Valerie Richards


The Kiss
Young Jeremy's life is a daily slog through teenage hell -- his only shields are his iPod and his sour attitude. He doesn't even know that change is possible, let alone that it is coming... that it is inevitable, that it is... his fate. He's about to stumble into an ancient feud between two warring vampyre clans... Santa Maria, the forgotten Queen of the Clan of the Snake has been imprisoned and left for dead in a shallow grave in the desert of Hell.
Джерри Магуайер
Video Girl (uncredited)
Уволенный за критику начальства, спортивный агент Джерри Магуайер решает создать свою фирму. Лишь два человека верят в него — влюбленная в Магуайера Дороти и Род Тидвелл — талантливый спортсмен, но нахальный и крайне злобный тип.Но обстоятельства не останавливают Джерри — он уверен в себе и твердо знает, чего хочет. И все могло бы быть как нельзя лучше, если бы не его бывшие коллеги. Для них все методы хороши — особенно если нужно доказать правдолюбцу, кто правит бал. И Джерри Магуайер знает — если он проиграет, то встать на ноги ему не удастся никогда.
Jailbird Rock
Peggy (as Valerie Gene Richards)
Phillip Schuman's women-in-prison film is an account of a group of female prisoners who decide to organize a variety show.
Свидание со смертью
Carol Boynton
На месте археологических раскопок в Палестине произошло загадочное убийство. И, естественно, Пуаро берется за расследование.
Hard Rock Nightmare
Wolfe's girl
A young boy named John is tormented by his grandfather concerning vampires and werewolves, until he believes his grandfather is actually a vampire. This of course, leads to John killing his grandfather with a stake. Fast-forward and John is now the lead singer of a rock band who can no longer practice in their garage so they're forced to a house in the middle of nowhere, left to John by his Grandmother. They soon begin to be picked off and Josh is convinced the stories his grandfather told him all those years ago may be true.
Valet Girls
Busty Girl
A young girl who aspires to a singing career gets herself and her best friend a job as valet parking girls at a Malibu party in order to meet people who can help them achieve their dreams.