
Mme Humbert
Элен Ренье, в прошлом стриптизерша, а ныне официантка, намерена развестись с мужем-наркоманом, избившим ее и их ребенка. Свекор со свекровью, люди богатые и влиятельные, хотят отсудить внука, а для этого скомпрометировать ненавистную невестку. Они устанавливают за ней слежку и одновременно нанимают Поля Тома, неотразимого красавца, который вскоре «случайно» встречает Элен.
Безумец из лаборатории 4
la Mère Ballanchon
Эжен Баланшон работает над разработкой газа правды, но случайно в его кристаллизатор падает пепел от сигареты и он обнаруживает газ, вызывающий эйфорию и способный нейтрализовать врага. Это открытие привлекает внимание Бошара, который занимается шпионажем для иностранной державы. Бошар подсылает к простодушному Эжену красавицу Режину, которая должна соблазнить его и выведать формулу газа. В это же время Управление Безопасности посылает двух агентов, дабы защитить гениального изобретателя, который, возможно, навсегда предотвратит возможность войн в будущем. Экранизация романа Рене Камбона.
License to Kill
Didier Formenter, the French scientist, has just put the final touch on an invention that will be able to destroy to destroy any sort of flying apparatus. An international crime gang is very interested in stealing this equipement to sell it to the higher bidder of lawless nations. Menaced, the scientist, who was friends with Nick Carter's father, calls Nick for help. At Nice airport, Nick Carter escapes death, but that night he is unable to stop Formenter's murder. He suspects Bruno, Formenter's adoptive son, and Tonio, the owner of a bar near Formentier's home. Bruno is actually after Formenter's heritage, and for that he tries to kill Catherine, Formentier's granddaughter. Therefore, Nick Carter finds himself against more than a gang, but he will uncover the plots, in time to break every gangster apart.
Coplan prend des risques
Mme Slasinska
In a factory working for the National Defense, an employee steals a prototype. In charge of the investigation is Francis Coplan.
Jusqu'à plus soif
Mlle Dozier
A young teacher arrives in Normandy, where she intends to put an end to illegal alcohol trafficking and consumption.
Jeanne, la mère de Michel
Он уезжает далеко-далеко и оставляет её, ожидающую ребёнка, совершенно одну. Проходит семь лет, но она — Сесиль — легкомысленная и безалаберная танцовщица кабаре, которую все зовут Лола, так и не может его забыть…
Liberty Bar
Superintendent Maigret is sent to Antibes to elucidate the murder of William Brown, a rich Australian who regularly disappeared to indulge in formidable drinking binges. In his footsteps, Maigret makes the rounds of bars until discovering the Liberty Bar, its welcoming patroness La Grosse Jaja and its equivocal clientele. It is without a doubt here that the key to the murder is to be found.
Institut Supervisor
Роберт Сьодмак поставил фильм по одноименному роману княгини Бибеско. Юная воспитанница Смольного института Катя Долгорукая тайно влюблена в царя Александра II, чей портрет держит у себя под подушкой. Когда царь посещает институт, он тотчас замечает прелестное лицо юной воспитанницы и объявляет себя покровителем ее семьи. После выхода из института девушка становится его любовницей. Царица умирает от тяжелой, мучительной болезни, и царь сочетается с Катей тайным браком. Смерть от руки народовольцев обрывает жизнь Александра II. Он умирает на руках нежно любимой фаворитки.
Зверь выпущен
Бывшего уголовника и бойца «Сопротивления », а ныне успешного ресторатора, спецслужбы шантажом вовлекают в шпионскую историю, где ему приходится весьма несладко.
Madame Gimelet
Convinced that a wartime resistance heroine is innocent of a murder charge, Nap Rumbold, a solicitor / private detective travels to France searching for evidence to clear her name.
