Peter Prager

Peter Prager

Рождение : 1952-03-18, Leipzig, Germany


Peter Prager


Mona & Marie - Eine etwas andere Weihnachtsgeschichte
Harald Friedrich
Prof. Dr. Frank Riemscheidt
The consequences of the climate catastrophe are dramatic in 2034. Drought and floods destroy the livelihoods of millions of people. After the third storm tide in a row, the headquarters of the International Court of Justice in The Hague was evacuated. In a provisional interim building in Berlin, the climate catastrophe becomes the subject of legal proceedings. Two lawyers represent 31 countries of the global South, which are doomed to destruction without the support of the international community.
Das Leben ist kein Kindergarten
Schönes Schlamassel
Oskar Braun
Eltern mit Hindernissen
Horst Koch
Bingo im Kopf
Vater Mortauk
Unterm Birnbaum
After the death of their child, the Hradschek couple consoled themselves with gambling and shopping orgies. After the creditor increases the pressure on them, Ursel and Abel decide to kill him.
Дело Коллини
Bernhard Leinen
Каспару Лайнену предстоит расследовать запутанное дело непримечательного механика, итальянца Фабрицио Коллини, который на первый взгляд безо всяких мотивов убил немецкого бизнесмена Ханса Майера, после чего сам сдался полиции. Положение вещей осложняется не только молчанием Коллини и более опытным адвокатом, претендующим на пост главного героя, но и его личным причастием к делу: внучка жертвы Йоханна была его юношеской любовью. Однако Лайнену случайно удаётся найти зацепку, благодаря которой он понимает, что столкнулся с крупнейшим судебным скандалом Германии.
Ein Sommer in Vietnam
Jan Kopetzki
Воздушный шар
Günters Stiefvater
Конец 1970-х годов. Семья Штрельцик и семья Ветцай, пытаясь сбежать в Западную Германию, решают пересечь границу на самодельном воздушном шаре.
Trauung mit Hindernissen
Horst Koch
Everything could be so nice between Katrin and Philip, if it were not the love (patchwork) family! Philipp surprises Katrin with a marriage proposal. But the disappointment of her last marriage has not yet been overcome. And promptly, the events turn over. Julia, her ex-husband's new wife, moves in with her unasked and with children. Not only her pointed-tongued ex-mother-in-law Diana, but also Katrin's own mother Renate, come to help. When Philipp takes her by surprise with a spontaneous surprise wedding, Katrin bursts the collar. A marriage now seems a long way off.
The Famous Five and the Valley of Dinosaurs
Carl Herzog
En route to a party they are not keen on attending, the Famous Five are almost relieved when Aunt Fanny's car breaks down, stranding them in a small town. To pass the time, they visit the local natural history museum, where some newly-discovered dinosaur bones are being unveiled. Here they meet Marty, who tells them that his father, long dead, supposedly found a complete dinosaur skeleton and made a map of its whereabouts. Unfortunately the map has been stolen. Unable to let a good mystery go unsolved, George, Julian, Dick, Anne and Timmy, join a guided hike through the Valley of Dinosaurs. But their fact-finding mission soon turns into a race to find the dinosaur when they suspect that the thief is one of the group.
Familie mit Hindernissen
Horst Koch
Katrin can only dream of a happy family. Because the patchwork constellation with several involuntarily connected families puts their nerves to the test. To kitten the fragile relationship with her 14-year-old daughter Saskia, she has invited all family members to their confirmation. But Saskia has recently moved to her father and his new family, while the son of Katrins new partner Philipp has moved in with them and since then devastated Saskia's room and Katrins life. It is impossible to think of a harmonious everyday life, let alone a peaceful family celebration.
Antonio, ihm schmeckt's nicht!
