Norbert Schultze

Рождение : 1911-01-26, Braunschweig, Germany

Смерть : 2002-10-14


The Devil Kissed from Behind
The astonishing life-story of “Lili Marleen“ composer Norbert Schultze.
Wenn ich sonntags in mein Kino geh'...
A documentary about the 75th birhday of the UFA film studios directed by Hans-Christoph Blumenberg.
Rosemary's Daughter
The murder of the well-known Frankfurt high-class prostitute Rosemarie Nitribitt kept the Federal Republic in suspense at the time, but the crime could never be solved. Although almost twenty years have now passed, the unpleasant matter for those involved at the time comes back on the table, because Annemarie Meier-Wippertal, the daughter of the murdered, causes unrest as she wants to solve the murder of her mother.
Crook and the Cross
Original Music Composer
With the help of God, the loveable safecracker Paul Wittkowski – aka “Cracker-Paulie” – manages to escape the clutches of the cops. He dresses up as a priest and ends up in a village, whose pastor is in dispute with an influential businessman. To help the pastor and a young widow, Paulie has to use his own special abilities. This work leads him back to the path of righteousness. He contacts the police and, after serving his time, starts a new life with the widow.
Liebe, Luft und lauter Lügen
Original Music Composer
Ist Mama nicht fabelhaft?
Original Music Composer
Девица Розмари
Original Music Composer
Вчерашняя уличная девица Розмари Нитребит, вступив в связь с некими промышленным магнатом Западной Германии, стала одной из самых популярных кокоток Франкфурта. Фрибер, агент промышленно-финансовых кругов Франции, знакомится с Розмари, и с его помощью она начинает заниматься промышленным шпионажем. Ее квартиру посещают «короли» западногерманской промышленности, все их разговоры записываются на магнитофоны, а «королей» в самых откровенных позах фотографируют скрытые от глаз аппараты. Узнав, что компрометирующие их материалы оказались в руках девицы Розмари, промышленники срочно принимают меры...
Max und Moritz
Max und Moritz
Max und Moritz
Was die Schwalbe sang
After high school the lover's Ursula and Gerhard paths part: she stays in the small town, while he attends university in Hamburg to become a composer. While she remains faithful to their love, he forgets more and more about her when he becomes successful as song writer for the famous singer Dahl. Disappointed, Ursula turns to Gerhard's former friend Peter.
Девушки из Имменхофа
Original Music Composer
Бабушка Янцен живет со своими тремя внучками Дик, Далли и Анджелой на небольшой ферме Имменхоф в Северной Германии. На этой ферме выращивают пони, а поскольку разведение пони больше не приносит прибыли, бабушка Янцен изо всех сил пытается сохранить семейное хозяйство. Во время летних каникул юный Этельберт проводит отпуск со своими двоюродными братьями в Имменхофе. В то время как Анджела влюбилась в богатого землевладельца Йохена фон Рота, Дик и Далли приходится мириться с тщеславным горожанином Этельбертом.
Ein Mann vergißt die Liebe
Der fröhliche Wanderer
Original Music Composer
Der Froschkönig
Rittmeister Wronski
A Polish officer works undercover in 1930s Berlin to discover Nazi Germany's plans against his homeland.
A Life for Do
Original Music Composer
Tobias Knopp, Adventure of a Bachelor
The wealthy man Tobias Knopp becomes ever more lonely and quirky over the years. He had let himself go, his girth increased significantly, and his hair fell out. Over that, he waited too long for the right woman and stayed a bachelor involuntarily. But now, he wants to try again one more time and wants to get married after all. But first of all, the right woman for this has to be found, and thus Knopp embarks on a journey to look for a wife all through the German lands. During that, he visits his friends who are already married for a long time and gets all kinds of advice from them on how to get to know a woman and to conquer her heart. On his journey, Knopp then learns much about the different facets of married life. After countless adventures, he, however, doesn’t find an adequate partner and returns home frustrated. But perhaps, his housekeeper might be able to help out?
Карлик Нос
Die Nacht der Zwölf
Original Music Composer
During Napoleon's victorious campaign in Germany, the city of Kolberg gets isolated from the retreating Prussian forces. The population of Kolberg refuses to capitulate and organizes the resistance against the French army, which immediately submits the city to massive bombardments.
Die Affäre Roedern
Front am Himmel
В 1862 году Германия была разделена на 35 государств, входивших в конфедерацию под фактической властью императора Австрии Франца Иосифа. Король Пруссии Вильгельм I, желая восстановить независимость своего государства от власти династии Габсбургов, назначает на должность премьер-министра барона фон Бисмарка. Бисмарк распускает парламент, вводит цензуру в печати, проводит реформу армии. Как дипломат Бисмарк успешно ведет переговоры с Францией, Австрией и Россией. После перевооружения прусской армии Бисмарк начинает реализацию плана создания единой Германии «железом и кровью».
Aus erster Ehe
Movie based on the novel by Christel Broehl-Delhaes
Frau nach Maß
Romancero marroquí
Original Music Composer
The young farmer Aalami leaves his family to find work elsewhere. He gets to know the country and its people, customs and traditions at Küste in North Africa: Market life in Tetuan, the art of craftsmanship, the life of the Moors, dances and festivities in honour of the caliph, white mosques, the call of the muezzin of the minaret and the music of the shepherd flutes. Aalami also follows Franco's call and flies from Morocco to Spain to fight at Bürgerkrieg. In the end Aalami comes back to his wife and children.
Rotkäppchen und der Wolf