Талантливый врач-психиатр американец Дик Дайвер, работая в одной из клиник Швейцарии, влюбляется в пациентку по имени Николь и женится на ней. Николь происходила из очень богатой семьи, и родственники восприняли брак без оптимизма. Дику еще долгое время после выписки Николь из больницы приходится совмещать две роли, — мужа и врача. Течёт время, проходят года..
Фильм об острой, агрессивной журналистке, которая влюбляется в человека, который умнее ее на многие километры, и общаясь с ним, приобретает новую человеческую позицию.
Set during the Prohibition era, when wine makers were financially challenged and had to decide whether or not they wanted to cooperate with bootleggers to survive.
Дикий американский Запад: дикие времена, дикие нравы. Джим Дуглас ищет тех четверых, что изнасиловали и убили его жену. Он узнает, что в соседнем городке их арестовали и должны казнить. После того, как убийцам удалось сбежать, Дуглас решает взять правосудие в свои руки. Однако постепенно он убеждается в справедливости древней истины: убивая другого, ты уничтожаешь частичку самого себя…
A group of disillusioned American expatriate writers live a dissolute, hedonistic lifestyle in 1920's France and Spain.
Гордон МакРэй и Ширли Джонс блистают в невероятной истории любви сладкоголосого зазывалы и простой девушки с мельницы из маленького городка на побережье Мэна. Убитый грабителями незадолго до рождения дочери, спустя годы Билли получает шанс вернуться на землю на один день и преподать дочке очень важный урок. Многие из хитов этого лиричного мюзикла Роджерса и Хаммерстайна стали настоящей классикой!
Овдовевшая доктор и женатый журналист, встретившись в Гонконге, влюбляются в друг друга во время революции…
When the great potato famine hits Ireland, the diaspora begins as thousands emigrate. Among those leaving the Emerald Isle is Katie O'Neill and her husband, who decide that the promised land is South Africa and make their way there. Once there, they discover the hardships that are the reality of the homesteader experience.
Freshly arrived Sandhurst-trained Captain Alan King, better versed in Pashtun then any of the veterans and born locally as army brat, survives an attack on his escort to his Northwest Frontier province garrison near the Khyber pass because of Ahmed, a native Afridi deserter from the Muslim fanatic rebel Karram Khan's forces. As soon as his fellow officers learn his mother was a native Muslim which got his parents disowned even by their own families, he falls prey to stubborn prejudiced discrimination, Lieutenant Geoffrey Heath even moves out of their quarters, except from half-Irish Lt. Ben Baird.
Созерцая великую Африканскую вершину, писатель Гарри Смит окружен своими воспоминаниями о прожитой жизни, ведь он понимает, что он ранен в ногу и его рана смертельна. Гангрена. Перед глазами героя проходят образы прошлых лет, возвращая его то к воспоминаниям о войне, то в знойную Испанию, где он встретил свою истинную любовь Синтию Грин. После ее трагической гибели он потерял интерес к жизни. В поисках сюжетов для своих книг, он путешествует по миру в сопровождении своей жены Элен. И вот он пришел к подножию Килиманджаро. Африканская саванна встретила его грандиозными ландшафтами с безмятежно пасущимися стадами животных. Но размышления героя, стоящего на пороге смерти, о вечном: — всегда ли он делал добро людям? Не был ли он с ними жесток? Был ли в его жизни смысл? Не зря ли он существовал на земле?
Фильм создан по пяти новеллам великого американского писателя сатирика О. Генри. В картине экранизированы рассказы, написанные в период с 1902 по 1910 год: "Фараон и хорал", "Трубный Глас", "Последний Лист", "Вождь краснокожих", "Дары волхвов".
At the fiftieth anniversary of his town's founding, the town's first barber recalls his long-dead, spirited bride and the flaw in his own character that helped bring about her loss and several others.
Вернувшись домой после битвы, Давид обращает внимание на чужую жену Вирсавию и влюбляется в неё. Грегори Пек показал царяДавида, яростного и стойкого в бою, но хрупкого по отношению к прекраснойсоблазнительнице. Давид отсылает мужа Вирсавии на войну, где тот находитсмерть. Царь берет в жены вдову. У них рождается ребенок, который умирает. Однажды Давид приказывает забросать камнями женщину, которая изменила мужу, когда тот был на войне. И тогда Бог Иегова посылает ему пророка Нафана, чтобы тот пристыдил его. Посланный голод на егоземли заставляет царя Давида признать свои ошибки, и тогда спасительныедожди смывают его грехи. Вирсавия, после умершего первенца родит Давиду мальчика и даст ему имя Соломон («Царь Мира»).
