Daniel Mesguich
Рождение : 1952-07-15, Algiers, Algeria
Daniel Mesguich (born 15 July 1952) is a French actor and director in theater and opera, and professor of stage acting school.
In 1970, he was admitted into the Conservatoire National Supérieur d'Art Dramatique, after which he opened the Théâtre du Miroir ("Mirror Theater"), with whom he opened a course in drama. After ten years, he returned to the school to teach at the request of Jean-Pierre Miquel, becoming the youngest professor on campus. He is currently the director of the school. He has acted in over a hundred plays, fifty operas in France and abroad, and some 40 movies and television pieces.
The actor William Mesguich is his son.
Source: Article "Daniel Mesguich" from Wikipedia in English, licensed under CC-BY-SA 3.0.
Sulfurix (voice)
Могучие галлы издревле черпали силу в секретном напитке, который готовил великий старец. Но пришла беда, откуда не ждали - почтенный друид свалился с дерева и сломал обе ноги. Теперь Астериксу и Обеликсу предстоит отправиться в опасное путешествие, чтобы отыскать нового друида, достойного постичь рецепт тайного зелья.
Léon Blum
Narrator (voice)
In a series of long interviews, 12 prime ministers talk about their experience in the upper echelons of power. The function of prime minister, torn between the president and the parliament, appointed without necessarily being elected but responsible for everything, is at the center of debate. With the exception of Jacques Chirac (1974-1976 and 1986-1988), deliberately left out because of his image as French President, those who governed France for the past 35 years agreed to discuss the exercise of power, as seen through archive footage, but also how they experienced it personally. Filmed in the same studio and sitting in the same chair, 12 French prime ministers talk freely about their time in office, from their appointment until their resignation.
Stage Director
Escorted by his valet Sganarelle, Dom Juan, a libertine gentleman, brave and hypocritical, seduces women, fights duels, denies his father's authority, and mocks Heaven. Carried away by his passion for women and gambling, he goes so far as to commit perjury. A classic revisited by Mesguich with a lot of visual effects: special effects, magic tricks, imposing sets. A playful staging for this tragi-comic play.
Dom Juan
Escorted by his valet Sganarelle, Dom Juan, a libertine gentleman, brave and hypocritical, seduces women, fights duels, denies his father's authority, and mocks Heaven. Carried away by his passion for women and gambling, he goes so far as to commit perjury. A classic revisited by Mesguich with a lot of visual effects: special effects, magic tricks, imposing sets. A playful staging for this tragi-comic play.
David Rashevski
Adolphe 'Dolfo' Rashevski travels to Israel with grandson Ric, but his brother, orthodox rabbi Samuel 'Shmouel, refuses to come attend their fellow Auschwitz survivor sister Rosa's funeral. Back in their home, the whole well-integrated family and their 'gojim' (non-Jewish and would-be) partners regularly wrestle with the meaning of Jewish blood, traditions and religion. For one it seems the way to gain a wife, for others the bomb under or the obstacle for a marriage. Yet love tends to conquer all but death.
King Louis XIII
По роману Александра Дюма. Как всегда, легендарные герои во главе с Д`Артаньяном дерутся направо и налево, но как никогда, с балетной грациозностью и акробатической свободой. Потому что в этой вновь рассказанной истории об их мужественных подвигах мушкетеры сражаются не только с врагами, но и с законами гравитации. Впервые Питер Хайэмс сводит воедино игры со шпагою и рыцарское благородство героев с преодолевающей законы земного притяжения гонконгской боевой хореографией. Сцены поединков представляют собой смесь восточных и западных стилей, фехтование XVII века и самурайские бои.
Paul-Louis Gérard
The year is 1898. Héloïse, 9 years old, comes from a family belonging to the anti-Dreyfus and anti-Semitic Parisian high bourgeoisie. In a spirit of revolt, she begins a love affair with Maxime, a young Jewish journalist. During a terrible quarrel with her father, the latter suffers a stroke and dies. To get her away from Maxime, her mother Mathilde and her cousin Olympe take Héloïse on a trip to the Orient. After Cairo and the Pyramids, they go up the Nile and cross the desert in a caravan.