Noche de tormenta
Мадемуазель Нитуш
Sister Leontine - tourist sister
Господин Селеcтен ведёт уроки музыки в монастырском приюте для девочек. Он сама скромность и умеренность. Но только днём, ночью же он оставляет свои добродетели и свой строгий костюм в монастыре, а сам, облачившись в щегольской наряд, превращается в мсье Флоридора - сочинителя оперетт. Монахини даже не подозревают о двойной жизни Селестена, но воспитанницам монастыря становится известно о ночных отлучках преподавателя. Одна из них - Дениза - обнаружила ноты его оперетт и выучила все партии. Она влюблена в музыку Флоридора и уговаривает Селестена взять её с собой в театр. Вскоре такой случай представился: Селестену поручают отвезти Денизу на смотрины, её отец подыскал ей жениха - молодого офицера. Учитель и ученица отправляются в дорогу…
Спящая красавица
La Reine
История на основе сказки Шарля Перро, с рисунков и символов
Fatal Affair
Mrs. Platz, the patroness of the cafe
Didier's wife is ill, and he does the best he can to take care of her. But he's often absent and he has casual love affairs. But Leone he meets in Bruxelles wants to become his one and only mistress.
Dreaming Days
Fanni Langkofler
The Berger couple want to enjoy their vacation in the mountains, a break that they both deserve. Because Maya suffers from strong emotional swings and feels constrained by the concerns of her husband, who is successful in the hospitality industry. Things don't improve during the holidays, and tensions between the two even escalate when Maya gets involved with a mountain guide. But even this brief affair ends in tragedy: the lover is struck by lightning on a tour and falls to his death.
The Red Needle
A young woman, Maya, is treated in a mountain hotel, where her husband joins her every Saturday. She falls in love with an attractive lawyer, who has come to this hotel in Savoie to successfully climb the Aiguille Rouge. The lawyer rejects Maya at first, but ends up becoming her lover and promises to run away with her... once the Aiguille Rouge has been climbed. But a storm breaks out during the ascent, and the lawyer dies, struck down.
The Lovers of Bras-Mort
Madame Michaut
Jean Michaut is a bargeman who lives nearby an old barge cemetery named "Bras-Mort". He is in love with Monique, the daughter of a wealthy boat owner. The girl returns his affection but runs her head against the wall of her family's class prejudices. Her "nearest and dearest" prove indeed prepared to do everything to separate the two lovers. But Monique will not buy in. On the contrary, she leaves her intolerant family to live with Jean among simple, more tolerant bargemen.
The Strollers
Mme Chotard
Jean-Louis forgets to use the pedestrian crossing;Who could have believed then where it would lead the unfortunate guy to?
Dream Ballerina
A young dancer, disappointed with her debut on stage, has three dreams: fame in dancing at the Paris Opera, wealth through her marriage to an important jeweler, and love in the person of a petty hood. Disappointed even in her dreams, the ballerina takes refuge in her art.
The Ferret
Olympe de Stadler
A mysterious figure signing himself "The Ferret" keeps sending letters to the police, tipping them off about murders that are to be committed around Paris. Among those caught up in the police manhunt is a fraudulent clairvoyant.
The Woman I Murdered
During a singles meal, the phone rings. A woman claims a man, Jean-Louis. As a joke, the master of the house replies that he is gone forever and advises him to take the plunge. But she obeys and the suicide appears in the newspapers. Tested, the master of the house takes in the child of the unfortunate woman.
Femme sans passé
Miss Marcelle, the head nurse of the psychiatric clinic
Caroline feels neglected by her husband, the businessman Lorin. She plans to have fun with an inventor but finds herself, following a combination of circumstances, locked up in a psychiatric clinic. To get out of it, she is forced to take on the identity of the wife of a third man, whom she resembles.
La Danse de mort
Mathilde - la servante
A sinister fortress on an island where the sun never seems to shine. An officer whose values have long gone a thing of the past.
One Night at the Tabarin
Marie Girard
Together with his uncompromising friend Marie Girard, André de Lurvire clamors for moral reasons for the closing of the Bal Tabarin, a famous Paris cabaret. So, imagine André's reaction when he... inherits the joint! But, following the seductive schemes of Cora, Tabarin's sultry star, Lurvire gradually lowers his guard, discovers the good life and abandons his wife.
Woman of Evil
Laurent meets Louvaine and brings her back to his island.
La Fleur de l'âge
Children imprisoned during pre-war France decide to escape.
