Colin MacDonald


Rock Paper Scissors
A ragtag group of teens band together to compete in the World Championship of Rock Paper Scissors.
Честь Шарпа
Испания, 1813 год. Шарпа вызывает на дуэль испанский гранд, обвинив его в оскорблении и домогательстве в отношении своей жены. Схватку, как вещь противозаконную, прекращают. Но на утро маркиза находят мёртвым в своём шатре. Шарпа признают виновным и приговаривают к смерти через повешение…
The Wreck on the Highway
In Edinburgh washed up country-and-western singer John McGuire is broke and his family is emigrating. He and grandson Billy share the same dreams. They run away together in search of John's wealthy American ex-co-star Betsy Hall.
The Dunroamin' Rising
Sixty years ago Ian Sinclair was a revolutionary leader. Today he is in an old folks' home, but has not lost his sense of humour, or his appetite for the struggle. In protest at the proposed closure of the home, the old socialist firebrand embarks upon a hunger strike that ends up having wide-range repercussions.