Jennifer MacDonald


Jennifer MacDonald was raised all over the US and Canada and has traveled all over the world. At the tender age of sixteen, after graduating high school, she enlisted in the US Army where she was trained as an Arabic Linguist. She attended survival and jump schools and was sent to work all over the Middle East as a cryptologic "voice interceptor". She has also worked for various government organizations as a translator. She speaks standard Arabic, Egyptian, Spanish and some French. Making documentary films while in the Army encouraged MacDonald to get into film-making after her departure from the service. While working in film production in San Francisco, she got the acting bug. MacDonald got her start in San Francisco as part of a twelve person theater ensemble called "Lightfoot", a multicultural, multi-ethnic group of actors dedicated to performing cutting edge material. Since arriving in Los Angeles three years ago, MacDonald has appeared as a guest star on several TV shows, including "The Adventures of Brisco County Junior", "Dream On", "Red Shoe Diaries" and most recently "Land's End" with Fred Dryer. She has a knack for attracting interesting, off-beat material like the Showtime original movie "Dead Weekend." MacDonald stars opposite Steven Baldwin as a homicidal, multilingual Alien from the planet "Claire." In the psychological thriller "Shades of Black," she plays a naive, young pro-bike racer stalked by a schizophrenic performance artist. MacDonald also stars as a fighter pilot opposite Mark Hamill in "Wing Commander III," the most popular CD-Rom in history. MacDonald has studied with Jeff Corey, Brian Reese, and with teachers from ACT San Francisco and Seattle Rep.


Anywhere USA
A series of three vignettes illustrate life in small-town America: the story of a man, his ex-girlfriend, and his attempt to foil a terrorist plot; an uncle trying to connect with his niece, who is emotionally distance following the death of her parents; and a wealthy man who realizes he has no black friends, and looks to rectify the situation.
Байки у костра
Valerie (segment "The Honeymoon") / RV Passenger (segment "The Campfire")
Группа подростков, попав в автомобильную аварию, решила остановиться у леса и развести костер. Они развлекают себя тем, что рассказывают душераздирающие и жуткие истории…
Охота на пришельца
Corinne Cavanaugh
After two archaeologists discover an ancient alien artifact in Africa, they must run for their lives from both the unstoppable guardian and protector that awakens as a result, and their greedy, madman employer, both of whom want the artifact.
Dead Weekend
Amelia D
In the midst of an evacuation effort, True World Forces agent Weed must secure an alien spacecraft suspected to have crashed somewhere in the city. But after Weed meets the ship's beautiful, shape-shifting pilot, he finds himself falling for her. As the two grow close, Weed struggles to determine where his true loyalties lie.
Headless Body in Topless Bar
An ex-con holds a group of people hostage in a topless bar.
Подразделение «Т»
Подразделение «Т» (от слова «terminate» — терминировать, уничтожить — терминатор) состоит из четырех киборгов. Они проникают в здание иностранного представительства, захваченное террористами. В здании находятся заложники, а в их числе и посол Великобритании.
Смертельный змей
Ray Ann
A trucker (Lamas) has to come home to help fight mobsters after his brother who embezzled $5,000,000 from them.
Объект страсти
Звонок таинственного незнакомца, который сказал, что ошибся номером, стал для Маргарет, пережившей развод и уставшей от одиночества, началом увлекательного путешествия в страну любви. Когда после интригующих телефонных разговоров они, наконец, встречаются, Маргарет просто околдована. Блэйз оказывается полным воплощением мужчины ее мечты — красивый, сильный, загадочный и соблазнительный. Блэйз приглашает Маргарет к себе в гости, и они проводят волшебную ночь. Но ужена следующее утро Маргарет понимает, что стала бесправной пленницей его страсти…
Чистый, бритый
Nicole Winter
Питер Уинтер, шизофреник, которого недавно выпустили из специального медицинского учреждения, пытается освоиться в незнакомом для него внешнем мире. Он отправляется на поиски своей дочери Николь, живущей с приёмными родителями. По дороге с ним происходит ряд инцидентов…