Lola Gaos

Lola Gaos

Рождение : 1921-12-02, València, València, Comunitat Valenciana, Spain

Смерть : 1993-07-04


Dolores Gaos González-Pola (2 December 1921, in Valencia – 4 July 1993, in Madrid), better known as Lola Gaos, was a Spanish film, television and theatre actress. Famous with her works with Luis Buñuel but specially the film Furtivos where she played the dominant mother. Description above from the Wikipedia article Lola Gaos, licensed under CC-BY-SA, full list of contributors on Wikipedia.


Lola Gaos


Gran sol
A group of fishermen embark on a new adventure to capture the best pieces on the high seas. They leave from the port of Ondárroa, Vizcaya, to depart towards the Atlantic bottom where they usually fish. After several days of fishing, problems begin to emerge.
Blood Hunt
A new doctor arrives in a small Spanish village. As soon as he begins meeting people there, he notices the strange behaviour of the population and is surprised. Young people make fun of him, a man called Gonzalo seems to be some kind of leader, and he is invited to leave the village when he tries to ask about the situation. All his questions get no answer. His neighbour is a lovely and pretty young woman, who works as the local teacher. They develop a sincere friendship from the very first moment, which grows to become love. Unfortunately, Gonzalo feels that the young teacher is "reserved" exclusively for him and he reacts with violence. Meanwhile, the doctor finds out the key of that strange behaviour. Some years ago, during the local feast, some drug-addicts attacked the village in order to get money and goods. There was a fight and some people died, including Gonzalo's son. From then on, Gonzalo and others began their particular "crusade" against drug-addicts.
Caso cerrado
Cesar and Isabel just got married for the Jewish rite, their religion. He is a director of a banking company. She works in a bookstore owned by her mother-in-law. The couple sees their happiness truncated when César discovers financial anomalies in the entity where he works. What were initially charges against some managers, becomes an accusation of embezzlement against César, who is in France to prevent his entry into military service. Go back and appear before the judge to prove his innocence.
Paul Marnac and his infirm wife Geneviève move to his childhood estate in the French countryside. The estate is also the site of the castle inhabited by Paul's ancestor Alaric de Marnac, who was known for brutally slaughtering anyone whom he suspected of infidelity. There is a legend that Alaric rises from the grave to continue his deeds. The estate is currently inhabited by Paul's aunt Maville and cousin Julie. Right after Paul and Geneviève arrive, mysterious things begin to happen. Geneviève begins to wonder if the legend about Alaric is true.
El lago de las vírgenes
The virgins' mother
A man discovers an island covered in treasure. But when he attempts to fully explore island and collect the treasure, he ends up discovering some mysterious nymphs who seduce him.
Trágala, perro
Madre Superiora
Sister Patrocinio is a nun who is stigmatized by Christ in her hands and feet. Although some believe in this mystical fact, others suspect of manipulation and take it to the court of justice.
Tú estás loco Briones
Sor Piedad
Faustino Briones is a hardline Falangist who, unhappy with the changes in Spain and after mounting several scandals in his work, is admitted to a psychiatric hospital. Without waiting for him, he begins to interact with the nuns of the place, but especially with one, Sr. Angustias with whom he is beginning to feel things
La isla de las cabezas
Ana works side by side with her mother Maria Rosa in the fight to save the anti-Franco militants from the death penalty during the process of Burgos. Ana's mother is a former actress and Ana, her mother and a few other actors prepare an act of protest in the theater where an international festival on Strinberg is being held. But there are more things in Ana's life. The mother lives with her uncle, the brother of his father, Norman, an old doctor of devious methods. Helped by Fatima, an old nurse who loves her father, the doctor will try to experiment with Ana's ideas and feelings as well
God Bless Each Corner of This House
Caperucita y Roja
De profesión: polígamo
Madre de María
Angel is a poacher who lives in the forest with his domineering mother. One day he goes to the city and meets Milagros, an escapee from a reform school and the lover of a known criminal so he takes her to his house in the mountains.
El poder del deseo
Javier's mother
Javier lives with his mother in a modest apartment. He conducts surveys on the effectiveness of ads. This work provides a humble earning for the two of them. One day he meets Juna at a bus stop. He tries to ask her out, but she refuses. A few days later, they meet again. Slowly a relationship develops, but her plan is to marry someone rich. Javier's wealthy uncle included him in his testament, so Juna talks Javier into killing the uncle.
Sex o no sex
Tía de Angélica
Paco, a frustrated office worker, goes to the office of a psychologist, to whom he tells his most delirious sexual fantasies in the hope that he will apply a curative therapy. Unfortunately, the doctor will end up confessing that he can not help, because he lives with a doll that has become his companion sentimental.
The Legend of Blood Castle
Countess Elizabeth Bathory conspires with her husband to acquire the blood of virgins to maintain her youth and beauty.
The Guerrilla
Adaptation of the text of Azorin theater play. In 1808, Napoleon's troops invaded a village in the Sierra de Madrid. Love triangle between a girl, guerrilla leader and French officer who falls in love with the girl.
Панчо Вилья
Old Woman
В 1916 году знаменитый мексиканский бандит- революционер Панчо Вилья спасается от казни и начинает творить суд и расправу..
My Dearest Senorita
Tía Chus
A woman living in a small town discovers after fifty years that she is actually a man. Will she change her sex and suffer the reaction of a narrow-minded society?
La Señana
Marianela is a poor girl with a disfigured face who works as Pablo's guide, a blind young man from a wealthy family. Pablo falls in love with Marianela because of her spirit and vitality and imagines her as the most beautiful woman in the world. When Pablo has the chance to recover his sight, Marianela becomes very sad because she is sure that the young man will reject her when he can see her
