Rodolfo Lombardi

Рождение : 1908-09-27, Rome, Lazio, Italy

Смерть : 1985-05-17


The Mighty Crusaders
Director of Photography
The Mighty Crusaders (Italian: La Gerusalemme liberata) is a 1957 film about the First Crusade, based on the 16th-century Italian poem Jerusalem Delivered by Torquato Tasso. This film was directed by Carlo Ludovico Bragaglia.
Goddess Of Love
Director of Photography
The god Zeus sends Venus, the goddess of love, to Earth to find her own true love.
The Last Violence
Director of Photography
Raped during the war by a stranger, Anna is forced by their parents to pretend that that her daughter Lisa is her sister. When she is about to marry the new doctor in the country, her jealous brother resorts to threats of blackmail in an attempt to keep them apart.
Le vacanze del Sor Clemente
Director of Photography
Sor Clemente tries to avoid an underwater fishing trip together with his authoritarian wife's friends and pretends to be ill. Left alone in the villa he's left in the company of a friend and a butler.
Il cardinale Lambertini
Director of Photography
Papal aspirant "Cardinal Lamberti" has to tread a fine line between the powerful Duke of Montimar and doing the right thing by a young couple in love in late 1730s Bologna.
Director of Photography
Византийская императрица Теодора вышла из самых низов свободных граждан Византии. Но бывшая куртизанка смогла обратить на себя внимание могущественного императора Юстиниана и стала ему верной супругой. Тем временем в империи зреет заговор, во главе которого стоит первый советник Иоанн Каппадокийский. Юстиниан отказывается замечать признаки надвигающейся катастрофы, и только присутствие верного трону полководца Велизария с войсками в столице сдерживает заговорщиков. Но армия вот-вот должна покинуть Константинополь, и тогда Юстиниана уже ничто не сможет спасти. Однако о заговоре становится известно Теодоре. Вместе с Велизарием она составляет рискованный план, который должен спасти Юстиниана и империю…
Director of Photography
Elena, after a date with his boyfriend Guido, comes home finding his father tried to kill himself with gas because he lost a lot of money due to some wrong investments.
The World Condemns Them
Director of Photography
Forced by her lover to sell her body, Renata is saved from a suicide attempt by Paolo Martelli, an engineer. She asks him to help her find a job. When Paolo's wife humiliates her, Renata gains revenge by seducing the woman's husband.
Ho scelto l'amore
Director of Photography
A satire of the Cold War, Italian style. Soviet flunkey Boris Popovitc is sent on a goodwill mission to Rome, where he is to deliver a symbolic dove of peace to a group of WW II freedom fighters. Somehow, Boris winds up in Venice minus the dove. As he searches up street and down canal for the missing bird, he meets and falls in love with luscious flower-girl Maria.
He Who Is Without Sin...
Director of Photography
Northern Italian Stefano marries sweetheart Maria by proxy while working abroad in Canada. However, she is mistakenly accused of her sister's crime of abandoning her own child and, when Stefano finds out, he decides to call off their marriage.
Director of Photography
A young widow flees from her small town and moves to the seaside, where she falls for a fisherman.
Девушки с площади Испании
Director of Photography
Три девушки-швеи работают в центре Рима в известном доме моделей. Каждая из них мечтает выйти замуж. Мариза ссорится со своим женихом, когда тот запрещает ей работать манекенщицей. Елена, разочаровавшись в любви, стоит на грани самоубийства. К счастью, она встречает прекрасного парня, городского таксиста, который помогает ей переосмыслить жизнь. Лючия после долгих поисков жениха принимает любовь жокея, который давно её любит…
Nobody's Children
Director of Photography
The tragic love story between Guido, the owner of a marble quarry and Luisa, the humble daughter of one of his employees, ends up in her giving birth to a baby boy. Giulio's mother is against them: at first she takes her son abroad with an excuse and then has her grandson kidnapped making Luisa think the boy died in a fire.
Sette ore di guai
Director of Photography
Totò is a tailor but not a great tailor. He is married and his son is to be baptized and Totò hopes that his grand-mother will be moved by the baptism, so moved to help him. Unfortunately his wet nurse Maria loses his son in the garden. Totò doesn't lose heart and rents Rita's daughter and leaves looking for his son. Many adventures are awaiting for him.
The Mysterious Rider
Director of Photography
Giacomo Casanova returns to Venice, to help his brother, falsely accused of robbery.
Les Misérables - Storm Over Paris
Director of Photography
The story of Jean Valjean, still pursued by Javert, continues with a love developing between Cosette and radical student Marius, a blackmailing attempt by suspicious innkeeper Thenardier, and a climax on the barricades of Paris.
Les Misérables - Manhunt
Director of Photography
Jean Valjean, pursued through the years for a minor infraction by the implacable policeman Javert, attempts to create a life for himself and for his adopted daughter Cosette amid the revolutionary struggles of France.
Aquila Nera
Director of Photography
An evil Czarist landowner had mistreated the father and friends of an officer.The officer wreaks vengeance by committing masked coach robberies and insinuates himself into his enemy's castle by pretending to be a French teacher.
Director of Photography
Paola, a Milan call girl, returns home to her village in the Abruzzi mountains in an attempt to go straight. Rejected by her father, blackmailed by a former lover, and lusted after by her brother-in-law, she turns to her beloved sister for support. Denied succor, like so many of Rossellini’s isolated figures, Paola awaits the arrival of her fiancé, who has offered her a new start, but instead decides that life is untenable.
Down with Misery!
Director of Photography
The two drivers Giovanni and Gaetano are friends. Gaetano, bold and ruthless, thrives in the black market, while Giovanni, who is a naive and fundamentally honest worker from the North of Italy, cannot get any profit and his wife, an energetic and talkative Roman woman, can't help blaming him for his poor business skills. Returning from a trip to Naples, he brings home a little hungry orphan, Nello. At first Giovanni's wife doesn't want the boy, but then she begins to like him. The little boy does whatever he can to help the family. Nello's father, who everybody thought to have died during the war, finds his little son and, being a rich business man, he employs the good and generous Giovanni. Meanwhile the former friend Gaetano is caught by the police and convicted for his illegal trades.
Inviati speciali
Director of Photography
An Italian film from 1943.
La danza del fuoco
Director of Photography
An Italian drama from 1943.
Music on the Run
Director of Photography
An Italian comedy from 1943.
Casanova farebbe così!
Director of Photography
A country braggart bets that he can spend a night with a local beauty. When he is surprised by her husband, he is not only forced to pay his friends money but also challenged to come up with a new identity other than Casanova or Don Juan.
Non ti pago!
Director of Photography
The owner of a lottery store refuses to pay a large sum won by one of his workers that he hates, because that man received the winning numbers in a dream.
Soltanto un bacio
Director of Photography
Italian film from 1942.
L'uomo venuto dal mare
Director of Photography
An Italian drama from 1942.
Due cuori sotto sequestro
Director of Photography
An Italian comedy released in 1941.
The Brook of Ripa Sottile
Upstream river Ripasottile a shoal of perch fish have born. The news spreads around all animals who live around the river, until also the trouts hear about it, and swim upriver to go eat the newborn fish. So all animals around the river and from the wood organize a desperate expedition to fight the trouts back. At the end the birds manage to wake a fisherman up, just in time to have him catch all the trouts with a single haul.
The Prisoner of Santa Cruz
Director of Photography
A sea captain forbids his daughter to marry the man whose father he had killed many years before.
Brute Force
Director of Photography
Undersea Fantasy
Director of Photography
The tale of two fish in love, threatened by an octopus and saved by an eel.