José Marco Davó

José Marco Davó

Рождение : 1895-05-10, Orihuela, Alicante, Spain

Смерть : 1974-09-27


José Marco Davó (Orihuela, Alicante, May 10, 1895 - Torrevieja, Alicante, September 27, 1974) was a Spanish actor. His first contact with the world of cinema occurred in the mid-1930s with two supporting roles in adaptations of Carlos Arniches' works for the cinema: É My Man (1934), directed by Benito Perojo, and Don Quintin, la amargao (1935) , directed by Luis Buñuel and Luis Marquina. After the conclusion of the Civil War and throughout the 1940s, focused on his theatrical vocation, he founded his own company and worked with Rafael López Somoza and Carlos Garriga, with whom he debuted works of his own and other writings in collaboration with Luis Tejedor and José Alfayate. He returns to the cinema with the film Alba of America (1951), followed by La Guerra de Dios (1953) and El Mayor de Zalamea (1954). In 1955 he participated in Marcelino Pão e Vinho and, during the next fifteen years, he became a habitual secondary actor in Spanish cinematographic productions, until reaching a hundred films. From Wikipedia (es), the free encyclopedia


José Marco Davó


Zorro the Invincible
Italian-Spanish Zorro variation.
Esa mujer
Juan José
De picos pardos a la ciudad
Don Melquiades
The Midshipmen
Sr. Ferreira
A group of students preparing to be midshipmen at the Naval Academy live very different experiences: from the typical hazing the new responsibilities they will face when they obtain graduation.
Fray Torero
Don Julián
¡Es mi hombre!
Don Felipe
A girl whose name is never revealed (Marisol) and her brother Manolo (Pedro Mari Sanchez) survive as best they can in Madrid with only the help of their two horses, Agrippina and Cabriola. She disguises herself as a boy to work picking up trash. However,she lives permanently with two dreams in her head. The first to meet her idol, the bullfighter Angel Peralta. The second, for Cabriola to become a bullfighting star, for which, with the help of Manolo, she trains it thoroughly. One day, when Angel Peralta has a bullfight in Madrid, the girls manages to come to his house disguised as a boy, and begs him to try the horse. Angel is impressed with the horse, and introduces her to his agent, who will guide her in her first steps as a mounted bullfighter. Everyone believes her to be a young man, and no-one suspects she is really a woman. Gradually Cabriola and "the Boy" are gaining fame, albeit in Comic bullfighting.
Currito de la Cruz
Don Emilio (as Marco Davo)
The rivalry between the old bullfighter Manolo Carmona and young Romerita it takes to seduce Rocio, the Carmona's daughter, and elope with her. After a year, Romerita leaves the girl and the daughter, who spend all kinds of calamities. Some time later, Romerita dies after a fuck in the bullring in Talavera de la Reina. At the same time, Currito de la Cruz, a young bullfighter sponsored by Carmona, who has always been in love with dew, waiting patiently for the girl forget the past.
La frontera de Dios
Secuestro en la ciudad
Don Francisco
Ana, a four-yeared girl, is kidnaped by a man who move the girl to a solitary house and call her father to demand ramsons.
The Spy
The Avenger of Venice
Bembo Altieri
Rolando, who was close to marrying the daughter of the Doge, is condemned after a highly unfair judicial process and locked up in Venice. Digging a tunnel with the aid of his cellmate, Rolando succeeds to escape.
El señor de La Salle
Marisol rumbo a Río
Don Fernando
Marisol and Mariluz are twin sisters. They live separated, Mariluz with their uncle in Rio de Janeiro, and Marisol with their mother, in Madrid. Marisol's mother has desperately tried to get money to go to Brasil and meet Mariluz, and so she and the girl have worked in all kinds of places, but they never get enough money until one day Marisol's mother decides to sell everything to get the money and go to Brasil to reunite the family. Once there they discover that Mariluz's governess and her lover have devised a plan to get the money from the twins' uncle, a plan that is in terrible danger now that the spaniards have arrived to Brasil, forcing them to start thinking to get them out of the way...
