Concha Grégori


Manuel y Clemente
Manuel and Clemente, couple in the shower and in various scheming, try to do business with miraculous apparitions. Near the Sevillian town of El Palmar de Troya, in 1968, people begin to say that the Virgin appears and the two friends take advantage of the situation. Soon a network of economic interests and credulity is created that makes it easier for Manuel and Clemente to achieve their goal: a monumental basilica, a religious order of nuns, priests and bishops of their own, and even a pope, Gregory XVII. Satire on the curious origin of the Palmarian Catholic Church and its unique founders.
Нескромное обаяние порока
Sofia (as Concha Gregori)
Иоланда поет в ночном клубе и однажды замечает там монашек, которые оставляют ей визитную карточку. Она знакомится с Матерью Наставницей, чье восхищение злом не знает границ, а также с другими сестрами. Эти женщины проповедуют новый подход к вопросам послушания и раскаяния. Однако все переворачивается вверх дном, когда смиренные послушницы решают отпраздновать именины Матери Наставницы.
Лабиринт страстей
В центре сюжета поп-звезда, страдающая нимфоманией и влюбляющаяся в восточного принца-гея, на которого охотятся революционные исламисты и экс-шахиня, желающая от него забеременеть.
Пепи, Люси, Бом и остальные девушки
Charito - La Vecina de Luci
Пепи изнасилована полицейским, который поймал ее за выращивание марихуаны в квартире. Теперь Пепи намеревается отомстить ему, сделав так, чтобы от него ушла его жена-мазохистка.
What's a Girl Like You Doing in a Place Like This?
Persecuted by her controlling ex-husband, Rosa plots an escape
Sentados al borde de la mañana con los pies colgando
Nunca es tarde
Antonio and Teresa are a couple who live in a flat in San Sebastian. Ursula Michelena, an elderly woman over 70 years old, lives on the top floor. Ursula is secretly in love with Antonio, whom he continually spies from one of the windows of her house. One night she sees Antonio and Teresa making love and that fact excites her violently, in such a way that she asks Antonio for a secret appointment and tells her that she is pregnant and that the son she is waiting for is his. Úrsula, according to her version, has become pregnant looking at Antonio and Teresa making love.
Paper Tigers
Spain, 1977. The first general elections are about to take place after the long dictatorship and the progressive environment of Madrid is easily palpable. Protagonists, Carmen and Juan were once married and now living separately, both have a child. It's one of the only reasons they maintain cordial to one another. Their separation, the political context and the contradictions of the progressives of the time will not defeat the affinity between the two.
With Lots of Love
Don Luis is the owner of an industry and all his family work in it, allowing he to become a staunch patriarch.
Yo creo que...
My Dearest Senorita
Alumna (uncredited)
A woman living in a small town discovers after fifty years that she is actually a man. Will she change her sex and suffer the reaction of a narrow-minded society?
Estado de sitio
The abusive professional relationship between Luis, an intransigent painter, and Ágata, his traumatized model, takes an unexpected turn when she finds a mysterious self-portrait of him…
La ventana
A woman looks out of a window.