Eberhard Armbruster
Rosamunde Pilcher: Haustausch mit Hindernissen
Neid ist auch keine Lösung
Walter Baumgartner
Marie räumt auf
Pfarrer Reintaler
Einfach Rosa - Die zweite Chance
Wilhelm Schmidtbauer
Мачо Мэн
Herr Hagenberger
Даниэль — изнеженный цивилизацией бюргер, который не слишком избалован женским вниманием. Но однажды на отдыхе в Турции на него запала сногсшибательная местная красотка. И все бы хорошо, но чтобы жениться на ней и увезти в Германию, он должен произвести правильное впечатление на её семью, а для этого ему придется пройти ускоренный курс, чтобы предстать перед ними настоящим мачо.
Franziskas Welt: Hochzeiten und andere Hürden
Paul Jacobsen
Hans Peter Dorsch
Что творят немецкие мужчины 2
Старые друзья Пауль, Гвидо, Гюнтер и Бронко опять в поисках любви. Пауль думает, что он её наконец-то нашёл. Однако мать его избранницы Лены другого мнения. Её больше устраивает другой кандидат ...
Robert Mellinger
24-летний тамильский беженец Мараван — талантливый повар, который работает помощником в шикарном ресторане Цюриха. Эта должность не соответствует его высокому уровню владения экзотической кухней Шри-Ланки, но всё бы ещё ничего, если бы однажды парня не уволили. К счастью, коллега Андреа распознаёт талант беженца и объединяется с ним, чтобы открыть кейтеринг-сервис под названием «Love Food», призванный составлять «любовные меню» и готовить для пар, которым нужна реанимация отношений.
Der Weg nach San José
Frauen verstehen
Rechtsanwalt Rollenberger
Lose My Self
The film tells the story of longtime married couple Lena and Tore, who need to deal with Lena's sudden lost of biographical memory due to amnesia.
The Spy
Wilhelm Canaris
Vera von Schalburg is a German prostitute working in Nazi Germany. In 1938, one year before the outbreak of World War II, Schalburg is arrested by the Berlin police. She is offered to work as a spy for the Abwehr, the German military intelligence service, instead of facing jail time. Completely unaware of the secret war preparations being conducted by her government, and unwilling to leave her teenage son who later joins the Hitler Youth, she accepts the offer.
Einmal Leben bitte
Dr. Becker
Made for TV movie starring Anja Kling, Filip Peeters and Christine Schorn
The Girl with Nine Wigs
Wolfgang Ritter
The true story of a young woman whose lust for life means she is determined to be so very much more than just another cancer patient.
Johannes Ingwersen
Jesus Loves Me
A girl who always tends to fall in love with the wrong guy meets one who believes the world is coming to an end next Tuesday.
Tessa Hennig - Elli gibt den Löffel ab
Der Klügere zieht aus
Peter and Nina, both around 40 and parents of two children, decide to part as harmoniously as possible. However, Peter only moves to the summerhouse. The firm decision of Peter and Nina: "We want to remain friends and continue to care for our children as well as possible." This is not just lip service but really the intention of both parents. After all, you're grown up. Already at the very beginning of her new life, however, it can be felt that Peter does not take this separation as seriously as Nina, who is clearly the driving force behind Peter's departure.
Mord in Ludwigslust
Hilmar Hopf
In the castle park of Ludwigslust lies a dead woman. Investigators encounter a wall of silence. Everyone knew the dead "Lulu", many have a motive, everyone is afraid. But from what? Sophia Eichstätt, analyst at the LKA Kiel, investigates in the case, which assumes ever larger dimensions. Who is the perpetrator, who is the victim? Sophia gets caught between the fronts and has to decide which side she's on. It is dangerous on both sides.
Бермудский треугольник: Северное море
Professor Conrad 'Conny' Petersen
Пока весь мир содрогается только от одной только мысли о последствиях глобального потепления, некоторые люди совсем не против нагреть на этом руки. Со временем все более угрожающим становится загрязнение атмосферы двуокисью углерода. Его аккумуляция в глубинах океана может стать выгодным бизнесом в эпоху масштабных изменений климата. Но безопасно ли это для планеты в целом?
Мужчины в большом городе 2
Сюжет комедии показывает разных по характеру и роду деятельности мужчин. Один из них — хозяин кафе и будущий папа, второй — безработный, третий музыкальный продюсер и бабник, а четвертый разводится. Чего именно хотят мужчины — неизвестно. Ясно только, что все они весьма схожи в своем стремлении к счастью и любви.