Мой дорогой убийца
Adele Rudigiani
Неуловимый убийца устраняет каждого, кто хоть на дюйм приблизится к его тайне - к давнему нераскрытому делу о похищении и последующем убийстве девочки и её отца. Душителю противостоит инспектор Лука Перетти. Он встречается с людьми, которые хоть как-то могут помочь в расследовании, а следующей же ночью приходит убийца... Как же найти маньяка, если его основная улика - рисунок маленькой девочки?
Préstame quince días
Pierna creciente, falda menguante
Doña Úrsula
После смерти матери Тристана оказывается под опекой своего не вполне бескорыстного дяди дона Лопе и вскоре сбегает от него с молодым художником Орасио. Разворачивается история соблазнения и возмездия.
Sound of Horror
Calliope, the housekeeper
When a group of isolated people in the Greek mountains set off a cave explosion, they are menaced by an invisible shrieking dinosaur that had been buried for eons
Los chicos con las chicas
Doña Arsenia
The musical group Los Bravos is enjoying a short holidays. It's in a mountain hut, near a girls' school, eager to see and hear.
Historia de la frivolidad
The Lecturer's Helper #4
The Lecturer, leader of the Feminine League Against Frivolity, tells the history of eroticism and censorship from the beginning of time until the late 1960s.
Охотник на негодяев
Ruth Harmon
Лента расскажет об одиноком охотнике за головами Люке Чилсоне, который вступил в схватку с бандой безжалостных мексиканских бандитов под предводительством Хосе Гомеса. В первой же схватке жители города поддержали своего земляка, несмотря на его бандитскую натуру. В результате чего Люк оказался в руках Гомеса и его шайки, но после того, как Хосе с его головорезами начинает издеваться над горожанами и убивать одного за другим, они вынуждены освободить охотника за головами, ибо только он сможет помочь им избавиться от безжалостной банды...
El arte de vivir
Madre de Luis
After graduating in Economics, Luis is seeking to burst through in life. His partner Ana sees how his way of being is changing by the standards of his company into a different person. Ana tries to draw his attention in a failed suicide attempt.
Tres perros locos, locos, locos
Residence for Spies
Omar's Wife
Ms. Pendleton is the commander-in-chief of a women's training camp for western spies, recently established in Turkey. CIA agent Leyton receives a mission, to discover and destroy an enemy group operating in the vicinities of that residence. He will manage, with the help, and sometimes extra zeal, of a team of young women recruits.
The Devil Also Cries
Los dinamiteros
Doña Pura, don Benito and don Augusto are three venerable old people who usually coincide each month in the queues of the mutuality windows to collect their pension, an opportunity they take advantage of to talk about life. When they learn that the old don Felipe, an acquaintance, is very sick and is alone and without money for a decent funeral, they decide to ask for a loan to help him, but, as they do not grant it, they decide to rob the savings bank. To do this, they will plan everything thoroughly and manufacture a homemade explosive.
Tiempo de amor
Three stories in which love plays a decisive role intersect. The first of them is led by a couple who decides to break with the chastity they have been keeping until then. In the second Mary discovers that the man with whom he wants to lose his virginity is a ruffian and in the third, and last, a marriage tries to maintain happiness despite the miseries of his daily life. Second film by director and screenwriter Julio Diamante , composed of three autonomous episodes, minimally chained, called " The sunset ", " The night " and " The morning ". The three chapters are very influenced by the social realism that invaded the Spanish literature of the time and by the badly assimilated cinema of Michelangelo Antonioni. This means that, for example.
Visiting Woman of the Work
Хосе-Луис, работающий могильщиком, случайно знакомится с миловидной Кармен, дочерью добродушного старичка Амедео, который, однако, уже 40 лет служит тюремным палачом. Из-за профессии отца Кармен не хватает мужского внимания, а у Хосе-Луиса те же проблемы с девушками - никто не хочет встречаться с могильщиком. Им вместе хорошо, у них рождается ребенок, но когда Амедео уходит на пенсию, начинаются проблемы...
El turista
Benigno, hermano mío
3 Fables of Love
(segment "La mort et le bûcheron")
"Les quatre vérités" aka "The Four Truths" is a movie anthology that consists of four segments, all loosely parodying fables from the 17th-century French poet Jean de la Fontaine. The US cut usually features only 3 segments.
Salto mortal
Componente del circo
Los pedigüeños
Дядя Виридианы, обеспечивший своей племяннице обучение, очень хочет видеть её в своём замке до того, как она пострижётся в монахини. На самом деле дядя давно влюблён в свою племянницу. Эта страсть так потрясает Виридиану, что она принимает решение не возвращаться в монастырь.
Un ángel tuvo la culpa
Claudio is a kind mand who works as cashier in a company for several years. Whe he finds closed the bank where he has to deposit a millon of pesetas, he decides to go to a friends party. Due to alcohol effects, he share out the money to the people who need it more.
Un marido de ida y vuelta
Adaptation of the eponymous play of Jardiel Poncela. A husband dominated by his overbearing wife dies victim of a heart attack the day she forces him to shave his beloved beard to go to a costume ball dressed as a bullfighter. Its spectrum then begins to walk around the house and the most unexpected cause tangles. When she finally decides to settle definitely get materialize and get his wife, who has meanwhile become a being sweet and understanding.
Susanna and Me
Estudiante #2
An expulsive star of a variety theatre cannot decide between the love of an honest archaeology professor and the love of an extravagant official who turns himself into a cabaret comedian in his sparetime.
That Happy Couple
Actress - Queen
Juan and Carmen are a humble couple living in Madrid. She does the housework and he works as an electrician in a film studio. Their dreams of wellness come true when they win a contest sponsored by a soap brand.