Barbara Lukešová

Barbara Lukešová

Рождение : 1969-01-21, Prague, Czechoslovakia


Barbara Lukešová graduated from the State Conservatory in Prague. After that she acted at the F. X. Šalda Theatre in Liberec and later with the Rokoko Theatre in Prague (1994-2001). At the same time, she was performing at the Theatre in Celetna. She also starred in various productions of the Rubín Theatre, National Theatre, Prague Municipal Theatres, Divadlo Komedie and the Theatre in Řeznická. She starred in Brucio nel vento (It.) which gained 5 wins and 16 nominations. The director of the movie, Silvio Soldini was selected for the main competition for the Golden Bear award at the Berlin International Film Festival Berlinale in 2002. In 2013, she was among strong candidates for the Alfréd Radok Award, nominated by theatre critics in the Best Actress category for her performance of “A” in the play Terminus directed by M. Němec. Thanks to her language proficiency (she speaks English, Russian, and Italian) she has been cast in international productions as well. from


Barbara Lukešová


Mr. and Mrs. Stodola
During an unsuccessful burglary attempt, Jaroslav accidentally kills his old neighbour. His wife, Dana, concocts a plan to make the murder seem like an accident. Another neighbour stands in the way, however, whom they also have to eliminate. Dana convinces Jaroslav to help her. They attempt to use this incident to solve some of their financial problems. With the vision of easy money, the Stodolas start killing elderly people. Initially, they proceed to cover up the murders as accidents or suicide and the police do not do much to prove it otherwise.
LSD made in ČSSR
Номер 44
Semyon Okun's Wife
Действие фильма развернется в СССР времен Иосифа Сталина. Главный герой — дискредитированный офицер советской разведки Лев Демидов. Он расследует серию детских убийств, но его деятельность вызывает подозрение у параноидального советского правительства.
Crying woman at bank
Ослепительная красавица Серена выходит замуж за успешного промышленника Джорджа Пембертона. Счастливая пара правит лесозаготовительной империей Пембертонов, и кажется, что нет ничего и никого, кто мог бы встать на пути их полного нежности и страсти брака. Но тайны прошлого и ревность опасны как стихия.
Osudové peníze
Братья Гримм
Mother Grimm
Давным-давно, жили-были два брата-авантюриста Уилл и Якоб Гримм, которые впоследствии стали знаменитыми сказочниками. Но до того они путешествовали по деревушкам, занимаясь собиранием фольклора и «прогоняя нечисть» за деньги… Приезжали в деревню, убеждали жителей, что на их мельнице поселилась ведьма, а потом — за вознаграждение — успешно «изгоняли» ее. В следующем селе это был тролль под мостом и так далее.
Brucio nel vento
For ten years, immigrant Tobias has worked at a Swiss clock factory and, in the relentless ticking, he saw life go by without much expectation. One day, he sees Caroline, a former schoolmate from back in Eastern Europe, and falls in love with her, but she's married and has a daughter.
Good King Wenceslas
Magda Turek
Based upon the true story that inpired the Christmas carol about a young king's care for his people.
O těch Martinových dudách
Vojtech, Called the Orphan
Symbols and political analogies abound in this dramatically frustrating first work by a recent film-school graduate. In the story, Vojtech has survived World War II in a Czech prison following an unjust sentence. Now he is free, and the world is full of possibilities.