Schandmal – Der Tote im Berg
Staatsanwalt Korten
Das Glück ist ein Kaktus
Klaus Schaffner
‎The Cold Sky‎
A desperate woman tries to find help for her son, who has great mathematic ability but a profound problem developing social skills.
Lilly Schönauer - Liebe mit Hindernissen
Klaus Steinbrück
The young fashion designer Laura floats in the seventh heaven: After she has found an engagement ring with her friend Alexander, she is sure that he wants to use the joint visit to his parents to officially stop her hand. However, the family weekend is not a good star. Alexander's self-confident mother makes Laura feel that she is not good enough for her son. To make matters worse, even his ex-girlfriend Susanne appears, who leaves no stone unturned to win Alexander back.
Ein geheimnisvoller Sommer
Stephan Rainbold
Wedding Fever in Campobello
When Jan decides to marry his girl-friend Sara, he is not aware of his opponent: her father, who is an Italian.
Die Frau, die im Wald verschwand
Germany, mid-1950s. Dr. Gerd Vorweg, Lord Mayor of a district town, can be completely satisfied with his life. A few years after the end of the war, he helped his town to regain prosperity and prosperity by setting up a large textile company. He is popular with the locals and has a showcase marriage with his wife Katharina. When Katharina suddenly disappears without a trace, this idyll is suddenly destroyed.
Frau Holle
Johann Müller
A widow has two daughters. Louise, lazy she spoils and Marie who dutifully and eagerly helps her mother around the house. One day Marie falls into the well and wakes up on a flowery meadow in a land of dreams, where even bread and apple tree can talk.
Finnischer Tango
Fast ein Volltreffer
van Barg
Annas Alptraum kurz nach 6
Second-hand car sales man Willenbrock has everything that he could ever wish for. He is married, has two lovers, a cottage in the German city Grünen, and a BMW. Yet one day while at his cottage he gets mugged and his life is drastically changed. Little by little the world he once felt safe in falls apart around him.
Verführung für Anfänger
Dr. Lindemann
Geheimnis der Karibik
Pater Josef
Im Zweifel für die Liebe
Herr Sedlitz
A widower man wants to cancel the lease of a religious orphanage, but when one of the nuns turns into the babysitter of his children, changes opinion.
Mit deinen Augen
Despite her blindness, the famous singer Sophie Martell, who lives in Venice, has remained a cheerful, optimistic woman. However, she does not look forward to much, as her agent David hired journalist Eike Blohm to write Sophie's biography. But soon the idiosyncratic woman falls in love with her sensitive biographers. David, however, is not at all thrilled with Sophie's love affair: he fears that this could expose his scams and embezzlement of Sophie's private assets.
Tom Is My Son
The world collapses for a gay couple who adopted a little boy five years ago when his birth mother is released early from an Indian prison and fights with all means for custody of the eleven-year-old boy.
Mit dem Rücken zur Wand
Jagd auf den Plastiktüten-Mörder
Peter Adler
The homosexual journalist Kleinschmidt, who wrote for a trendy newspaper, is murdered in Berlin. During her investigation, the young, ambitious Ann-Christin Hagen quickly reached the limits of her abilities in her first case as chief inspector. That's why she persuades her boss, Rotter, to smuggle her friend and colleague Laszlo into the gay community as an undercover agent ...
Vera Brühne
Lutz Flammer
Fernes Land Pa-Isch
Ein Fleisch und Blut
Titus und der Fluch der Diamanten
After Grandpa Reginald has won a large sum, he invites his family to go on vacation to South Africa. Here he plans to show his family stages from his eventful past, while they have completely different plans ...
Der Kleine und der alte Mann
Die Lügnerin
Banale Tage
In East Berlin in the late 70s, two boys meet one evening in a disco: Thomas, who is from a working class family and is doing an apprenticeship, and Michael, a 16-year-old school pupil from an educated middle-class family. They both miss the tram home and walk together instead, ending up at Michael’s house where they discuss God and the world into the early hours. Following this encounter the two boys enter into an unusual friendship, united by their mutual desire to get away from the phoniness, the limitations and the restrictions of their parents and of society.
