Nadia Hassan


In a village outside of Beirut, amidst scrap metal, chickens and goats, the quiet Fouad runs a mechanic’s garage with a detached but soothing presence. His customers, both old and young, are invited to sit and drink coffee while they wait for their vehicles to be repaired. In these moments of stillness, the garage becomes a haven for people to express their growing despair amidst the economic collapse that surrounds them. No jobs. Sleepless nights. The burden of school tuition. No one is safe. As the darkness closes in, Fouad must undertake a deeply symbolic, transcendent journey through his own psyche: a search for the other side.
Santa Claus in Baghdad
Fareeda's Daughter
In impoverished Baghdad under Saddam's dictatorship, 16-year-old Amal hopes to regain her social status at school by volunteering to find a book as a class gift for the departing literature teacher. Meanwhile, her emotionally fragile little brother becomes obsessed with the notion that a visiting uncle from America--whom he confuses with Santa Claus--will bring him toys. Ashamed never to have been able to give his son a toy, the child's father sells some more prized family possessions and buys a model car for him.
Главная мечта Дэв Кумара – это стать знаменитым и популярным эстрадным певцом. Дэва ждут большие испытания и трудности на пути к славе. Сам Дэв Кумар уверен, что он справится со всеми трудностями, которая приготовила ему судьба. Ведь самое главное, что у него настоящий талант и он сможет всем доказать, что сможет стать звездой.