The Shadow of Zorro
A battle between revolutionary Mexicans and the U.S. cavalry brings Zorro onto the scene to enact vengeance for violent acts incurred by the cavalry Sergeant. Once the Sergeant is killed, Don Jose de la Torre retires from being Zorro and settles down to live a quiet life. The brother of the Sergeant, in an act of his own justice, dons the costume of Zorro and terrorizes the countryside. In an act to draw out the true Zorro, the imposter kidnaps Don Jose's wife, making him once again don the mask to rescue her.
The Big Family
Don Pedro
Zorro the Avenger
Don Jose disguises himself as Zorro, the masked freedom fighter, who tries to protect his people from the wrath of an evil military officer who is using his position to his own advantage.
Kill and Be Killed
A former singer lives alone with her fortune - and with her nephew, Fernando, a low character to whom she refuses to lend more money. Elisa leaves prison and starts a new life as a personal attendant to the aging singer, using her knowledge as a former nurse - a profession she can not return to. Fernando meets Elisa, and together they plan to poison the lonely woman, and use her money abroad. They plan their alibis well. But those who kill by the sword will perish by the sword.
Todos eran culpables
Señor Costa
Don Lorenzo
Marisol is a young girl with a vivid imagination and a heart of gold who witnesses a picture robbery in a museum...
An Angel Has Appeared
Don Ramón
Marisol, who has recently lost his father at sea, leaving Cadiz to go live with his uncle Ramon. He lives in a family that falls apart because of his wife Eleanor, obsessed only pretend to their friends, who spoiled her children, Javier, Churri, Jorge and Pili. Javier is dedicated to waste money. Churri flirts with several suitors, and end up choosing the least of it is. Jorge lose too much time exercising and neglected studies, and Pili, even a child, she spends hours without leaving the cinema. Javier gets into financial problems that threaten to take him to jail, and Marisol decides to get the money anyway. Furthermore, it decides, with the help of the maid of the house, Herminia, and a friend he met on the train, trying to straighten out the family, earning the enmity of immediate Leonor, who from the beginning did not look favorably upon the arrival of the child.
Alerta en el cielo
Dr. Luis Medina
A child suffering from leukemia craves getting on a plane, so at a U.S. base located in Zaragoza will make the kid a favor and grant his wish.
Mi Buenos Aires querido
María, matrícula de Bilbao
Don Ángel
Bilbao in the fifties. To continue the family marine tradition, El Viejo, an old sailor, forces his grandson Luiso to follow the profession of their ancestors as skipper of the ship Maria.
General Vegas (as Marco Davo)
In the middle of a revolution, the son of a president ends up in the hands of a German hunter who welcomes him into his home, not knowing his origin.
¿Dónde vas, triste de ti?
Antonio Cánovas del Castillo
After the death of Queen Mercedes, Alfonso XII's first wife, the problem of the succession is raised. The monarchy needs a heir and the King choses María Cristina from Habsburd to be the futur spanish queen. But Mercedes memories will be against the marriage and the long-awaited son will born when Alfonso is already dead.
There Is Someone Behind the Door
For medical advice, Carlos and his wife, Julia go on vacation to a fashion beach. The hotel gets a new host, Roldós, known seducer of scandalous history that lives in the suite next to the couple. Julia hears a piano melody and below the door finds a message asking her to meet in one place. Faced with this audacity, Julia reacts with dignity but curiousity as well. The recklessness of the seducer gets to the point that Carlos realizes this 'relationship' causing a scene of jealousy. Blinded by deception, the follows the supposed rival and Julia and the other people in the hotel heard gunshots. An inspector arrives to investigate the disappearance of Roldós and all suspicion falls on Carlos.
