Rachael C. Smith

Rachael C. Smith


Rachael C. Smith


Something strange is going on at Rockdale High School.
Клуб «Shortbus»
Сексопатолог, у которой никогда не было оргазма, садо-мазо госпожа, испытывающая трудности с общением, гомосексуальная пара, раздумывающая, не перейти ли им к открытому браку и многие, многие другие. Всех их объединил полуподпольный клуб «Shortbus» (Микроавтобус), где тесно переплетены искусство, музыка, политика и, конечно же, безудержный секс.
After An Autumn Day That Felt Like Summer
Bombshell! Dancer #2
September 11th has left Ellsworth a shell-shocked mess. Not only is he struggling to process his feelings about the event, but he is unable to return to a normal life and his relationship with his live-in girlfriend Eleanor is suffering. After returning to the Manhattan street corner where he witnessed the horrific attack, Ellsworth visits Anne, the woman with whom he is having an affair. His questioning of everything that Americans cherish is met with disinterest by Anne, who leaves to rehearse a fan dance with her burlesque company. Returning home, Anne and Ellsworth are confronted by Eleanor. Unwilling to converse or compromise, Eleanor demands that he instantly choose between them.