Nadia Boronis
СССР запускает на Луну космический корабль с двумя космонавтами. Внезапно связь с ним теряется, и советские учёные решают, что корабль был уничтожен. Чтобы скрыть провал миссии, спецслужбы СССР решают запустить в космос двух итальянцев, как две капли воды похожих на «погибших» советских космонавтов.
la ballerina
Rambaldo Tramontana, a count who went into battle backed by the French, returns to Matera to take revenge once he is victorious, but the city is deserted and he begins to commit abuses and violence.
La ballerina nel night-club
Amelia, a beautiful and irrepressible girl known as "La Rossa", returns from Paris to her country, a small seaside town in southern Italy, where her father is the lighthouse keeper. To her father and her fellow villagers, she gives the impression that she is married to a rich gentleman. In reality she is only the friend of Pierre Dupont, an elegant Parisian bandit. Dupont, however, actually gives the girl a certain economic comfort. Later Pierre arrives in the country incognito, being wanted for a large theft of jewels in Paris, and Amelia, her lover and accomplice, helps him to hide.