A minister from the Deep South is assigned a new parish and moves with his wife to a town in Georgia's Blue Ridge Mountains, where he tends to the spiritual and emotional needs of his small flock.
Джимми Ринго - человек легенда, самый быстрый стрелок на Диком Западе. Он не стар, но уже утомлен жизнью. Дело в том, что он не может спокойно остановиться ни в одном городе.
Везде его преследует, слава самого крутого стрелка. И в каждом салуне находится, какой-нибудь ковбой, который хочет проверить: так ли уж он хорош, как об этом разносит молва. Вот и приходится Джимми убивать, увивать и убивать. В итоге находится один «отморозок», который подло убивает Ринго выстрелом в спину. Его за это не вешают. Но! На него переходит проклятие «самого-кругого-стрелка-убившего-Джимми-Ринго». С этого момента его тоже будут хотеть убить каждом салуне Дикого Запада...
1942 год, Англия. Группа американских бомбардировщиков расположена на военной базе в местечке Арчбери, куда прибывает бригадный генерал Фрэнк Сэвэйдж. Его личное участие в вылетах эскадрильи, целью которых были бомбардировки наземных объектов нацистов, поднимает упавший было моральный и боевой дух его подчиненных. Знаете ли Вы, что... :
Термин "Twelve O"Clock High" относится к протоколу боевых экипажей поиска места наступающих вражеских самолетов, ссылаясь на воображаемый циферблат часов, на которых самолет находится в центре циферблата, и находится ли противник выше, на уровне или ниже самолета. Таким образом, вызов, "Bandits, twelve o"clock high!" (дословно — "Противник, на 12 часах!")был предупреждением о надвигающейся опасности.
Фильм рассказывает об одном из самых хитрых и расчетливых правителей Италии пятнадцатого века - Борджиа Чезаре, Чезаре задался мыслью создать из мелких разобщенных областей Романьи - одно цельное и сильное государство, для этого необходимо было овладеть Болонью, Флоренцией, всею Тосканой и стать абсолютным монархом на всем Апеннинском полуострове. Он окружил себя самыми лживыми и изворотливыми соратниками и пригласил в союзники красивого и словоохотливого Андреа Орсини, поручив ему входить в доверие к врагам и союзникам, чтобы путем интриг и обмана привести "коварного Лиса" Борджиа Чезаре к монопольной власти...
Ход Стилвелл, рыбак из штата Мэн, берет с собой в море 12-летнего мальчишку-сироту Донни, чьи отец и дядя тоже были рыбаками. Между ними завязывается дружба, но подруга Хода - соцработник Энн, не хочет, чтобы Ход подвергал жизнь мальчика опасности. Донни запрещают ходить в море с Ходом, и тогда мальчик сбегает из приемного дома..
История аристократа Педро Де Варгаса на фоне испанской инквизиции XVI века и экспедиции Кортеса в Мексику. Одна из величайших эпических лент американского кино. Аристократ Педро де Варгас спасает от преследования одного из рабов, чем навлекает на себя гнев инквизитора Диего де Сильва. Диего расправляется со всей семьей де Варгаса, который с помощью друзей успевает покинуть Испанию и перебраться в Новый Свет. В Америке он становится соратником Эрнандо Кортеса, экспедиционный корпус которого покоряет земли ацтеков. Вскоре сюда же из Испании приезжает Диего де Сильва, всюду ищущий еретиков...
A woman reminisces about her teenage years in the 1920s, when she fell in love with her teacher.
Major Joppolo and his men are assigned to restore order to the war-torn Italian town of Adano. He has to manage getting supplies into town without interfering with troop movements, all the while dealing with colorful citizens of the town. One of his quests is to replace the bell which orders the town's life.
Сюжет вращается вокруг политической карьеры Вудро Вильсона, начиная с его решения покинуть пост в Принстоне, чтобы стать губернатором в Нью-Джерси, и заканчивая последующим повышением до поста президента США.
Этот фильм рассказывает историю, случившуюся в небольшом старинном французском городе, в предгорьях Пиренеев, недалеко от границы с Испанией, где ежегодно бывает около 6 миллионов туристов. Лурд знаменит тем, что, согласно преданию, в 1858 году в здешнем гроте явилась Богоматерь 14-летней девочке Бернадетт Субиру. Тогда же в пещере был открыт источник, вода которого считается целебной. Над пещерой Массабель был построен костел в неоготическом стиле — храм Четок и подземный храм, где могут одновременно разместиться 20 тысяч человек. В городе все сделано для того, чтобы принимать огромное число паломников: с 1864 года в римско-католической церкви он обрел официальный статус как место, в котором произошло 18 явлений Девы Марии.
