Ruth Drexel

Ruth Drexel

Рождение : 1930-07-14, München

Смерть : 2009-02-26


Ruth Drexel


Die Heilerin 2
Halfried Seelig
Das Weihnachts-Ekel
Rita Waltleitner
Die Heilerin
Halfried Seelig
For a long time, Halfried Seelig forced herself not to make use of her special gift for healing. When she does help a sick man one day, the news spreads quickly. Meanwhile, there is a crisis in the marriage of Halfried's daughter Marion. On her wedding day, Marion leaves her husband, fetches her daughter Laura from boarding school and moves with her to her parents in Tyrol. There she wants to take over her father's surgery after his retirement and finally work as a doctor again. At first she is not accepted by the population, Laura also does not find her way in the new environment, Marion in turn resolutely rejects her mother's methods. It also worries Marion that her daughter appears to have inherited Halfried's abilities......
Ein Sommertraum
Elisabeth Straub
Mama Stieglmeier
A feature film about the life and death of the famous Bavarian actor Walter Sedlmayr, who was murdered in 1990 and who tried all his life to hide his homosexual tendencies from the public. The life story is told from the perspective of his professional environment and - sometimes in a documentary style - his fellow actors report on him. His sexual preferences in the BDSM area are also discussed.
Thespian Anita Meyer
A group of aging friends, foes, and former colleagues gather to celebrate and deride the life of 80-year-old actress Francesca on her birthday.
Heilt Hitler!
Stalingrad, 1942: just as he is complaining about the "blockheads" who are in control, a German named Herbert gets hit. Fast forward forty years after the war to Munich's Hofgarten, where in front of the patched-up ruins of the Army Museum Herbert reappears, mistakenly believing he is still in Stalingrad, which the victorious Germans have destroyed and rebuilt in the image of Munich
Der starke Stamm
Balbina Puhlheller
Die sieben Todsünden und Totentanz
Die sieben Todsünden und Totentanz
Mutter Klein
Die Farbe des Himmels
Maria Preissinger
Der Schluchtenflitzer
Маркиза фон О
В ходе вторжения в немецкий город русской армии, маркиза О, дочь немецкого полковника, подвергается нападению группы солдат. Русский граф приходит ей на помощь и влюбляется в нее. Когда он уезжает, она обнаруживает, что беременна, хотя не может объяснить, как это случилось. Ее отец лишает ее титула, и она должна отвергнуть графа, пробуя узнать, кто отец ее ребенка.
Hilda Schneider
Ханни 14 лет. И она как будто всерьез увлечена Францем, который на 5 лет ее старше. Нужно ли говорить, что общество и главным образом родители «малолетки» против их связи. И когда перед этими двумя встает проблема скорого появления на свет совместного ребенка, их представление о морали напрочь рушится…
Der Sieger von Tambo
Adele Spitzeder
Adele Spitzeder
The true story of Adele Spitzeder, who started her own private bank in 1870s Bavaria by promising everyone that gave her money high interest rates. Initially dubbed the "Angel of the poor", she was arrested for fraud after the whole scheme collapsed.
Mathias Kneißl
Res Kneissl, Mathias' Mutter
Inspired by the real life events of Mathias Kneißl, a marginal man, son of poor farmers from Bavaria, in the late XIX Century. Mathias stole from the riches to give to the poor, becoming a hero for the rural people, and a popular social rebel. He was chased by the police until his unfortunate sentence.
Hunting Scenes from Bavaria
Maria / Bäuerin
Abram returns to his small village and although his repairing skills are needed, people's suspicion about his sexual preferences make his life hard.
Siedlung Arkadien
Elfriede Huppenberger
Biedermann und die Brandstifter
Anna, Dienstmädchen
Bäurin Stocker
Der zerbrochene Krug
Der Ruepp
Eiche und Angora
Detective Story
Kasimir und Karoline
Die Bekehrung des Ferdys Pistora
Die fidelen Detektive
Незнакомец в доме
Многое произошло в жизни Сесили Харрингтон. Молодая женщина не только выиграла 10 000 фунтов стерлингов в лотерее, но и оставила своего жениха Найджела, влюбившись в Брюса Ловелла. Но после их свадьбы, когда они отступают в отдаленный загородный дом, сочувственный путешественник быстро меняется. Наконец, она даже подозревает, что у её мужа может быть страшная тайна: он женщина-убийца, которую разыскивают по всему земному шару и которая отравляет своих женщин и хоронит их в подвале?
Magdalena Mayr
Heimliches Rendezvous