Zwischen Pankow und Zehlendorf
Der Hut
Tanz auf der Kippe
The tragic love story between 17 year-old Gerat Lauter, who is in search of the truth, and his much older teacher Claudia, as it becomes a criminal case with state complicity in the chaotic GDR autumn of 1989.
The Tango Player
Winter 1968. Historian Dr. Dallow is released from prison. He is still trying to cope with and understand why he was put behind bars for 21 months for defamation of the state. His supposed "crime:" for five minutes he accompanied a cabaret chanson on the piano. The film shows what "ordinary socialism" was like, letting the audience feel the threat under which the people in the GDR had to live over many years.
A small town shortly before the end of the GDR: 15-year-old Ulla lives with her mother in a dilapidated old building where not even the electricity works properly. Economy of scarcity and national bankruptcy are visible everywhere. Only higher party comrades live in the lap of luxury. When Ulla meets Winfried after a summer bathing trip, the two fall in love. Winfried is the son of an influential general director and owns things from West Germany that others only dream of: a computer, a games console, a walkman. On an excursion with her biology class, the high school student discovers that a dacha is being built in the middle of the nature reserve and the creek has been dammed. Winfried's father turns out to be the culprit, but the mayor is on his side. Ulla rebels against this environmental destruction connected to political corruption and organizes a protest. Her activism not only endangers her own future, but also her first great love.
Farewell, Joseph
Film director Andreas Kleinert belongs to the last generation of filmmakers that emerged in the former German Democratic Republic (GDR). Born in 1962, Kleinert's attitudes were shaped by the late 1970s, and particularly by the 1980s—a period of increasing disillusionment. He wrote his thesis on “Levels of Consciousness in the Film Poetry of Andrei Tarkovsky,” the late Soviet film director who made a name for himself in the pre-perestroika years with bleak films. As Kleinert completed his film academy studies with his graduation film, Leb' wohl, Joseph ( Farewell, Joseph, 1989), the Berlin Wall fell, heralding the collapse of the GDR. Kleinert won the main prize for his diploma feature film, Leb' wohl, Joseph, at the Munich International Festival for Film Schools. The next year, this remarkable black-and-white Kafkaesque film of cryptic symbols and enigmatic metaphors was invited to compete at Locarno.
Der Aufstand der Fischer von St. Barbara
Iron Hans
Schwarzer Jäger
In a king's kingdom there is a forest so dangerous that every man who goes into it is never heard from again. Iron Hans, who is responsible for the deaths, is found at the bottom of a lake and locked up in the king's palace
Wengler & Sons
Paul Wengler
A story spanning three generations, from 1871 to 1945. When Gustav Wengler, a farmer’s son, returns from the Franco-German war in 1871, he goes to work for a precision mechanics and optical company, where he soon becomes a master craftsman. Wengler loyally promises the owner on his deathbed that his sons and grandsons will also stand by the company.
Conrad Veidt
Eine Handvoll Hoffnung
Kurt Danneberg
Berlin at the end of the 1940s. Anneliese Weyher is working as a switchboard operator. She is living with her aunt after losing her parents in the war – a stroke of fate that has thrown the young woman off course emotionally. Indifferently, she is doing her work; her private life consists of an affair with a black-marketeer. Even when Anneliese witnesses an armed robbery, committed by infamous Wollnick and his gang, she stays lethargic and apathetic – she keeps silent instead of helping the inspector who is a friend of her aunt. It is not until Anneliese by coincidence meets her former lover, the watchmaker Kurt, that her life seems to take a positive turn.
Мама, я жив
Фильм повествует о судьбе четырех немецких военнопленных в СССР, которые в плену согласились получить подготовку, чтобы быть использованными против германского вермахта. У каждого из этих солдат своя история, свой мотив, почему он идет на такой шаг. Их товарищи относятся к ним с презрением, а в Красной Армии они поначалу чужие. Насколько сложна их ситуация, они начинают понимать лишь перед первой боевой операцией.