Susana Veira


Код: Император
Makeup Designer
Хуан, агент секретной службы, обращается к Венди, молодой филиппинке, которая работает горничной у подозрительной пары.
Out of Sync
Makeup Artist
In the latest from director Juanjo Giménez, a sound designer must rethink her career and life when her vision and hearing fall out of sync.
Око за око
Makeup & Hair
Наркоторговец, желающий уйти на покой. Медсестра, жаждущая мести. Перекресток, где никто не в безопасности.
María (and Everybody Else)
Makeup Artist
Ever since her mum died when she was fifteen, Maria has taken care of her father and her siblings. Responsible and in control, she's always been a rock for the family and feels proud of her efforts. That's why her father's sudden love for his nurse and the announcement of their marriage brings Maria's world crashing down around her. At the age of 35 and unable to find a steady partner, she'll have to take the plunge and dare to change her own fate.
When Liliana decides to return to Uruguay she will have to face up to a new dilemma, perhaps the last great dilemma of her life: To choose between supporting a collective case for female prisoners, raped during the time of the dictatorship, or to reconcile with her son and be able to live peacefully as a mother and a grandmother.
Кожа, в которой я живу
Assistant Makeup Artist
Гений пластической хирургии д-р Ледгард, путем дерзких генетических экспериментов создавший искусственную человеческую кожу, ведет охоту на подонка, который много лет назад изнасиловал его дочь. Жестокость его мести не знает предела…