Roland Schäfer

Рождение : 1943-10-27, Wilhelmshaven, Germany


Любовь втроем
Gast bei Kulturgut
Ханна и Симон долгие годы живут вместе и вполне счастливы. Но не все в их отношениях идет гладко — безуспешные попытки исправить ошибки молодости, отсутствие детей, романы на стороне. Вместе ими пережито слишком многое, а что впереди? Все меняется, когда в их жизни появляется Адам. Для каждого из них он становится больше, чем другом. Любовный треугольник может оказаться не вполне традиционным.
Frieda , a therapist, is cheated by her husband Daniel. He makes love with Dorothea. Dorothea is wedded to Philip. Philip has an affair with his scholar Maggie. Maggie is in love to the florist Michael. Michael is married with Barbara. Barbara has a lover, her boss Marko. Marko is engaged with Simone Stern, a singer. Simone loves Leon. All of these secret liaisons could be undiscovered, if Simone Stern wouldn't be anxious to suffer from Aids. Without waiting for the test results, she informs her fiancé Marco about her apprehension of being Positive. Within a few hours the fear of being infected by the disease circulates in this group of people. Lies get transparent, secrets are uncovered, relations break up, Philip even has to pay his flam on his wife with his live.
The Man from the Embassy
Lilly unter den Linden
Rolf Wollmann
Paths in the Night
Set against the backdrop of post-unification Germany, the film explores the breakdown of relations in a decaying social structure.
Jorg Brandt
Когда британский офицер разведки Трейси Барнс нападает на немецкого политика Дитера Крауза, то адвокат Джошуа Мантл призван помочь распутать события, которые привели к нападению.
Der große Abgang
Kommissar Gerd Wollweber
Rosenbaum - Det sista vittnet
Hermann Steiner
At a Swedish company with international contacts, a bestial murder is committed. The murdered person has been employed by the company - everything indicates that the chairman of the board is guilty.
Ein Mord danach
Walter Schäffler
Verlorene Landschaft
Elias, born at the end of the war, receives an anonymous phone call on his 47th birthday: his parents are dead. He is now a successful politician, but thirty years ago he had fled from his home and parents in the East to seek a new life in the West. The return to his parental home causes Elias a sense of unease and disturbs the rigid order and complacency of his life.
Розовый сад
SS Doctor
Адвокат Габриела Фройнд берет на себя защиту пожилого мужчины Аарона Райхенбаха, который напал в аэропорту на старика и избил его. Райхенбах отказывается разговаривать, что создает сложности для его адвоката. Тем не менее, Габриеле удается узнать, что потерпевший, Арнольд Кренн, является бывшим нацистским офицером, служившим в концентрационных лагерях. Кренн хочет, чтобы Райхенбах был осужден. Но Габриела открывает черные страницы прошлого, которое преследует героев... Сюжет фильма основан на реальных событиях - проведении медицинских экспериментов над двадцатью еврейскими детьми и последующей казни их в день рождения Гитлера.
Judge Freisler
Attorney Henry Strauss grew up in Germany, but left the country with his Jewish family during the rise of the Third Reich. Still wondering about what happened to his boyhood friend Konradin Von Lohenburg, Strauss travels back to Germany for the first time since he was a young man, bringing up some painful memories.
Jens Baumann
A “film-noir” on double identity and role reversal. A man is looking for a woman to love. He finds her in a seedy bar and persuades her to marry him. The day she decides to flee… he kills her. To ward off suspicion, he moves in with the sister of the deceased.
The Axe of Wandsbek
Schlachter Teetjen
1934, Hamburg. Adolf Hitler is about to visit the city. Hamburg's executioner falls ill, and is unable to deliver the sentence of four communists who are awaiting capital punishment in jail. Fearing that this would spoil Hitler's visit, SS leader Footh offers a local bankrupt butcher, Albert Teetjen, 2,000 Marks in order to carry out the verdict. The broke Teetjen agrees and follows suit. When his neighbors hear of the execution, they shun him. His wife cannot tolerate her husband's deed and puts an end to her life. Eventually, Teetjen also commits suicide.
Esther, voorgoed op reis
Aus der Fünten
TV movie based on the clearing of the Jewish psychiatric hospital "Het Apeldoornse Bosch" on 23 January 1943.