El gafe
Director Banco Metropolitano
Back to the Door
One of the staff girls at The Golden Mousetrap, a city nightclub, has been stabbed and is barely alive; a doctor is examining her in a dressing room. Inspector Simón leads the investigation supported by the night shift inspector Arévalo. The club management asks that nobody leave the place, since everyone there must cooperate with the police and being interrogated.
В испанской деревне Ронда против войск Наполеона борется вооруженная группа под командованием Антонио, в которого влюблена Микаэла. Но Антонио страстно любит красивую цыганку Кармен. После кровавого противостояния с французскими солдатами Антонио находит убежище у Кармен. Сгорая от ревности, Микаэла предаёт любимого и сообщает о месте его убежища французам. Антонио попадает в тюрьму. Тем временем сержант французской армии Хосе влюбляется в Кармен.
Vacations in Majorca
The Police Commissioner (uncredited)
Ugly, persistent, and (initially) annoying admirer pursues a beautiful actress. At first he is laughed of, especially by his ultra handsome rival, but with his firm insistence, and gradually emerging charm, he seduces the lady, to the total shocked surprise of his rival.
Luxury cabin
Don Fabián Mouriz
Aurelio leaves his village and goes to the capital to work with a relative in an emigration shipping company. He soon discovers that his relative earns a bonus extorting migrants who sell tickets. But Aurelio is an honest, sensible man who cannot allow such injustice, and he gets fired. Without telling his parents or girlfriend anything about what happened, he decides to stow away on a boat to America.
Soft Skin on Black Silk
Everything you need to know is telegraphed by the title of this Spanish-language drama. The story takes place in a hothouse Mediterranean setting and combines lust, intrigue and murder in the overheated sexploitation style that was popular during the late 1950s and early '60s.
The Redeemer
El mal ladrón
El redentor (original title)
The Savior
¿Dónde vas, Alfonso XII?
Antonio Canovas del Castillo
Alfonso de Borbón and his cousin María de las Mercedes de Orleans fall in love and, although both families do not maintain good relationships, young people marry when Alfonso became king of Spain.
Los clarines del miedo
Filigranas and Aceituno go out to fight a bull in a village of La Mancha. The hours before the run pass slow, the two thinking about their fear and illusions of victory. Also in Fina, the cutest girl instead, deceived by Juanito, the son of the doctor who is the official promised the Mayor's daughter.
¡Viva lo imposible!
Don Emilio
Tired of the hardship imposed by his modest salary, Don Sabino selling their meager belongings and convinces his sons to join him in the adventure of know other cities, other people and another way of living.
Hombre 1
Хуан Диас возвращается в родную деревню после окончания тюремного срока за убийство, которого он не совершал. Его сестра Андреа убеждает его отомстить брату убитого Луису, показания которого отправили Хуана в тюрьму. В свою очередь, мать Луиса заставляет своего сына отомстить за смерть брата. Вынуждаемые к смертельной вражде молодые люди, тем не менее, вынуждены на время объединиться – ведь приближается время жатвы, дающей поденным рабочим возможность заработать. Однако в деревенской артели не хватает рабочих рук, и там очень надеются на помощь молодых и сильных Хуана и Луиса. Вместе с ними на заработки отправляется и Андреа…
Ювелиры лунного света
Когда-то те, за кем полицейские гонялись по горным дорогам, называли друг друга «ювелирами лунного света». Добропорядочная девушка Урсула, отправляясь на каникулы, не подозревала, что в ближайшее время ее жизнь сложится так, что она окажется одной из них. Урсула решает провести каникулы в поместье своей тети Флорентины и дяди Мигеля. Приехав, она оказывается свидетельницей конфликта между Мигелем и местным деревенским парнем Ламберто, в которого девушка влюбляется с первого взгляда. Мигель и Ламберто становятся настоящими врагами и для этого у них достаточно причин – Ламберто обвиняет Мигеля в гибели своей сестры, а тот, в свою очередь, всеми силами старается избавиться от парня, который может причинить ему массу неприятностей. В очередной стычке, защищаясь, юноша случайно убивает Мигеля. Теперь за Ламберто охотится полиция и ему грозит тюремное заключение. Тогда Урсула, рискуя собственной жизнью, решает спасти любимого…
The Tenant
One unlucky day, a married couple with four children get an eviction notice: the building they live in is to be demolished. The family looks desperately for a new home, which is no easy task in Madrid in the fifties.
