Adalberto Maria Merli

Adalberto Maria Merli

Рождение : 1938-01-14, Roma, Italy


Adalberto Maria Merli (born 14 January 1938) is an Italian actor and voice actor. Born in Rome, Merli is active on film and television and he has appeared in over 27 films since 1965. He had his breakout role in the 1968 RAI television series La freccia nera. After some further television success through the TV series Le terre di Sacramento and E le stelle stanno a guardare Merli made his film debut in the 1971 Miklós Jancsó's drama film La tecnica e il rito, then he became quite active in films of "poliziottesco" or political genre, often in leading roles. Merli is also active as a voice actor. He is known for having dubbed over the voices of Clint Eastwood, Ed Harris, Robert Redford, Jack Nicholson, David Carradine, Brian Cox, Malcolm McDowell and Michael Caine in some of their films. In his Italian dubbed animation roles, he voiced James P. Sullivan in Monsters, Inc., Mr. Incredible in The Incredibles, The Spirit of the West in Rango, and Pacha in The Emperor's New Groove. Through his relationship with Swedish actress Eva Axén, he is the father of actress Euridice Axen. Source: Article "Adalberto Maria Merli" from Wikipedia in English, licensed under CC-BY-SA 3.0.


Adalberto Maria Merli


The Names of Mr. Sulcic
When Irena Ruppel, a fascinating Slovenian woman, arrives in a valley of the Po river, she is hosted by a man of that area, Gabriele. She seems to know a lot about Gabriele, whom at the same time is intrigued by this woman who doesn't speak Italian but she seems to understand everything that happens around her. Once she leaves, she gives a weak clue to Gabriele: her name and Tolmin, the name of a locality at the borders between Italy and Slovenia. Gabriele can't help it and goes to look for her, taking a journey that will bring him to the truth about his parents, himself and this woman who threw his calm life into confusion.
Il ritmo della vita
Ing. De Lorenzo
Maria Montessori: una vita per i bambini
Alessandro Montessori
The story of Maria Montessori the most famous pedagogue of the world. She spent all her life to make her "metodo" (method) accepted in the archaic Italian school system, while the rest of the world immediately understand the importance of her theories. She was the first Italian Doctor, a famous feminist, a scientist. Her private life was hit by having an illegitimate son and by the Fascism that didn't want to accept completely her theories.
Adolfo Celi, a Man for Two Worlds
italian documentary
Police Commissioner
Серийный маньяк под никнеймом «Карточный дилер» отправляет по электронной почте в полицию сообщения о зверских убийствах, совершенных им. Хочет ли убийца быть пойман или он раздает карты для новой чудовищной игры?
La guerra è finita
Donne di mafia
The Dinner
capo comico
An evening at an Italian restaurant. Hosted by tolerant and relaxed Flora, various parties of middle-class people come in -- large and small, young and old, regulars and tourists, married and single -- to dine, converse, argue, celebrate, make confessions; to overhear other people's discussions, to interrupt them, to sing, listen to music, and enjoy life. The camera, just like the people, moves constantly from table to table, into the kitchen and the back room to observe the staff's petty jealousies and frustrations -- until two hours later it's time for everybody to go home.
Duel of Hearts
Lady Caroline Faye meets Lord Vane Brecon and is attracted to him. When she finds out that he is being accused of a murder he did not commit, she sets out to prove him innocent
Il colore della vittoria
Vittorio Pozzo
Let's Hope It's a Girl
Cesare Molteni, amante di Claudia
Let's Hope It's a Girl is a multifaceted exploration of the pointlessness of sexual stereotypes. Liv Ullmann is a countess who, after her divorce, takes over the family farm. Realizing that she can't rely on the patriarchal society structure for assistance, Ullmann runs the farm herself with the help of her female servants and relatives. When the Count (Philipe Noiret) comes back into her life, he and his male buddies find themselves outclassed by the expertise of the ladies.
Сто дней в Палермо
В конце 70-х - начале 80-х годов многочисленные убийства государственных чиновников в Сицилии потрясли всю Италию. Еще никогда с такой наглостью мафия не демонстрировала свою силу перед лицом бездействующей власти. Честного и принципиального генерала Карло Делакьеза назначают префектом в Палермо, где он будет бороться с сицилийской преступностью...
В еще не оправившейся от Второй Мировой войны Франции рождается новый вид преступника: элегантный грабитель с достоинством и чувством юмора — именно такой, как герой картины Роббер. Банда Робера — это симпатичная компания человечных и обаятельных уголовников, хитро обводящих вокруг пальца жандармов и «проворачивающих» свои дела дерзко, лихо и «с огоньком». Но, к несчастью, вздорная и непредсказуемая природа опасной профессии не щадит даже самых обворожительных злодеев…