Начинается фильм с того, что легендарный головорез Генри Морган получает амнистию и направляется на Ямайку новым губернатором. Желая удержать своих бывших подельников от продолжения бесчинств и безобразий, Морган неожиданно встречает сопротивление в лице двух негодяев.
Герой Тайрона Пауэра тем временем влюбляется в дочку предыдущего губернатора, но она отвергает его прямолинейные ухаживания. Хотя похищение и пленение прекрасной девушки на борту боевого корабля мало помогает делу любви, все резко меняется, когда при нападении Сэндерса и Куинна главному персонажу фильма приходиться драться за женщину, которую он любит…
Elderly schoolteacher Nora Trinell, waiting to meet presidential nominee Dewey Roberts, recalls him as her student back in 1916 and his relation to Dan Hopkins, the man she married and lost.
За несколько месяцев до вступления США во Вторую Мировую войну эгоцентричный американский пилот Тим Бэйкер ищет приключений и деньги, подряжаясь переправлять бомбардировщики из Канады в Англию. Во время пребывания в Лондоне он встречает свою бывшую подругу Кэрол, которая работает по вечерам певицей в ночном клубе, а днем санитаркой по уходу за ранеными. Тим решает приударить за бывшей подругой, но неожиданно узнает, что у него есть соперник - командующий эскадрильей Джон Морли. Ревность вскипает в нашем герое, и он вновь пробует завоевать сердце бывшей подруги, совершая подвиги один за другим...
Действие фильма происходит в США, в 19-ом веке. Молодой полуграмотный парень Чад Ханна помогает укрыться беглому рабу, за что объявляется вне закона. Теперь он сам вынужден скрываться от правосудия и отправляется путешествовать вместе с бродячим цирком-шапито. Здесь он влюбляется в прекрасную, но ветреную девушку-наездницу Олбани, не замечая, что в него влюблена другая девушка — Кэролайн, сбежавшая от избивавшего ее отца.
A woman tormented by the hunting death of her husband forbids her son to have anything to do with horses. But when he falls for the daughter of his father's trainer, he defies his mother by entering the Maryland Hunt.
Inventor Robert Fulton receives support from a tavern owner and a shipyard worker to help realize his dream of a high-powered steamboat.
When American newspaperman and adventurer Henry M. Stanley comes back from the western Indian wars, his editor James Gordon Bennett sends him to Africa to find Dr. David Livingstone, the missing Scottish missionary. Stanley finds Livingstone ("Dr. Livingstone, I presume.") blissfully doling out medicine and religion to the happy natives. His story is at first disbelieved.
Этот фильм снят по реальным событиям, произошедшим во второй половине девятнадцатого века в США. После трагической войны между южными и северными штатами Америка приступила к завоеванию запада. Символом этой эпохи стало строительство трансконтинентальной железной дороги.
Строительство часто сопровождалось произволом и насилием, люди стали ощущать себя жертвами растущего чудовища по прозвищу «железный конь». Хорошо это или плохо, но та эпоха даровала миру самых известных преступников — братьев Фрэнка и Джесси Джеймса. По легенде изначально братья были мирными фермерами, но когда железнодорожная компания попыталась нагло отнять их ферму в свою пользу, парни взялись за оружие, и, организовав отряд «справедливого мщения», начали совершать дерзкие ограбления банков, поездов и почтовых дилижансов.
Эта история началась в 1915 году во времена неукротимого Джаза. Роджер Грант, родившийся на Ноб Хилл в Сан-Франциско получает классическое музыкальное образование. Но однажды, услышав жгучие ритмы африканского джаза, он бросает свою респектабельную карьеру ради музыки рэгтайм. Грант создает свой собственный оркестр «Александр Рэгтайм Бэнд», названный так в честь популярной песни и приглашает солисткой певицу Стеллу Керби. Он влюбляется в Стеллу, но вскоре им приходится расстаться, так как он уезжает с музыкальной бригадой на фронт. Тем временем Стеллавыходит замуж за его друга Чарли Дваера, но брак не приносит ей счастья. Вернувшись с войны, Роджер продолжает свой путь на эстраде. Его оркестр объехал всю Америку и стал чрезвычайно популярен. Стелла осознает, что по-прежнему безумно любит Роджера. Она готова вернутся к нему, но боится быть отвергнутой. У этой истории счастливый конец, они вновь будут вместе, и их сердца будут биться в унисон.
По рассказу Нивена Буша. В центре фильма история трех сыновей вдовы Молли О'Лири - Боба, Дайона и Джека. Братья попадают в детстве в Чикаго и достигают там значительного успеха, но в конечном счете оказываются конкурентами друг другу.
