Джо Кавалье, летчик-ас Первой Мировой войны, бывший боксер и тренер сборной Франции по боксу, отправляется на Олимпиаду 1936 года в Берлин. Обстоятельства складываются так, что он вынужден взять под свою защиту еврейского мальчика Симона Роземблюма и его многочисленную родню. Также судьба сталкивает его с очаровательной французской журналисткой…
Germany, 1981. State Security Service agent Harald Love is sent on a secret mission from the GDR to the Federal Republic, to verify an informant with the code name "Heinz" who is suspected to be a double agent. A job that may change his life forever...
Mondo Cane and the Schoolgirl Report series stand as obvious influences on this occasionally amusing but generally rather tedious exploitation film that alternates between documentary, fake documentary and docudrama. The theme is Satanism and the linking thread is a recreation of what is supposedly the real-life case of a murder and attempted murder of two Munich teenage men by a quartet of girls who had been dabbling in devil worship. During the ensuing trial, the lawyer resorts to dilatory tactics while the hearing is frequently interrupted by the girls breaking into incantation, temper tantrums or shivery fits ostensibly bearing on demonic possession. When the subject of the Manson killings is brought up, the most obnoxious of the defendants breaks in indignantly, claiming that Sharon Tate’s “execution” was justified as she posed dangers to the Satanic community. (cinemadrome.yuku.com)
Hell breaks lose in a remote farm in the Bavarian alps where the family of a ruthless patriarch goes on a killing spree when their mentally challanged brother accidently murders a gypsy girl.
The murder of the well-known Frankfurt high-class prostitute Rosemarie Nitribitt kept the Federal Republic in suspense at the time, but the crime could never be solved. Although almost twenty years have now passed, the unpleasant matter for those involved at the time comes back on the table, because Annemarie Meier-Wippertal, the daughter of the murdered, causes unrest as she wants to solve the murder of her mother.