Processo per direttissima
Brigadiere Pendicò
After a terrorist attack against a train, the police arrest the young laborer Stefano Baldini, member of a group of militant leftists. Entrusted for interrogation to Sergeant Pendicò and special agents Lorusso and Spasiani, Stefano dies, after four days, in unclear circumstances. Doubting the official version of the police, the second time in which a young person died in custody, journalist Cristina Visconti tries, with the aid of the sister of Stefano, to discover the truth. They rub up against a conspiracy of silence that encircles the acts of Pendicò and his associates. Frustrated beyond reason, Cristina tries a desperate ploy: publishing a story without evidence in the newspaper, accusing the three agents of having caused the death of Stefano with their blows. Cristina is put on trial for defamation. Can she avoid going to jail and also reveal the facts surrounding Stefano's death?
C.I.A. Secret Story
Captain Felix Ramos
Faccia di spia tries to tell the story of the CIA and other government intelligence agencies with lots of re-creations and dramatizations and points out some of the more brutal aspects of the intelligence community from around the world. Wars are started, all facets of everyday life are controlled, innocent people are tortured needlessly and subjected to extreme violence.
Страх над городом
Pierre Valdeck / Minos
Красоткам Парижа, снимающихся в эротических фильмах и журналах, по ночам звонит маньяк, называющий себя Миносом из «Божественной комедии» Данте. Считая их всех безнравственными, Минос убивает их одну за одной. Комисар Летелье, поначалу охотившийся за своим старым заклятым врагом, все же начинает охоту за маньяком, не подозревая, что несколько раз лично встречался с ним…
Женщина в красных сапогах
Молодая писательница Франсуаза Леруа уверена, что хороший сюжет может подсказать только сама жизнь. И судьба преподносит ей шанс. Франсуаза оказалась вовлечена в странную и жестокую игру, в которой причудливо переплелись плоды воображения и реальность. Выйти из этого наваждения помогут лишь мудрость и интуиция, заложенные в женщине природой.
По прозвищу Громила
Этому полицейскому не требуется оружие — у него есть кулак! У инспектора Риццо, которого все звали просто «Громилой», было еще одно прозвище — «Бигфут». То есть (дословно) «Большая нога» или (по смыслу) «Снежный Человек». Потому что каждому в Неаполе было известно: с Риццо лучше не связываться. Правда, он вполне благосклонно относился к осведомителям и шлюхам, те и другие платили ему взаимностью. Ненавидел же «Громила» сутенеров, наркоторговцев, организованную преступность и искренне удивлялся, почему новый шеф полиции Табасси не разделяет его точку зрения и вообще не понимает его, Риццо, методов ведения следствия. Именно Табасси и настаивает на том, чтобы «Громила» все-таки носил пистолет…
Franco Rossini
Rossini, history teacher and son of another professor, for his liberal ideas refuses to sign the oath of allegiance to the the fascist regime that Mussolini imposed on the professors university. After a period of imprisonment he is so assigned to confinement on an island. Here the young intellectual finds himself in contact with the composite humanity that populated the places of confinement: militiamen, agents, common and political coercion, villagers. The figure of the director of the colony, the commissioner Rizzuto, stands out among all, who was a pupil of his father, and for whom he continues to have feelings of esteem and devotion.
Первая ночь покоя
Gerardo Favani
Даниэле Доминичи, слабый, безвольный, разочаровавшийся в жизни профессор филологии, который преподаёт в лицее в Римини, безнадёжно влюбляется в молодую девушку Ванину, свою ученицу. Она тоже любит Даниэле, но всё-таки не порывает и с Джерардо Павани, более сильным, решительным, богатым, хотя порочным и развратным мужчиной. А Доминичи было бы суждено влачить своё жалкое существование вдали от Римини и своей возлюбленной, если бы судьба одновременно жестоко и милосердно не уготовила ему «первую ночь покоя».
The Technique and the Rite
The narrative concerns the barbaric exploits of Attila The Hun and yet none of the characters ever leave the remote seaside stretch of land on which the film is set or do much of anything – with the ensuing moralizing interrupted only by the occasional (and equally obscure) music-infused rites.
The Hassled Hooker
Claudio Santini
Luisa Latin, betrayed by her husband, is imprisoned for the murder of her husband's mistress - who is still alive. When Luisa is released from prison, she kills her.