Действие разворачивается на улицах Парижа в 1914 году до наступления Первой Мировой войны. Канализационный работник Чико твердо убежден, что он стал атеистом потому, что его молитвы остались без ответа, когда он просил Бога исполнить два его сокровенных желания. Но герой оптимист по жизни и глубоко порядочный и сострадательный человек, хотя свое доброе сердце он скрывает за внешней грубостью. Он помогает Диане, когда ту избивает жестокосердная сестра — содержательница притона, за то, что девушка отказалась быть приветливой с клиентом.
Этот фильм рассказывает, через историю развития страховой лондонской компании «Ллойдс», историю двух людей, один из которых является исторической личностью — адмиралом Нельсоном. Два подростка Джонатан Блейк и Горацио Нельсон, отчаянные сорванцы, проникают на судно, думая, что это пиратский корабль и оказываются свидетелями сговора команды, которая задумала потопить корабль, захватить груз золота, а заодно получить и приличную сумму страховки. Друзья решили идти пешком за 100 верст в далекий Лондон, чтобы рассказать хозяину судна Ллойдсу о коварстве команды. Но Горацио утром забирают юнгой на судно, и Джонатану приходится совершить одному путешествие. Только в Лондоне он узнает, что Ллойдс это не человек, а страховая компания. Сведения мальчика помогают раскрыть обман и спасти компанию от внушительных убытков. Смышленого мальчика оставляют в компании. Проходит несколько лет и Джонатан растет вместе с компанией.
Half-Indian girl brought up in a wealthy household is loved by the son of the house against his family's wishes and loves another Indian employed by the household.
A doctor has a rough time obtaining the money for his services in a lumber town until he delivers quintuplets.
A family living on a farm in Maine takes in a young woman to stay with them, not knowing that the woman is not quite what she seems and has a secret in her past that she hasn't told them about.
Three people live together in the maintenance shed at Central Park as an alternative to living on the streets.
On the French coast, unlucky Marie Galante is abducted and forced to board an American cargo ship bound for the Panama Canal. When an escape attempt leaves Marie high and dry in the Yucatan, she takes work as a nightclub singer to earn her safe passage to the Canal region. But Marie faces bigger problems when she gets mixed up in a destructive plot against the U.S. Naval fleet, and so she accepts the kindly assistance of secret agent Dr. Crawbett.
During Civil War Reconstruction, the Connelly family is romantically restored to their former glory when Will Connelly marries a Yankee farm girl, Joanna Tate, despite the objects of his temperamental father Bob Connelly.
Vicki Meredith, an American ballet student in Paris, falls in love with Randall Williams, another American studying architecture in Paree, and they set up some light housekeeping together until she learns that Randall has forgotten to mention that he has a wife back in the USA. This miffs Vicki to the point where she ups and heads for South America where she meets and falls in love with Philip Fletcher, a construction engineer from America. But he hustles off to build Boulder Dam. They meet again in New York City and discover their separation has made their love even stronger. Then, Randall and his wife show up and sophistication rears its ugly head.
Семья Фрэйков отправилась на ярмарку штата Айова. И пока отец с матерью принимали участие в различных соревнованиях и конкурсах, их сын с дочерью нашли свои вторые половинки.
Американский детективный фильм 1932 года, снятый Генри Кингом по сценарию Гая Болтона и Макса Марчина.
In their farm house in a New York village, Ma Shelby prepares breakfast for her four children, Isaac, Tommy, Johnny and Susan, and then awakens them. The racket the boys make as they play and fight awakens their father, who spanks the eldest, Isaac. When a visitor chides Pa for not working, Ma sticks up for her husband, saying that he has a weak back and that he is waiting for a promised government job.
Lightnin' and Mary Jones are co-owners of a hotel built right on a state border, used by divorcing wives so they can pretend to be in California while establishing residency in Nevada. When Lightnin' refuses to sell his share of the hotel to a gang of crooks, Mary is coerced into divorcing her husband so that she can sign over the deed herself.
Lightnin' and Mary Jones are co-owners of a hotel built right on a state border, used by divorcing wives so they can pretend to be in California while establishing residency in Nevada. When Lightnin' refuses to sell his share of the hotel to a gang of crooks, Mary is coerced into divorcing her husband so that she can sign over the deed herself.
The Eyes of the World is a 1930 American pre-Code drama film directed by Henry King and written by Brewster Morse and Clarke Silvernail. The film stars Eulalie Jensen, Florence Roberts, Una Merkel, and Nance O'Neil.
Lovely Anita dreams of escaping the monotony of her island home and sailing to bustling Havana. But when her abusive father promises her to the greasy local merchant, Anita does everything in her power to make her dream a reality.
