Julien Frison

Julien Frison

Рождение : 1993-07-18, Etterbeek, Brussels-Capital Region, Belgium


Paris-based Belgian actor.


Julien Frison


The Three Musketeers: Milady
Gaston de France
Second half of a two-film adaptation of Alexandre Dumas' novel.
The Three Musketeers: D'Artagnan
Gaston de France
First half of a two-film adaptation of Alexandre Dumas' novel.
Таинственное убийство
Каждый следователь сталкивается с преступлением, которое не может раскрыть и которое не дает ему покоя. Для Йохана - это убийство Клары. Допросы и подозреваемые сменяют друг друга, а Йохан все больше сомневается в успехе. Точно известно одно: преступление произошло в ночь на 12-е...
1963 год. Анна учится в университете и мечтает о писательской карьере. Незадолго до выпускных экзаменов она обнаруживает, что беременна, и эта «благая весть» может поставить крест на ее будущем. Девушка становится заложницей не только собственного тела, но и общественной морали, подавляющей свободу. Времени на раздумья почти не остается, и Анна решается на невероятное. Она готова преступить закон, рискуя оказаться за решеткой.
Les Fourberies de Scapin
The action is set in Naples, opening a door onto an imagined maritime world stretching towards the Orient. Faced with two authoritarian fathers, two sons, both of whom are thwarted lovers, turn to the crafty Scapin, who is driven by a mad desire for revenge. The character is a double of Scaramouche, the Italian actor of the adventurous life whom Molière admired: “to tell you the truth, there are few things that are impossible for me, when I put my mind to them” declares the buffoonish servant whose name, as Denis Podalydès points out, derives his from the Italian scappare which means “to escape”, “to scamper off”. Scapin is beaten with a stick at one point but also gets his own back and, against a background of ransom demands and paternal contradictions, he comes up with an avalanche of stratagems and other tricks, which Molière excels in depicting.
La Comédie-Française: Cyrano de Bergerac
le Marquis
Cyrano has a prominent nose but also a gift with words by which he helps handsome Christian to conquer Roxane. Also in love with the girl he chooses not to reveal to her that every word of Christian comes out of his own heart. In cinema, this ROSTAND classic filmed live from the Comédie Française.
The Canterville Ghost
In the depths of a British legend, the ghost of Eleanor Canterville is condemned to haunt the castle of his family and to scare away any inhabitant. It fulfills this task perfectly, helped by Gwilherm, his faithful servant. But when Otis, a family fleeing Parisian life, buy the castle, Eleanor is upset because she cannot scare this tribe of the twenty-first century. Worse yet, children ridicule and parents are unaware. Only Virginia Otis, aged fifteen, moved by the fate of Canterville Ghost, will seek to deliver from curse on it.
Description : Belgium, 1943. The situation is becoming unbearable for the Field family : antisemitic persecutions become common and violent. Joseph Field, the father, rebels against the occupying army. He is arrested and deported. Esther, his wife, decides to go “underground”: she enters the clandestinity. She gives her oldest son to look after with Hermann, her father-in-law. He knows an escape n
Sommeil blanc
Angel at Sea
Louis is a twelve year old boy who lives with his parents and older brother in southern Morocco. Louis is very happy until the day his father shares a secret with him.
J'ai pensé à vous tous les jours
Cedric alias "The Quick" was abandoned at birth by his mother and grew up somehow in the homes of the DDASS. One day his teacher Bernard tells him he has a brother, Matthew, alias "Little M", of whom he knows nothing. Unlike Cedric, Mathieu was raised by a wealthy family in an upscale suburb. The meeting between the two brothers promises to be chaotic. Yet, however big their differences, Cedric and Mathieu have one thing in common: they have not known their mother. The two brothers therefore decide to find her. This is the beginning of a long and perilous journey of initiation in which they will get to know each other ...
Одетта Тулемонд
Вдова Одетта Тулемонд работает в отделе косметики большого магазина в бельгийском городе Шарлеруа, живёт вместе со своими взрослыми детьми Сью Элен (безработной, чей ухажёр-неудачник живёт с ней в гражданском браке в квартире Одетты) и Руди (гомосексуальным парикмахером). Одетта взахлёб читает романы писателя Бальтазара Бальзана, находя в них утешение и отвлечение. После неудачной встречи с любимым писателем во время раздачи автографов, Одетта осмеливается написать ему письмо, в котором объясняет ему значение его творчества в жизни вдовы.
Bataille Natale
Le Théorème de Marguerite