Marie Henriau

Marie Henriau


Marie Henriau


La tentation de l'innocence
Raphaëlle André is a brillant lawyer. The enigmatic death of her husband lead her into an investigation where she discovers new sides of the life of her late husband.
Fin d'été
Edouard, unemployed computer technician, invites Diana, a young student from England, to spend a weekend in the Noire Mountain. At dusk, they arrive at Gilbert’s place. A former 60’s activist who lives in the forest, Gilbert has decided to drop everything and to offer Edouard his house. Edouard accepts the offer, tries to convince Diana to stay, and discovers that, perhaps, Gilbert is his father…
Дочь солдата никогда не плачет
Social Worker
С раннего детства Шанни Уиллис окружали достойные мужчины. Может, ей просто повезло, и поэтому до определенного момента контакты с представителями противоположного пола не вызывали у нее опасений. Взросление Шанни совпало с возвращением их семьи из Европы в Штаты, где раскованность и открытость в отношениях с юношами приводит ее в первый жизненный тупик. Оказалось, что пришло время обдуманных поступков, что не все могут сравниться с ее отцом, любовь к которому она понесет через всю жизнь
Le mas Théotime
Marthe Alibert
Pascal lives on the land in Provence that his father left him. He is supported by the Alibert family, his tenant farmers, to counter the maneuvers of his cousin Clodius who wants to compromise the irrigation of the vines or contaminate the beehives. It is in this atmosphere of suspicion that Geneviève returns to the country, charged with a mysterious past.
Coming to Terms with the Dead
la spécialiste des fourmis
It’s summer, on the beach of this little town in Brittany, a man is building a sand castle. A few people watch him. We will be told the story of three of them: a boy, Jumbo, aged 9; François and his sister Zaza. All of them had to deal with the death of somebody they cherished.
Lady Macbeth
An acting couple is forced to assess their life together when the wife falls for a wealthy horse-breeder while shooting a film.
Ускользающая любовь
La Juge du Divorce
Главному герою перевалило за 30. Он работает корректором в издательстве и пишет прозу. Имеет любовницу — продавщицу музыкальных пластинок Сабину и попутно разводится с женой Кристиной, причем их развод оказывается первым во Франции, оформленным по обоюдному согласию. Жизнь его течет своим чередом, пока однажды Колетте, бывшей возлюбленной Дуанеля, не попадается на глаза его роман, во многом автобиографический…
Sarah, an actress nearing her forties, has invited 3 friends to join her for a holiday in Provence. This is the prologue for what happened a year ago in Paris with a man Sarah had long considered a platonic friend. She had just finished a film, had also finished her relationship with the director and was about to receive an award…
Tom Thumb
La Bûcheronne
Classic fairy-tale story about Tom Thumb against Giant. Parents are poor and want to leave Tom Thumb in forest. But Tom Thumb is clever and marks his way by stones. Second time he is unsuccessful - he has only bread-crumbs and birds eat them. Tom Thumb finds a Giant and a beautiful princess in his entrapment, and is determined to free the princess.