Executive Producer
A young woman disguises herself as a man and follows her fiancéé into the trenches during World War I to find out what war is really like.
A young woman disguises herself as a man and follows her fiancéé into the trenches during World War I to find out what war is really like.
An adventuress in love with an Austrian agrees to become the mistress of a Russian officer in exchange for the release of Austrian hostages.
The Magic Flame (1927) is a feature film directed by Henry King, produced by Samuel Goldwyn, and based on the play Konig Harlekin by Rudolph Lothar. George Barnes was nominated at the 1st Academy Awards for Best Cinematography. The film promoted itself as the Romeo and Juliet of the circus upon its release.
While building an irrigation system for a Southwestern desert community, an engineer vies with a local cowboy for the affections of a rancher's daughter.
Goldwyn produced a 1923 film adaptation of Potash and Perlmutter, and a 1924 sequel called In Hollywood with Potash and Perlmutter. In Partners Again the two are in the automobile industry -- This is a lost Film.
Chariot Race Spectator (uncredited)
«Бен-Гур» — рассказ о богатом юноше еврее, который в результате случайности был обвинен в покушении на римского наместника и попадает в рабство, а его сестру и мать забирают в тюрьму. По пути на галеры, он сталкивается с Иисусом Христом, сыном плотника, который подаст воду страждущему. Когда судно потопили пираты, Бен-Гур спасает римского центуриона от гибели, и тот в благодарность усыновляет его…
An eccentric lower class woman struggles to gain respect in high society after marrying a wealthy man, and the problem gets worse when their daughter starts growing up.
When Ellen Linden comes back home from finishing school, she finds out that her wealthy father has lost all his money. She must get a job to help support the family, and goes to work as a secretary in the brokerage firm of Phillips and Rand. Both partners find themselves attracted to her, but each has a different approach: Phillipls takes the rough, aggressive route and Rand does the opposite, complimenting and flattering her at every opportunity. However, she falls in love with Tom Galloway, a young inventor who has come up with a new type of soft drink, "Here's How". in which Ellen attempts to interest the brokers. Phillips, however, doesn't take rejection lightly and schemes to break up Ellen and Galloway using his unwitting partner.
Silent Drama
Silent Drama
In Renaissance Florence, a Florentine trader meets a shipwrecked stranger, who introduces himself as Tito Melema, a young Italianate-Greek scholar. Tito becomes acquainted with several other Florentines, including Nello the barber and a young girl named Tessa. He is also introduced to a blind scholar named Bardo de' Bardi, and his daughter Romola. As Tito becomes settled in Florence, assisting Bardo with classical studies, he falls in love with Romola.
Angela Chiaromonte is the daughter of a wealthy Italian prince who is killed in a fall from his horse. Though Angela stands to inherit half of a large estate, her older half-sister burns the will and thus inherits everything herself, throwing Angela into poverty. Fortunately, Angela is engaged to marry dashing Captain Giovanni Severi - but he soon is captured by Arabs while on an expedition to Africa. Believing him dead, Angela, dedicating her life to his memory, becomes a nun, unaware that her lover has escaped his captors and is returning to Italy. The dramatic climax takes place against a backdrop of the eruption of Mount Vesuvius.
Angela Chiaromonte is the daughter of a wealthy Italian prince who is killed in a fall from his horse. Though Angela stands to inherit half of a large estate, her older half-sister burns the will and thus inherits everything herself, throwing Angela into poverty. Fortunately, Angela is engaged to marry dashing Captain Giovanni Severi - but he soon is captured by Arabs while on an expedition to Africa. Believing him dead, Angela, dedicating her life to his memory, becomes a nun, unaware that her lover has escaped his captors and is returning to Italy. The dramatic climax takes place against a backdrop of the eruption of Mount Vesuvius.
For the sake of his impoverished mother, Joe Newbolt bonds himself to harsh Isom Chase. Ollie Chase tires of the difficult life her husband has forced on her and plans to elope with Cyrus Morgan, but Joe's sense of honor forces him to intervene. While Joe is trying to persuade Ollie not to proceed with her plans, Chase discovers him with his wife, misunderstands, reaches for his gun, and is accidentally killed. Joe protects Mrs. Chase, though he is accused of murder, tried, convicted, and sentenced to be hanged.
Fury is a 1923 silent film
A 1922 film.
A 1922 film.
A 1922 film.
A 1922 film.
A group of New York society folk on a yachting excursion are forced to put into a New England fishing village for repairs. The engaged couple Reggie and Patricia are taken with the quaint town and its quainter ways, but also with two locals, Betty Alden and her brother John. Patricia begins to fall for John while her fiancé takes a seemingly unworthy liking to Betty. The new infatuations lead to disharmony.
