Marta Fernández Muro

Marta Fernández Muro

Рождение : 1950-02-12, Madrid, Madrid, Spain


Marta Fernández Muro


Tomorrow is Today
A family is on holiday in 1991 when their teenage daughter decides to elope with her boyfriend. Their parents travel forward in time to 2022 and see how much Spain has changed in three decades.
The Tunnel
The thirteen survivors of a catastrophe by a tunnel's collapse tries to balance their experience trapped along 15 days inside it with their day-by-day outside it.
Born to Suffer
The tale of a group of women (a sweet old lady, her religious niece, her servant and the latter's disabled mother), all so generous and selfless that they almost compete with one another as ferocious rivals to see who can help most and make the greatest sacrifice for the others' wellbeing. And we all know the well-known saying: 'The road to hell is paved with good intentions'.
Que parezca un accidente
A women is planning to kill her son-in-law after she finds out that he is unfaithful to her daughter.
Robbery at 3 O'clock… and Half
A German bank buys a small Spanish entity and announces to its employees that it will pre-retire them on January 1st. The cashier Galindo proposes his fellow coworkers a plan to steal a large sum of euros which will arrive on New Year's Eve.
Джулия уже не первый год работает агентом по продаже недвижимости и стала настоящим профессионалом своего дела. Однажды в квартире, в которой умер арендатор, она находит большую сумму денег, после чего решает любой ценой завладеть ими. Однако сделать это будет очень непросто, поскольку ей придется столкнуться с гневом достаточно необычного общества соседей, которым руководит администратор дома. Но женщина не собирается так просто сдаваться и готова пойти на любые ухищрения, чтобы добиться желаемого результата. С этого момента ее ждет настоящая война, одержать победу в которой будет очень непросто ...
Manolito Four Eyes
La Luisa
The usually absent father of a chubby kid shows up to take him on a road trip.
Atilano, presidente
Atilano Bermejo is a petty crook who gets involved in the scam of his life: to be Prime Minister. His charisma and lack of social concern make him an ideal political candidate for a group of bankers looking for a good public image behind which to hide and disguise their ambitions.
El crimen del cine Oriente
Valencia, Spain, in the early 1950s. Salvador and María, two unfortunate people, meet by chance when she takes shelter from the rain at the Oriente Cinema, where he works as a manager.
Los porretas
Matías, juez de línea
La madre muerta
Matias is a soccer referee. He promised his dying mother never to lie. When he referees a match of the spanish national team and there is a clear penalty against Spain in the last minute of the game he has no choice and marks the foul. As a result Spain does not qualify for the world championship and Matias is forced to escape from the rage of the people. He hides in the town of his father which he hasn't visited since his childhood.
Justino, un asesino de la tercera edad
Justino was working in a bull-ring but now he is retired. For him it is very difficult to adapt to the new situation although he will find soon a hobby without forgetting his profession.
Everyone Off to Jail
A prison in Valencia hosts an event recognizing political prisoners jailed during Franco’s reign. The reunion proves more raucous than the organizers intended.
Aquesta nit o mai
The film takes on a trip through a lively metropolis on the eve of a major holiday, witnessing the love lives, family situations, gender confusion and even a diamond traffic ring uniting some 14 different characters. They all have something in common - they're after love, money, live in or visit the same luxury apartment building, and speak Catalan, in the pulsating and hallucinating Barcelona of the 1990s.
El Rey del Mambo
Закон желания
Сюжет построен вокруг убийства на почве страсти. То, что это любовь гомосексуалистов, сути не меняет. Любовь сводит людей с ума и толкает на преступление, оставаясь неподсудной. Молодой любовник известного кинорежиссера убивает соперника — полиция ведет следствие…
Beyond the Walls
This 1985 Spanish film reveals one of the many terrible aspects of 16th century Spain, still plagued by the radical Christian Inquisition, one of a plethora of difficulties Spaniards faced at the time. Spanish super star Carmen Maura plays a nun who agrees to a selfless scam, a fake stigmata, only to avoid separation from her lover, another nun. It's a serious and passionate work, highlighting the theme of outspoken women-against-repression, seen in other good gay and lesbian films. This is not a lesbian "Nun sense" or another "Dark Habits" (by Almodovar, which also starred Carmen Maura, and also set in a Spanish convent, with some lesbian nuns). Perhaps, best of all, 'Extramuros' is realistic and frank. It isn't shy about its characters' sexuality. Their sexuality, and the film as a whole are genuine.
Dos mejor que uno
Rafa and Jeromo are a curious couple of friends. Their friendship began in childhood as well as his love for Silvia, which have been in love since childhood. Silvia Jeromo elected, and Rafa decided to disappear. Years later he returns and finds that the couple is experiencing a serious emotional crisis...
The Arrangement
After a period of inactivity, Crisanto, a police inspector, returns to the service. When a friend of his is murdered, he decides to take over the investigation.
Фильм о жизни людей в Мадриде 1942 года, сразу же после окончания гражданской войны в Испании. Главная тема фильма — контраст между поэтами, живущими почти в нищете под гнетом режима Франко, и победителями войны, зарождающимся классом людей, делающих деньги на нелегальном бизнесе.
Лабиринт страстей
В центре сюжета поп-звезда, страдающая нимфоманией и влюбляющаяся в восточного принца-гея, на которого охотятся революционные исламисты и экс-шахиня, желающая от него забеременеть.
Pares y nones
Comedy on the effects of affect and impersonal relationships in unmarried couples, couples who cease to be, they should be and never should have been. All focused on ten main characters in that age does not always accompanied by the corresponding maturity.
To Begin Again
A Nobel prize winner returns to his natal city looking for his home.
Estoy en crisis
Bernabe (José Sacristán) works as an artistic director for a publicity firm but his avocation is fawning after his bosses, sleeping with whomever might advance his career, and ignoring his wife. Life continues on in this vein until he meets a young model whom he invites up to his boss's temporarily vacant country house, pretending the house belongs to him. Not very far away, bulldozers and other machinery are clearing the beautifully wooded area so construction can start on an amusement park. Little does Bernabe realize that his potential new conquest is a seriously fanatical environmental advocate, and she arrives at the house with friends, gets Bernabe high and "out of it," and then she and her friends proceed to trash the construction machinery. Once Bernabe comes around again, he finds out what has happened, loses heart for his planned sexual escapade, and begins to appreciate his wife for the first time.
Trágala, perro
Monja enferma
Sister Patrocinio is a nun who is stigmatized by Christ in her hands and feet. Although some believe in this mystical fact, others suspect of manipulation and take it to the court of justice.
Amiga de Magda
José Sirgado is a low-budget filmmaker whose heroin addiction distorts his perspective of the real world. Although he is a depressed and unstable individual, his mood improves when he receives the mysterious films of Pedro, with whom he shares his passion for cinema.
Yo qué sé
The Black Hand
Three old schoolmates, who in their time as students had formed a kind of secret society called The Black Hand, in order to embitter teachers' lives, meet again years later with very different lives. One is a dad's son who is distracted as best he can; another has become a writer of espionage novels and is persecuted by the CIA, and the third leads an indolent life without further ado. The reunion of the three friends will make the society of La Mano Negra revive.
Supersonic Man
Kronos, hero of a distant galaxy, tangles with mad scientist Gulik over the fate of mankind.
What's a Girl Like You Doing in a Place Like This?
Persecuted by her controlling ex-husband, Rosa plots an escape