Fabrice Murgia


The Enchanted Palace
To save his protegé from a fatal destiny, a magician has imprisoned knights and ladies in an enchanted labyrinthine palace and mystifies them to the point of delirium. Luigi Rossi's first opera - boasting sixteen soloists, double and triple choirs for 6 and 12 voices, numerous ballets - marked the last surge of Roman opera before the Eternal City forsook it for a long time. For the Argentine conductor Leonardo García Alarcón, who rediscovered the opera in the Vatican Library neglected for 380 years, Il palazzo incantato is ‘the missing link in the history of opera and the metaphor of our lives'. ‘Leonardo Garcia Alarcon was known as a magician, now he has become a conjurer.’ (Le Monde)
Le Temps du silence
Get Born
Standing on the edge of a rooftop, Gregory ponders the precariousness of life. He is 20 and feels like a stranger to himself. He wonders how he can live without dreams or desires. One day, he sees Liv, another college sophomore, and falls secretly and utterly in love with her. When he finally dares to declare his love, he finds himself up against a wall. Liv does not know him. Twenty-year-old Liv loses her virginity to Ilia, an older Russian army deserter. She experiences her first love and treasures every minute. But all too soon, Ilia's past creeps back into his life and unravels their union. One day, he leaves her without a word. She will have to live with the same intolerable loneliness that she unwittingly inflicted on Gregory.
Одетта Тулемонд
Вдова Одетта Тулемонд работает в отделе косметики большого магазина в бельгийском городе Шарлеруа, живёт вместе со своими взрослыми детьми Сью Элен (безработной, чей ухажёр-неудачник живёт с ней в гражданском браке в квартире Одетты) и Руди (гомосексуальным парикмахером). Одетта взахлёб читает романы писателя Бальтазара Бальзана, находя в них утешение и отвлечение. После неудачной встречи с любимым писателем во время раздачи автографов, Одетта осмеливается написать ему письмо, в котором объясняет ему значение его творчества в жизни вдовы.