A group of New York society folk on a yachting excursion are forced to put into a New England fishing village for repairs. The engaged couple Reggie and Patricia are taken with the quaint town and its quainter ways, but also with two locals, Betty Alden and her brother John. Patricia begins to fall for John while her fiancé takes a seemingly unworthy liking to Betty. The new infatuations lead to disharmony.
Young David Kinemon is a good-natured, easy-going lad in a mountain village. Circumstances force him to take his brother's place as mail carrier for the community, and this brings him into deadly contact with the vicious Hatburn brothers.
Young David Kinemon is a good-natured, easy-going lad in a mountain village. Circumstances force him to take his brother's place as mail carrier for the community, and this brings him into deadly contact with the vicious Hatburn brothers.
Young David Kinemon is a good-natured, easy-going lad in a mountain village. Circumstances force him to take his brother's place as mail carrier for the community, and this brings him into deadly contact with the vicious Hatburn brothers.
The husband of Lady Myra Ingleby is off fighting in the World War. She is devastated when Sir Derysk Brand tells her that her husband has been killed. The War Office gives her the details - Lord Ingleby was killed, not by enemy fire, but because of an error committed by one of his fellowmen, whose name is never to be disclosed. The grieving widow retreats to her Cornwall estate for a rest. Staying at the inn is a man known as Jim Airth, who carries a grief of his own.
Dick Audaine, known affectionately as the "Imp," is engaged to Phyllis Ericson, even though she is in love with his guardian, Richard Carewe. Meanwhile, the Imp has fallen in love with Kara Glynesk, who is only interested in his money.
Brash young Sgt. Gray makes a bet that he can have breakfast with his commanding general. But a couple of enemy spies, intent on infiltrating the training camp, get in the way of Sgt. Gray's plans.
A cowboy matches the description of the man who robbed the local hotel--both are 6'4". When a young woman is robbed, suspicion falls on the cowboy again. However, he discovers that the actual culprits are a local gang headed by the sheriff. He sets out to capture the robbers and clear his name.
John Stonehouse (William Russell) checks into a hotel, intending to commit suicide. But instead he winds up helping a girl, Gilberte Bonheur (Fritzi Brunette), out of a jam. He finds her bending over a man who she has apparently killed, and since he's about to kill himself anyway, he offers to assume the blame. Throw a valuable emerald into the works, and the fact that the dead man suddenly comes back to life, and Stonehouse -- not to mention the audience -- becomes thoroughly befuddled by it all. Everything clears up, however, when Gilberte gives him a theater ticket -- it turns out that everything he went through was the plot to a stage play, enacted in real life by the actors. The critics roasted the play, saying it wasn't true to life, and this was their proof that the situations really could happen. Gilberte retires from acting when Stonehouse proposes.
Kingston Hollister admires Bernice Cleveland from afar. He asks Officer Callahan, the policeman on the beat, about her and mistakenly believes she is a lady's maid. So the wealthy Hollister disguises himself as the cop so he can meet her.
William Russell plays Cliff Redfern, a hard-ridin' Westerner who takes a liking to Easterner Ned Caldwell (Cullen Landis), the dissolute son of a wealthy cattle rancher. Certain that all Caldwell needs to become a "real man" is a dose of frontier life, Cliff kidnaps Ned and brings him back to the wide open spaces.
George Periolat plays a dual role in this film, initially as Joseph Sayles a sickly old man who has taken his daughter, Rhoda (played by Mary Miles Minter), overseas after a quarrel with his family. She yearns to return home, but he has disowned his past. After his death, Rhoda ventures to America on her own. She nearly becomes destitute for a lack of money but happens upon some questionable fortune as she takes on the chores of Rosy Taylor after inadvertently finding an envelope with money in it. Rosy had been hired as a housekeeper (thus the money), but has passed away before actually showing up for employment.
An engaged couple, whose two fathers are millionaire ship owners, is determined to put a little life in their engagement by writing a threatening letter.
Iris Lee is reared in the small town of Dalton by her deceased mother's friend, Martha Kane, and when she reaches adulthood, Martha's son Jim falls in love with her. When Iris fails to return his affections, Mrs. Kane treats her so coldly that Iris decides to leave the stuffy little village for the metropolis. On her journey, she accepts a ride with Jack Andrews, but after he attempts to kiss her, she leaps from the car and walks the rest of the way. While singing in the choir of a large metropolitan church, she is discovered by Jack's wealthy father Peter, who recommends her as a soloist. Light opera star Helen Manning, who has helped Iris to cultivate her voice, quarrels with her theatrical manager, and Iris is offered her position.
