Christopher-James Jeffrey
Assistant Location Manager
Jen has moved back to her deceased husband’s home town with her daughter to start anew. She unexpectedly finds friendship and romance when she joins the school parent teacher organization.
Assistant Location Manager
Профессиональный планировщик Гвен помогает своей лучшей подруге устраивать её свадьбу. Но когда она объединяет свои усилия с шафером Джошем, то понимает, что свадьба не такое лёгкое дело, как ожидалось.
Assistant Location Manager
Kate Francis has been a loyal assistant at a Seattle newspaper for the past five years. When one of her story ideas finally gets accepted, the assignment takes her back to her charming hometown of Sunflower Valley.
Location Manager
Rebecca an incredibly successful image "upgrader" who specializes in bringing out the best version of one's self, is faced with her most formidable challenge yet in the charming but very stuck in his ways, Clive, a former soccer star.