Elvira Senft


Женский рок-квартет совершает побег из тюрьмы. Преследуемые полицией Германии, «Бандитки» делают все возможное, чтобы остаться на свободе. Сбываются все их мечты. Они свободны, а их музыка приносит им популярность. Но полицейские все ближе. И единственная надежда - это корабль, который отправляется в Южную Америку.
Maybe... Maybe Not
Executive Producer
Der Bewegte Mann is a German comedy about a heterosexual man, Axel, who is thrown out of his girlfriends home for cheating and ends up moving in with a gay man. Axel learns the advantages of living with gay men even though they are attracted to him and when his girlfriend wants him back he must make a tough decision.
A successful, womanizing middle-aged man decides to move out of the house he shares with his wife after she confesses to having an affair. He looks for a new place to live and ends up moving into his wife's lover's apartment as a roommate. The husband begins to take an interest in the artistic work of the lover and coaches him for a big job interview. Little does he know that the job he's helping the lover to get is within his own company... A story about strange circumstances and the limits of friendship.