Raymond Louzoum


Retour à Cherchell
Forbidden Zone
Le Docteur
A revolutionary militant is killed during the repression of May 1945. His son, who is unaware of the real circumstances of the murder, ends up being attached to the ideal for which his father died.
The Most Gentle Confessions
Following a robbery in a circus, a young mobster, Jean, is arrested by Inspector Borelli. The thug denies involvement. To compel him to sign a full confession, Inspector Muller encourages the suspect to get married for - he says - to move the jury. This being done, he lets Jean believe that he can spend a moment alone with his wife; but then, Inspector Borelli blackmails him: "If you sign your confession, you can spend a moment with her." After being beaten, Jean signs a confession. It is then that a new blackmail intervenes: "the name of the accomplice?", asks the inspector. But the thug refuses to denounce the latter and ends up refusing the bargain dupes. While the guards drive him back to prison, his wife cuts his veins, breaking the career of the bad policeman.
Бранкалеоне в крестовых походах
Бранкалеоне де Норча возглавляет ватагу увеченных и больных, которые собираются в крестовый поход. В поисках славы они отправляются на Святую Землю отвоевывать Гроб Господен. Поход полон приключений. Бранкалеоне спасает французскую принцессу Берду, спасает от костра юную колдунью, которая в него влюбляется. Потеряв всех своих товарищей, он призывает смерть , но потом одумывается.