Kim San


Время охоты
Club Man
В недалёком будущем в Южной Корее разразился финансовый кризис, и страна погрузилась в трущобы. Выйдя из тюрьмы после трёхлетней отсидки, Чун-сок мечтает убраться подальше от этого застоя и уехать жить на Тайвань, поэтому убеждает друзей ограбить подпольное казино, чтобы раздобыть необходимую сумму. Налёт проходит успешно, но теперь за парнями охотится наёмный убийца по имени Хан.
Black Money
A prosecutor is falsely accused of sexual assault in a suicide note from a woman that he is convinced was actually murdered. As he investigates her death to clear his name, he realizes that the truth lies in a huge financial scandal.
The Divine Move 2: The Wrathful
In the 1990s, when Go gambling fever swept Korea, Gui-su loses everything because his father gambled obsessively until there was nothing left. Left all alone in the world, Gui-su meets a mentor and Go teacher, Il-do, and goes through vicious training to become the grandmaster of Go. He sets out for revenge on the world that destroyed his life, but soon finds himself chased by an unknown loner pursuing his own vendetta.
In Love and the War
In June 1950, soon after the start of the Korean War, a troop of North Korean soldiers enter a small South Korean village. Captain Jeong-woong proclaims that they came to liberate the villagers but their true agenda is to ferret out the reactionaries. The villagers and Seol-hee, who is separated from her fiance on her wedding day, offer them heartfelt hospitality and cooperation to avoid falling out of the army's favor. Eventually friendships starts to build up between the soldiers and the villagers.
Bronze Medalist
Shim Sang-hwan
Lee Ji-Bong is a former Olympics bronze medalist for weight-lifting, but a career-ending injury from the games forces him into early retirement. Unable to find another vocation, he becomes destitute. Down and out, he ends up working at a shady nightclub passing out flyers until he is visited by his former coach who insists he begin a career as a coach at a high school. There, he forms a weight-lifting team comprised of a rag-tag group of outcasts.
Electronics store
1988 год. Обычного человека по имени О Дэ-су, заботливого отца и любящего мужа, похищают прямо по дороге домой. Он приходит в себя в странном помещении, представляющем собой импровизированную тюрьму. Дэ-су мучается вопросом «за что», но не находит ответа. Спустя год в новостях он видит репортаж о гибели своей жены. Самое страшное, что убийцей считают его. После пятнадцати лет заточения бедняга, наконец, выходит на свободу…