Erik Schumann
Рождение : 1924-02-15, Grechwitz, Germany
Смерть : 2007-02-09
Peter Reichel
Crime Movie from and with Jerry Cotton / George Nader expert Christos Tses as well as Yvonne de Bark, Erik Schumann, Brigitte Grothum, Hans von Borsody, Luca Maric and Pinkas Braun.
Daniel and Clara are on a vacation in Italy. In the form of the mysterious "Sandman" Coppola, a figure from Daniel's childhood, returns to haunt him, while he succumbs to an obsessive love with an enigmatic woman of strange beauty: Olympia, who might be far more than she first appears to be...
Император Тиберий отправляет своего советника по имени Таурус в Палестину, чтобы расследовать обстоятельства исчезновения тела Иисуса из Назарета, распятого тремя годами ранее. По стране ползут слухи о воскрешении Иисуса из мертвых, и приезд императорского посланника вызывает панику у местных чиновников, особенно у римского наместника Понтия Пилата.
Eladio Bengoa
Dr. Edel
Возвращаясь поздним вечером домой спортивный журналист Роберт Крон видит мокнущую под проливным дождем даму и любезно приглашает ее под зонтик. Роберта сразу заинтриговывает, как такая красивая и богатая женщина могла оказаться одна в безлюдном парке, а знаменитую кинозвезду Веронику Фосс располагает к незнакомцу то, что он совершенно не интересуется кино и даже не узнает ее. А главное — что его доброжетальное отношение к ней не сменяется на заискивание после того, как он понимает, что перед ним — кумир многих тысяч зрителей. Их отношения завязываются все теснее, однако Роберт замечает, что и без того экзальтированная звезда словно не принадлежит себе, а иногда впадает в странные приступы, напоминающие абстиненцию…
von Strehlow
История солистки кабаре, ставшей невероятно популярной из-за песенки «Лили Марлен», которая получила всенародное признание в годы Второй мировой войны. Молодая девушка так и не поняла, что с ней произошло, и какова настоящая цена успеха. Ее взлет и крах — прозрачная метафора, рожденная беспокойством режиссера.
Bill Parry
A story about slave hunting, colonialism, revenge and love.
A rock band moves into a farmhouse in a little village. They are eyed suspiciously by the citizens of the village.
Captain Turnbull
A colonial police officer in Rhodesia hunts down the albino terrorist who raped and murdered his fiancee.
Oskar Nelson
Black Jack
An adventure directed by Rolf Olsen.
After Chief Superintendent James Hooper was able to arrest the legendary Gentlemen mail robbery gang, he is only missing the head of the gang. But the extremely shrewd Michael Richy Richardson plays a cat-and-mouse game with the man from Scotland Yard, who has been chasing the gentleman gangster across the globe for years now. Richy changes identities like he changes suits, slipping Hooper through the net again and again. He is slowly running out of time, as his retirement is imminent. In well-deserved retirement, Hooper's final hunt begins anew, as the dogged ex-chief inspector is unwilling to let the super gangster escape.
Marquis de Villette
John Scali
Teddy Zakora
A crime movie directed by Rolf Olsen.
Lord Illingworth
Mecky Krüger
José Uraga
Ignaz Hirnbeißer has won the lottery. Now he has the money to travel to where the smartest playboys and the hottest girls can be found. However, he is told adventurous stories about this place at the travel agency.
Guido Speier
Danny Sontag
A crime reporter (Erik Schumann) uncovers a lurid plot by a Hamburg gang to dose impressionable young girls with LSD in order to enslave them into prostitution. Featuring mad killers, psychedelic acid trips and ladies mud wrestling!
Bob Fishman
Betty is in jail after a failed raid on a jewelry store while her accomplice Bob escaped. But by chance she finds Bob's hiding place and towers with four other girls.
Narrator (voice)
Television series for children about an old inventor.
Dr. Otto Siedler - Rechtsanwalt
Alphons Tewes
After the brutal murder of the prostitute Vera Paterny, Inspector Reinisch hardly makes any progress with the investigation. Vera's colleague Sonja reports on wild sex parties of the murdered and mentions names, prominent names.
Dr. Neumeister
Don Page
Captain Miller
Благородный герой Джонни Гарден, прозванный Верная Рука за виртуозную стрельбу, странствует по Дикому Западу в поисках убийц своей матери. Вместе со своими друзьями - индейцами и белыми — ему приходится вступить в противоборство с многочисленной бандой, возглавляемой изобретательным и безжалостным злодеем, известным как Генерал; он-то и оказывается личным врагом Верной Руки.
