Nate Talan


Ordinary Life, Extraordinary Journey
Ordinary Life, Extraordinary Journey features the story of Kim Hurd, a woman in 11 years of long term recovery for drug alcohol addiction. The documentary strives to demonstrate the impact addiction can have on an individual while also helping to reduce the stigma and shame that prevents individuals from seeking recovery.
The Monster Within
Since 2012, The Harlem Veteran Project has dedicated their time to recording and preserving the stories of American Veterans. Through this process the students have learned the long term impact of war on individuals and the community. In 2016, the Harlem Veteran Project students took an extended look into the impact war had on veterans, Jim Thew and Alex Feggestad. During this journey the students learned the reality of war and Jim and Alex experienced the power of healing through oral history.
The Monster Within
Director of Photography
Since 2012, The Harlem Veteran Project has dedicated their time to recording and preserving the stories of American Veterans. Through this process the students have learned the long term impact of war on individuals and the community. In 2016, the Harlem Veteran Project students took an extended look into the impact war had on veterans, Jim Thew and Alex Feggestad. During this journey the students learned the reality of war and Jim and Alex experienced the power of healing through oral history.