Мартин Руманьяк
Jeanne Roumagnac
Бланш Ферран - очаровательная блондинка, владелица магазина певчих птиц и светская львица - знакомится во время боксерского матча с Мартином Руманьяком - простым парнем, строительным подрядчиком. Их любовный роман вспыхивает как порох. Обуреваемый пожаром любви Мартин залезает в долги и вкладывает все свои деньги в постройку скромной виллы, будущего их совместного дома. Но семейный уют не для Бланш, которая привыкла к роскоши и флирту - она постоянно окружена поклонниками, список которых возглавляет консул Де Лабури. Сложившиеся обстоятельства доводят Мартина до безумной ревности, которая приводит бурный роман к печальному концу.
Devil and the Angel
The Director of an international banknote printing institute, mutilated by the face of the Great War, Frank Davres, falls in love with a young woman, Jeanne, admirably beautiful, but blind. He marries her. For her, he ruins himself and comes to issue counterfeit banknotes. The young woman does everything to make people forget her infirmity. One day, following an operation, she recovers her sight and notices the physical and moral ugliness of her husband. She hides her cure until the day when Frank, taken by the police, kills one of his accomplices and commits suicide. Jeanne leaves to join a friend with whom she was performing in a circus.
As Long As I Live
Following a trivial road accident, Ariane, an international adventuress, falls in love with Bernard Fleuret, a young artist-painter with diseased lungs. Being pursued by the police, she chooses to hide in the sanatorium where the young man is treated. Ariane proves so smitten by love that she finally changes her ways: she decides to let herself be arrested, sure as she is she will be reunited with her loved one later on.
Girls in Distress
La mère de Thérèse
Jeune Filles en Detresse (Young Girls in Distress) was director G. W. Pabst's last French production before his (ill-timed) return to Nazi-occupied Austria in 1941. Somewhat reminiscent of Maedchen in Uniform, the story is set in a private girl's school, populated almost exclusively by children from broken homes. Among the few students who can claim family stability is Micheline Presle, but even her happiness is threatened when her lawyer father Andre Luguet inaugurates an affair with stage actress Jacqueline Debulac. With the help of Debulac's daughter Louisa Carletti, Presle is able to break up her father's romance and deliver him into the open arms of her mother Marcelle Chantal. On the whole, the performance by the younger cast members are more convincing than those rendered by the film's so-called adults.
I Sing
Charles's uncle is the headmaster of a chic girls school .He is short of the readies and he has lots and lots of debts.
The Lafarge Case
Aména Lafarge
Based on true facts, a news item which was widely talked about in the nineteenth century, this is the story of a wife who might have poisoned her husband .
Paris, 1937. Winckler kills his enemy Gordon, a Chicago mobster, from the stage of a Parisian music hall, where he performs telepathy. He pays another artist, Helene, so that she tells the police they've spent the night together, which doesn't fool Callas, the police officer who investigates the murder. He hires one of his fellow officers in order to seduce Helene.
Claudine at School
mademoiselle Sergent
Poorly educated by her father, a wacky researcher, Claudine is a teenager full of life who loves her small village school run by Miss Sergeant. A new teacher, Aimée Lanthenay, arrives at the school. Seemingly awkward, she is actually an arrivist who manages to get the departure of Miss Sergeant.
La danseuse rouge
Dédée, inmate
Tania, a young girl from Central Europe, leaves her home because of her abusive father. Trained, in spite of herself, in the nets of the secret services, she becomes a renowned dancer who travels the major capitals, in search of military information. In 1917, in Paris, she was arrested and sentenced to death. She will be executed despite the fervent defense of her lawyer who has fallen in love with her.
Человек ниоткуда
Mlle Caporale
После смерти матери, разорившейся, чтобы обеспечить сыну достойную женитьбу, молодой, мягкий и слабохарактерный Матиас Паскаль остаётся один с нелюбимой женой и невыносимой тёщей. На время он исчезает, чтобы привести мысли в порядок. Он встречает незнакомца и с его помощью выигрывает в рулетку целое состояние. Возвращаясь домой, Матиас попадает прямиком на собственные похороны (его место в гробу занял утопленник, погибший в случайной драке). Матиас никому ничего не говорит и предпочитает снова исчезнуть.