Iranian Iradj Azimi directed this French historical drama re-creating events depicted in the famous 1819 painting The Raft of the Medusa by Jean Louis Andre Theodore Gericault (1791-1824). The ill-fated voyage of the frigate Medusa begins when it departs Rochefort for Senegal in 1816. After striking a sandbar off the African coast, 150 civilians row safely to shore, but Captain Chaumareys (Jean Yanne) orders 140 soldiers and sailors onto a raft (minus supplies) and has it cut loose. Only 14 survive from the 140, creating a scandal back in France. Gericault (Laurent Terzieff) later talks to three of the survivors while researching his painting. Work on this film began in 1987, but sets destroyed by Hurricane Hugo caused delays, so the film was not completed until 1990. However, it then remained undistributed until an incident in which writer-director Azimi slashed his wrists in front of French Ministry of Culture officials.
Nicolas Fabry
Edward is an editor in a small English publishing house. The story concerns what happens when he receives a very good manuscript from Nicholas, an old friend, who up until now has been a hack writer. The manuscript sheds light on events both men lived through, and Edward comes to the conviction that it reveals that it was Nicholas who raped the woman Edward loved, and that he is therefore responsible for her subsequent suicide. Very carefully, he plots his revenge.
Léon Blum
In 1894, the French Army discovered the existence of a traitor Alsatian and Jewish, the French officer Alfred Dreyfus makes an ideal culprit. For lack of evidence, the War Ministry creates a damning document Dreyfus overwhelming. Judged and sentenced, Dreyfus is deported to Devil's Island. In 1896, the Army flushed out the real culprit. The truth broke out in 1898 thanks to the mobilization of intellectuals shaken by Zola's "J'accuse!"
Посол Соединенных Штатов Америки во Франции Томас Джефферсон приезжает в Париж накануне Великой французской революции. Высший свет еще живет красивой и роскошной жизнью. На этом фоне и происходит знакомство Джефферсона с людьми и нравами страны, случаются встречи без скуки и морализаторства. Томас обретает и врагов, и друзей, наблюдая за тем, как некогда мощное государство быстро движется к своему закату.
Ida's husband
On 9 January 1836, Pierre Lacenaire goes to the guillotine, a murderer and a thief. He gives Allard, a police inspector, his life story, written while awaiting execution. He also asks Allard to care for Hermine, a lass to whom he has been guardian for more than ten years. In flashbacks, from the prison as Lacenaire writes, from Allard's study as he and Hermine read, and from other readers' memory after the book is published, we see Lacenaire's childhood as he stands up to bullies, including priests, his youthful thieving, his first murder, his brief army career, his seduction of a princess, and his affair with Avril, a young man who dies beside him.
Eric Lethuillier
Marivaudages of a privileged group embarked on the "Narcissus" for a musical cruise in company of the famous diva La Doria.
A woman is detained at La Conciergerie. She's 37 but her hair are already white. She's suffering from terrible haemorraghe. Her name is Marie-Antoinette of Lorraine, from Austria, and she's living her last four days.
Jules Pascin
A movie about the volatile marriage between artist Nils Dardel and Thora Klinckowström.
The neglected daughter of an industrialist who made his fortune in explosives supplies during the war and of a mother who was mostly concerned with herself, Monique Lerbier is a pretty blonde with generous but strong ideas and a hard character. She has chosen to be an atheist since her adolescence and does not tolerate injustice and social hypocrisy. She was to be married to an engineer, Lucien Vigneret. It was an arranged marriage, the dowry having to allow Vigneret to enter the capital of his father's company, which needed it to finance its business. But two weeks before the wedding, Monique surprises the fiancé with a mistress.
Le prêtre
The setting is Les Fauvettes School for Girls just after WWI, where sternly Teutonic headmistress Ingrid Caven vies with Catherine Jourdan, a morphine addicted, fabric fetishist gym teacher, for the sexual favours of liquid eyed nymphet Scyluna. Meanwhile the chaplain conducts a nude exorcism.