Antipholus von Ephesus
James Mayford
Edward Chamberlayne
Three men plot to assassinate the dictator of their country, but their plan fails and one of them is captured and imprisoned. Even after considerable torture and interrogation, the revolutionary maintains his silence as to the names of his accomplices. Soon he is killed, though no one seems to know who is responsible for his death. Four years later another regime has been established, and a former inmate of the dead revolutionary finds himself in a position of power. He now intends to find out who was responsible for the man's death. After this German tale first took the form of a radio play and then a stage production, character actor Peter Carsten decided to produce this film version.
Harry Dölling
Capt. Danhoff
In WWII Austria, Col. Alois Podhajsky must protect his beloved Lipizzaner stallions and make sure that they are surrendered into the right hands. But Patton's something of a horse fancier and can help...if he sees the stallions perform.
Dr. Werner Koch
Nazi Gunboat Officer
Эрик Эриксон, шведский бизнесмен, вынужден согласиться работать на разведку Союзников во время своих деловых поездок в нацистскую Германию.
Freddie Page
Dr. Nielsson
A drama set on Faroe Islands by Frank Wisbar based on the novel by Jørgen-Frantz Jacobsen.
Der Flüchtling
Harry Benson
Rolf Starke
Suspenseful story of a boy and his father, each forced to decide his future on his willingness to stand up for what he believes.
Stefan Reimer
Hauptmann Rathshelm
Hans Schott
The film depicts the first month of 1945 when the Russian Red Army broke into the eastern part of Germany and forced millions of civilians to flee in the coldest of winter. While the Russians invaded Ostpreussen hundred of thousands of civilians were evacuated by ships. Gotenhafen was the last open port and ships left the town almost by the minute, overloaded by refugees. One of the last ships to leave Gotenhafen was the 'Wilhelm Gustloff', a former 'Kraft durch Freude' pleasure cruiser designed for 1000 passengers. Until today it is unknown how many people were on board but it is said to be around 10.000. The ship sunk without a trace and only a handful of people survived this hellish nightmare.
Walter Schliewen
Eberhard Dobermann is a widower and a policeman who loves to control the roads and let people pay fines. Even with his neighbour and friend Jutta Schmalbach he has no pity. Thus he cannot understand why his daughter Karin just falls in love with a racing pilot called Walter. But it gets even worse when Eberhard wins a VW-Kaefer at the annual police party. So he has to learn to drive and thus even brings his teacher close to a heart attack.
François Dupont
Lt. Reinisch
Wartime thriller with film noir elements based on a true story as written in A.P. Scotland's autobiography "The London Cage". The plot has greatly exaggerated the actual events of A.P. Scotland's experiences, including the addition of a fictional love interest.
Hauptmann von Arnim
Ronald Henning
Peter Krüger
Tom, Maler
Konrad Stammer
Lorenz von Hergeth
Martin Lundt
Martin Lundt, heir to his family's industrial business, falls for and, against his family's wishes, weds the family maid, Régine. Soon thereafter, rumors begin to circulate about Régine's faithfulness and being to haunt Martin.
Dr. Stefan Rainer
Carl Altmann
Anna is a factory worker in East Germany. Her five-year-old son Jochen lives with his grandparents in the West and Anna wants him to live with her, so she abducts him. Along the way she meets Carl who helps her with her son and they fall in love.
Hans von Bülow
Director William Dieterle's 1956 film biography of classical composer Richard Wagner stars Carlos Thompson, Yvonne De Carlo, Rita Gam, Alan Badel and Valentina Cortese.
Hans Hellmer
Marlene Roedern is a student at the Salzburg Mozarteum, as is her boyfriend, Hans Hellmer, a promising conductor. Strothoff, a government cultural representative, engages Hans to conduct at Hamburg. While in Salzburg, Strothoff meets Marlene, who works as a tourist guide in order to pay her tuition fees. He hires her for an all-night tour of the city. She becomes infatuated with him and he with her. Hans is not happy about this.
Hans Bodmer
The brothers Theo and Gustav Benthin pull profits through smuggling in divided Germany: Theo in the West and Gustav in the East. The East German police catch on quickly, however, and Gustav is arrested. The small band of smugglers disperses, with Gustav’s chauffer Peter Naumann fleeing to the West and his sister choosing the East after struggling to find work and lodging in the West.
Werner Gundler, Himmelshund