Madame Vrack
When her fiancé breaks off their engagement, Danielle leaves London and returns to her mother, Jenny, in Paris. With her business partner Benoît, Jenny runs what appears to be a respectable nightclub – it is in fact a place where wealthy men can buy the favours of attractive young women. Oblivious to her mother's professional and personal life, Danielle meets a handsome young man named Lucien, and falls in love with him – not realising that he is Jenny's lover...
Батальон иностранного легиона
Пьер Гилиет, совершив убийство в Париже, бежит в Барселону и оказывается без гроша в кармане. Он вступает в Испанский Иностранный легион, где встречает двух земляков: Муло и Лукаса. Пьер пытается забыть о своем преступлении, но очень скоро обнаруживает, что дружба Лукаса совсем не бескорыстна...
Les dieux s'amusent
Amie d'Alcmène
Alternate-language version of Amphitryon (1935).
A restaurant waiter and the telephone operator at the Palace of Cap Martin sympathize without ever being able to go out together, because their day off is not the same. In the meantime, the disappearance of the Prince of Roumelia, whom no one knows, is announced. The boy, with the complicity of the young girl, pretends to be the Prince. They have a happy day. But the deception is quickly discovered, they are fired. Fortunately, the real prince arrives and asks for their forgiveness.
Сверху вниз
Liliane Binder
Девушка, получившая образование учительницы, не может найти работу и устраивается горничной в дом, где проживают разорившийся адвокат, толстая кухарка, швея и красавец-футболист из национальной сборной.
La voix sans visage
The singer Saltore is accused of the murder of his wife's lover, and is sentenced to ten years' hard labour. His daughter proves his innocence when she discovers the culprit to be his wife, who wanted to end an embarrassing love affair.
Hände aus dem Dunkel
Die lange Lotte
Film by Waschneck.
...und wer küßt mich?
Der Star des Lustspielhauses
The Lucky Top Hat
An impecunious clerk falls for a blonde who also has limited resources, but when she lands a film contract, that saves them both from the poor house.
Под чужим именем
Manager of Ferraro
Очень популярный тенор Энрико Ферраро работает под чутким контролем своего импрессарио. Он устал от постоянных гастролей и уезжает в отпуск. Но и на отдыхе певца не оставляют в покое.
The Thirteen Trunks of Mr. O.F.
Viola Volant
In the very oldfashioned town of Ostend suddenly 13 suitcases are delivered to the hotel, with a note, that O.F. will be here soon and needs 6 rooms (the hotel just has five). This event, probably the biggest in 300 years, starts a small wave of modernisation, yet everybody is wondering who O.F. is. Journalist Stix and architect Stark have an idea how to use this event. They proclaim, that O.F. is a former citizen of the town, who became a millionaire abroad. They tell their fellow citizens that the town still needs modernisation, like better hotels, nightclubs, shops, etc. And soon, Ostend is a boomtown, then a capital. The architect, responsible for the new buildings is finaly allowed to marry the mayor's daughter, while Stix marries the cabaret star and the widowed mayor his new secretary. The only problem is, O.F. hasn't shown up, while finance experts from all over the world are trying to solve the depression problem.
24 hours of a woman's life
Frau Köhler
After the tragic death from malaria of her beloved husband his rich widow Helga Vanroh travels restlessly around various Mediterranean countries. In the luxurious surroundings of a hotel in Monte Carlo Mrs. Vanroh keeps apart from society, until one evening she decides to visit the casino. There a young man attracts her curiosity and compassion.
No More Love
Eine Stimmungssängerin
An American millionaire, who had always bad luck with women, bets that he can live without them for five years. But after four and a half years traveling around on his yacht, he rescues a lady from drowning in the English Channel.
The Threepenny Opera
The French-language version of the The Threepenny Opera with a different cast from the German version.
The Big Attraction
Riccardo and his troupe travel around the world performing musical and dance numbers in vaudevillian and circus theaters. Dancer Kitty is so impressed when she hears him sing that she asks to enter the company, but is turned down by Riccardo. Then in the middle of a number at the Winter Garten she pops in and the audience loves it. Now she will try to win Riccardo's heart, although he has a secret from his past that might be an obstacle.
I Go Out and You Stay Here
Weimar era screwball comedy about a floor model who is required to go out evenings to escort VIPs while her boyfriend has to wait at home.