L'amant de Claire (voice)
Он — неврастеничный, мнительный, тщеславный и циничный президент Франции. Она — неотразимый и успешный дизайнер. Когда-то они были близки, но связь осталась тайной. Однажды июньским вечером неудачливый паренек, желая угодить любимой девушке, решается на грабеж — и стаскивает сумку с прекрасной незнакомки. В сумке Клэр оказывается письмо десятилетней давности от экс-любовника Кастора, в котором будущий президент страны, опасаясь развода с бесплодной женой, просит Клэр сделать аборт. Опасаясь непредсказуемых последствий, Клэр вынуждена обратится к президенту, который просит министра внутренних дел, а по совместительству и своего лучшего друга, лично решить проблему. Но ситуация выходит из-под контроля…
Hector Berlioz
Сама жизнь Берлиоза была наполнена событиями, счастливыми и печальными, творческими поисками, общением с талантливыми современниками, одни из которых поражались глубиной и искренностью музыки композитора, другие вспоминали о Гекторе Берлиозе как о «напыщенном комедианте». Тем не менее, Паганини назвал его единственным достойным преемником Бетховена, а Глинка - первым композитором нашего (XIX) века, чье творчество оказало большое влияние на Листа, Вагнера, Штрауса, Бизе.
Walter Raim
Некто Вальтер знакомится в баре с незнакомкой, которая, оказывается, была убита 6 лет назад на вилле своего жениха — графа Коринфского. Тут же Вальтера отправляют к самому графу передать конверт, и новые мистические приключения ему обеспечены…
Pierre Schlamovitz
Молодая Мария остается одна в Париже: единственного ее близкого человека посадили в тюрьму. Марии берется помочь английская супружеская пара, но, как оказывается, не бескорыстно...
Capitaine Mourre
In the 1930s a young fellow, Simon Chalumet, is sent to a military school by his overbearing father, an ex-soldier who has little sympathy for his son's more gentle temperament, or for his interest in films.
Rémy Lecoudray
Фильм, посвященный жизни героини парижских хроник 20-х годов, хищной и властной банкирше Эмме Эггерт. Ее сексуальные аппетиты, мания величия, манера носить мужское платье и курить сигары, эфебофилия и опьянение роскошью…
Christophe Le Kerlec
The guest socialite evening / The client of the luxury brothel
Who is Milena whose arrival is announced to Sophie and Nicolas by postcard? The train from Prague brings for three weeks, the time of a visa, this young Czech and his bag stuffed with forbidden texts, marginal films and music. She will strive to make them known with the help of her new friends.
Commissioner Curbec
Психологическая мелодрама по мотивам романа Ромена Гари. Пожилой мужчина Мишель пытается примириться со смертью жены. Немолодая женщина Лидия скорбит в связи с кончиной любимой дочери. Оба одиноки. Они хотели бы найти общий язык друг с другом, и, может быть, их знакомство переросло бы в нечто большее, однако печаль переполняет их сердца. Печаль, порожденная утратой, а не любовь, обретенная заново…
Xavier Barnerias
Главному герою перевалило за 30. Он работает корректором в издательстве и пишет прозу. Имеет любовницу — продавщицу музыкальных пластинок Сабину и попутно разводится с женой Кристиной, причем их развод оказывается первым во Франции, оформленным по обоюдному согласию. Жизнь его течет своим чередом, пока однажды Колетте, бывшей возлюбленной Дуанеля, не попадается на глаза его роман, во многом автобиографический…
Monsieur, frère du Roi
Jean-Baptiste Poquelin is raised by his father and his grandfather because his mother dies when he's still very little. He works as a handyman, studies the law at a university and travels the country as an actor before he becomes the celebrated playwright Molière who impresses firstly the Duke of Orleans and then even King Louis XIV.
Esculape 4
Неназванная секретная служба устанавливает слежку за французским дипломатом Домиником Офаля. В поисках слабых сторон дипломата, группа экспертов секретной службы окружает его паутиной слежки. Постепенно формируется досье на месье Офаля, числящегося в списках потенциальной агентуры под номером 51.