Guy Louret

Guy Louret


Guy Louret


Walking a Tightrope
Agent auxiliaire Rouquet
Marcel Spadice is a famous writer with a criminal background and a penchant for handsome men. From time to time, he induces an attractive female admirer to arrange for him to be introduced to nice, talented young men who happen to be sufficiently handsome to interest him. At other times, the endless effort to woo these men (who are most often heterosexual) grows wearying, and he goes to the train station to pick up soldiers looking for some easy money and a night's lodging. In this film, the writer has grown enamored with a young circus laborer who wants to move up in the world, literally, by becoming a tightrope walker. Marcel cadges an introduction, and for a time sponsors the young man's training. However, when the boy suffers an accident which renders him unfit for his chosen vocation, Marcel loses interest in him and takes up with another young man.
Périgord noir
The recolonization of Africa, this time by the very blacks who had to flee it as exiles during the time of the original French occupation, is the theme of this political comedy. Adiza, who has been living well in France, has decided that she will return and buy the plantation she and her compatriots were expelled from, and enlists some unlikely helpers to bring them back into the country and enact their plot. Meanwhile, these "local" blacks are unwittingly accepted by the other landowners as more cheap labor.
Promised... sworn!
The life and love affairs of a 12-year-old boy Pierre who lived in France during the Nazi occupation in 1944. We see his family, his chubby friend, the girl who ignores him - and the German defector who hides in the cellar. He suffers from a slightly more prominent nasal appendage than the average of his congeners. This complex initially serving it, will ultimately be the detonator of his success with women and the entire population of the city.
Нескладный грабитель банка захватывает в заложники бывшего «крутого» заключённого. Полиция бросается за ними в погоню, герои меняются ролями. «Заложник» становится нянькой «похитителя» и «отцом» его немой дочери. Теперь «крутой», который сидел за четырнадцать ограблений банков твёрдо решил «завязать». Он помогает странной семейке скрываться от полиции, навлекая на себя массу новых проблем. Но в награду ему будет атмосфера семейной любви, о чём он не имел понятия, и даже маленькое чудо, произошедшее с немой девочкой...
Инспектор Лаварден
В провинции убит человек, добровольно взявший на себя роль местного поборника нравственности. Инспектор Лаварден специально приезжает из города расследовать это преступление. Он собирается допросить с пристрастием вдову, и вдруг с удивлением узнаёт в ней свою первую любовь...