Wealthy diamond collector Larry Hanrahan is given the opportunity to assist the beautiful, jewel-bedecked woman he admires in a Broadway café when she and her guardian are attacked by robbers. Larry is invited to visit the grateful pair, Col. Paul Gascoyne and his ward Adrienne, at the colonel's laboratory, where he is introduced to Wintermute, a chemist who produces imitation diamonds. In return, Larry asks them to view his priceless diamond collection. Although he has fallen in love with Adrienne, Larry is forced to believe that she is a thief when he is robbed by a woman wearing Adrienne's scarf. Larry finds his jewels in Gascoyne's house, but before he can escape, a group of thugs overpowers him. Adrienne assists him in contacting the police, who arrive in time to capture Gascoyne and his gang. Badly wounded, the colonel confesses that Adrienne has been his innocent dupe, whereupon Larry happily takes her to his heart.
Wealthy diamond collector Larry Hanrahan is given the opportunity to assist the beautiful, jewel-bedecked woman he admires in a Broadway café when she and her guardian are attacked by robbers. Larry is invited to visit the grateful pair, Col. Paul Gascoyne and his ward Adrienne, at the colonel's laboratory, where he is introduced to Wintermute, a chemist who produces imitation diamonds. In return, Larry asks them to view his priceless diamond collection. Although he has fallen in love with Adrienne, Larry is forced to believe that she is a thief when he is robbed by a woman wearing Adrienne's scarf. Larry finds his jewels in Gascoyne's house, but before he can escape, a group of thugs overpowers him. Adrienne assists him in contacting the police, who arrive in time to capture Gascoyne and his gang. Badly wounded, the colonel confesses that Adrienne has been his innocent dupe, whereupon Larry happily takes her to his heart.
Publisher Burton exposes politician Jarvis as a crook and is run out of town. He asks his daughter Sylvia to turn the newspaper over to his editor Frank. Instead, Sylvia fires Frank and takes the publisher’s duties herself.
Humanitarian Roberta induces her father to hire former convict, Bill, as his gardener. When she leaves on vacation, Bill steals her jewelry and eventually sells a brooch to her boyfriend, Richard, who unknowingly gives it to her as a present.
A crusty old sea captain, who hates society, lives in the hulk of his ship with his granddaughter whom he prevents from meeting people.
Jeanette overhears Silas, an aging Wall Street wolf, demanding her as his wife in payment for saving her father from financial ruin.
Clutching a dagger, a woman enters a room through velvet portiers and murders Nathan, scion of a distinguished family.
Chief of the German secret service in Paris has been ordered to secure for his government the service of the most clever and beautiful woman obtainable.
Jasper Hunt
In March 1916, Pathé released a short feature entitled Little Mary Sunshine, starring a four-year-old Marie Osborne. This was one of the first features ever directed by King and it was so successful that Pathé asked the original production company, Balboa, for five more features with the same child wonder. All were produced during the second half of 1916, and only three of them survive today – one being Twin Kiddies, which shows the amazing progress King had made since the first film in the series. Of course, the story is thin, the ending quite abrupt, and the opening sequences rather long. Yet, the direction is much more subtle, alternating between shots of different size, suggesting that King was mastering the art of composition.
In March 1916, Pathé released a short feature entitled Little Mary Sunshine, starring a four-year-old Marie Osborne. This was one of the first features ever directed by King and it was so successful that Pathé asked the original production company, Balboa, for five more features with the same child wonder. All were produced during the second half of 1916, and only three of them survive today – one being Twin Kiddies, which shows the amazing progress King had made since the first film in the series. Of course, the story is thin, the ending quite abrupt, and the opening sequences rather long. Yet, the direction is much more subtle, alternating between shots of different size, suggesting that King was mastering the art of composition.
Bob Daley
Just after Bob's fiancée breaks off their engagement, he meets young Mary, whose mother has just died, and the two of them comfort each other.
Just after Bob's fiancée breaks off their engagement, he meets young Mary, whose mother has just died, and the two of them comfort each other.
David Graham
James Sterling, wealthy bachelor, is told by his doctor that he must go up into the mountains if he would recover the health lost in his midnight parties. He goes, leaving behind Clarice Driscoll, a society girl whom he loves. In the mountains he meets Lucy Bingham. Away from the city influences, he falls in love with this maid of the wilds
After a lover's quarrel, writer Grace Hunt goes vacationing to a seaside resort where she decides to swap identities with a student.
Having served ten years at hard labor, Robert Richards, Convict No. 832, regains his freedom from prison. Resolved to start life anew, he seeks employment, but the world looks askance at him, and failure meets his persistent efforts.
