Liu Wenpu

Liu Wenpu


Liu Wenpu


Императорский гвардеец Чжан Лючэн (Се Мяо) получает задание убить девочку Ян Хуань, дочь министра Яна, который посмел выразить недовольство коррумпированному евнуху Пан Дэчжуну, вследствие чего был обвинен в мятеже и казнен. Лючэн спасает девочку и они отправляются к границе, где служит брат-близнец Лючэна Люпин, надеясь, что тот поможет им перейти границу. Добравшись до города Ляна, Лючэн узнает, что его брат погиб, а город и его окрестности заполонили тигры, охотящиеся стаей и обладающие невиданной силой и свирепостью. Лючэн решает выяснить, что произошло с тиграми и кто за этим стоит...
North East Police Story
Criminal police Li Hongqi accompanied his girlfriend back to his hometown for the Chinese New Year, and accidentally discovered that his father-in-law Lao Tao was involved in this crime-related case. Li Hongqi, with a strong sense of justice, decided to give up his vacation and cooperated with the local police to start an investigation.
Kung Fu Stuntmen
A new documentary film revisits the golden age of kung fu stuntmen and action directors in Hong Kong during the 1960s-'80s, exploring their pain and struggles. The documentary is a tribute to kung fu stuntmen. “They risked their lives for stunts,” said kung fu choreographer Yuen Bin. In their heyday, these stuntmen and choreographers presented the best, most creative and most complicated kung fu fight sequences anywhere in the world, creating stunts that looked seemingly impossible.
As God
Pan Jiangjun
The background of the story of "As God" was set in the period of the Republic of China Revolutionary Warlords in the Republic of China. During the Republic of China, the "God of Buddha" was behind the demon's confusion. There are also many small heroes who seek truth and punish evil and promote good. They will jointly debunk the scam and reveal the truth to the world.
As God
The background of the story of "As God" was set in the period of the Republic of China Revolutionary Warlords in the Republic of China. During the Republic of China, the "God of Buddha" was behind the demon's confusion. There are also many small heroes who seek truth and punish evil and promote good. They will jointly debunk the scam and reveal the truth to the world.
Sword and Fire
Chen Guan, a poor scholar, gives up the imperial examination to become a novelist of monsters. He meets a silent young swordsman, Cui Chengyu, and together they travel to Changxing County, where the snake plague has resurfaced, and overcome all the difficulties and obstacles.
В погоне за драконами
1963 год. Один колхозник решает бежать из коммунистического Китая в коррумпированный и продажный Гонконг, чтобы навсегда променять работу в поле на профессию ещё одного уличного головореза. Ради светлого будущего и куска хлеба упорный нелегал соглашается вступить в войну между преступными кланами.
Scandal Maker
Scandal Maker is a 2016 Chinese comedy-drama film directed by Ahn Byeong-ki, starring Tong Dawei and Michelle Chen and a remake of the 2008 South Korean film Scandal Makers.