Il marito
Alberto's marriage is a complete failure: his wife Elena is a hard woman influenced by her mother and sister who live with the married couple. Alberto is also experiencing financial problems and hopes for the help of a rich widow who is however interested in his sexual favours. Naturally Elena puts obstacles in his way and everything goes wrong. Alberto decides to change job then and becomes a sweets sales representative. Disillusioned with marital life he also changes his attitude towards women: he tells every woman he meets he is single.
K. O. Miguel
Don Román
By chance, Miguel el Tarta becomes a potential boxing champion. Manipulated by Manolo, his opportunistic and cynical best friend, and several unscrupulous individuals, Miguel is thrown into the ring, where he tries to fight with more enthusiasm than technique.
Spanish Affair
Mari's Father
Merritt Blake, an American architect who is travelling in Spain, contracts the services of beautiful local interpreter Mari Zarubia. Sensing there may be something more going on, her jealous lover is not happy about the arrangement.
The Man Who Wagged His Tail
Whom God Forgives
Fray Francisco
Set in rural South of Spain in the 19th century, tells the story of group of outlaws, from very different origins, trying to survive, hiding from the law enforcement officers in caves in a hilly area, and their struggle against the evil mining company that exploits the poor people of their home village.
La cenicienta y Ernesto
Don Rufino
Мой дядя Хасинто
Много лет назад Хасинто был известным матадором, а сейчас влачит жалкое существование вместе со своим маленьким племянником Пепоте. И вот ему предлагают вновь выступать на арене...
Padre Flores
A luminously beautiful, provocative young woman is rescued near a small fishing village on the Spanish coast. The scene is set for a drama of dangerous passion that threatens to tear apart the simple, tranquil life of the village forever.
The Miracle of Marcelino
Left on the doorstep of a monastery as an infant, Marcelino was raised by the monks. He was well-cared for but lonely and missed having a mother. One day he found a special friend in the forbidden attic, hanging on a cross. A friend that would repay Marcelino's kindness by granting him one heart-felt wish.
Sucedió en Sevilla
Fernando Aguilar
Don Fernando is a senior engineer of Sevilla for years as a partner had a friend working. But his partner died and his son, Albert, wants to take the management of the company and the farm, one of the most important of Seville, whose property also shared. Alberto secretly courting Esperanza, a daughter of Don Fernando. Juan Antonio, the son of the late foreman of the farm, is an honest young man who, in silence, also loves Esperanza. Both will vie for her love.
I Was a Parish Priest
Don César
A young priest encounters major problems in the diocese where he must preach the word of the Lord, mainly as a result of hatred caused by differences in classes
Dawn of America
Martín Alonso Pinzón
Kingdom of Castile, the late fifteenth century. The film chronicles the events that Cristóbal Colón lived (Antonio Vilar) from their stay in the Convent of La Rabida, his meeting with the Catholic Monarchs and, above all, the great odyssey that led to cross the Atlantic and reach the shores of America (1492), thus beginning a new era in the history of mankind.
María Fernanda la Jerezana
Madrid, Spain, early 20th century. A woman turns up dead in a modest home. She turns out to be María la Jerezana, a popular singer who was famous years ago until she disappeared. The Police Commissioner in charge, dissatisfied with the official version, which concludes that the crime was the result of a simple robbery, is determined to find out the truth.
Carmen, a young Sevillian woman who wants to succeed on the radio, arrives at a decrepit station that goes through bad times. Thanks to her, the radio station will get a much quoted prize.
La última Falla
Don Quintin the Bitter
A chronicle about the misadventures of Don Quintin, a character with a miserable life and a lot of bad humor.
Es mi hombre
A 1934 film.