Having served ten years at hard labor, Robert Richards, Convict No. 832, regains his freedom from prison. Resolved to start life anew, he seeks employment, but the world looks askance at him, and failure meets his persistent efforts.
Who Pays? was a series of twelve three-reel dramas, released between March and July 1915. Henry King and Ruth Roland starred in each episode, playing different roles each time, with a variety of supporting players who varied from one episode to another. Each episode told a complete and individual story, but they were all inter-related by a uniform theme. Although there were no cliff-hanger endings, each episode did, in fact, end with a challenge to the audience: Who was responsible for the misfortune of the principal characters? The titles of the twelve episodes were: #1: The Price of Fame; #2: The Pursuit of Pleasure; #3: When Justice Sleeps; #4: The Love Liar; #5: Unto Herself Alone; #6: Houses of Glass; #7: Blue Blood and Yellow; #8: Today and Tomorrow; #9: For the Commonwealth; #10: Pomp of Earth; #11: The Fruit of Folly; #12: Toil and Tyranny.
Who Pays? was a series of twelve three-reel dramas, released between March and July 1915. Henry King and Ruth Roland starred in each episode, playing different roles each time, with a variety of supporting players who varied from one episode to another. Each episode told a complete and individual story, but they were all inter-related by a uniform theme. Although there were no cliff-hanger endings, each episode did, in fact, end with a challenge to the audience: Who was responsible for the misfortune of the principal characters? The titles of the twelve episodes were: #1: The Price of Fame; #2: The Pursuit of Pleasure; #3: When Justice Sleeps; #4: The Love Liar; #5: Unto Herself Alone; #6: Houses of Glass; #7: Blue Blood and Yellow; #8: Today and Tomorrow; #9: For the Commonwealth; #10: Pomp of Earth; #11: The Fruit of Folly; #12: Toil and Tyranny.
Karl Hurd
Who Pays? was a series of twelve three-reel dramas, released between March and July 1915. Henry King and Ruth Roland starred in each episode, playing different roles each time, with a variety of supporting players who varied from one episode to another. Each episode told a complete and individual story, but they were all inter-related by a uniform theme. Although there were no cliff-hanger endings, each episode did, in fact, end with a challenge to the audience: Who was responsible for the misfortune of the principal characters? The titles of the twelve episodes were: #1: The Price of Fame; #2: The Pursuit of Pleasure; #3: When Justice Sleeps; #4: The Love Liar; #5: Unto Herself Alone; #6: Houses of Glass; #7: Blue Blood and Yellow; #8: Today and Tomorrow; #9: For the Commonwealth; #10: Pomp of Earth; #11: The Fruit of Folly; #12: Toil and Tyranny.
The Priest
Arnold Truesdell, a rich invalid, requests his secretary, Robert Sheridan, to summon his lawyer. Truesdell is the foster father of Marion Robertson, the child of his bosom friend who died some time ago. His happiness with the little girl was soon dissipated, for she was kidnapped by a gypsy whose enmity he had aroused.
Harry Wentworth - John's Son
Harry Wentworth is the profligate son of a ranch owner. His father is tired of Harry's irresponsible drinking and gambling and banishes him from home. Harry becomes a sailor, but right away gets in trouble with the captain. The hard work does him good, however, and when he feels he's had enough of the captain's brutality, he escapes overboard with a couple of friends, whom he takes to his father's ranch. Back home he discovers that his father is in danger of losing his ranch to scheming lawyer Jim Martin. Martin is in love with Ethel Crandall, the sister of gambler Ralph Crandall.
Dave Parks
Dorothy Madison, a secret service operative, is sent into the West Virginia mountains to locate a still, after male operatives failed. She carries a sketching outfit and a carrier pigeon into the moonshine country, and hides the pigeon in the woods near a mountain cabin, where she hopes to make headquarters. She walks along the road until she sees Dave Parks coming, falls, feigns a sprained ankle, and is taken home by Dave, who is a young, good-looking moonshiner. Dave's mother is a sour-faced, pipe-smoking, suspicious old mountain woman, and only tolerates Dorothy. Nell Oatsey, typical mountain girl of bold beauty, hears of Dorothy's plight and goes to see her. She carries her rifle.
Tom Milford
Tom Milford, foreman of the Hayden ranch, and Sylvia Hayden, daughter of the ranch owner, are in love. Hayden has been notified that Archie Hollister, son of an old friend in the east, is coming to visit the ranch. Just before Hollister arrives, a cowboy brings word to the ranch that Simms, a troublesome neighbor, has been illegally interfering with the ranch supply of water.