This is the 2003 production of Thomas Bernhards play "Elisabeth II. - Keine Komödie", directed by Thomas Langhoff. It was the first time this play took place in Austria, at the famous Burgtheater Vienna.
After a wolf had killed a sheep in their village, 12-year old Roland and his friend Hugo keep track of the predator. Roland wants to build a trap to capture the wolf alive. His father, on the other hand, wants to kill the animal with the hunting collective. Thus, father and son become rivals. Whereas his father takes leave from his job to lie in wait for the wolf, Roland ditches school and tinkers with his trap.
Europe, 1620: The well-known astronomer and mathematician Johannes Kepler, who teaches as a professor in Linz, receives the message that his mother is prosecuted as a witch in Württemberg. The truth behind the allegations is rather simple: His mother has been denunciated by a former friend after an argument with the authorities. Kepler tries desperately to convince the prosecutors of the absurdity of their allegations with rational arguments.
Fred works as an engineer and a test driver at a car company. His girlfriend Petra is a car mechanic - actually an ideal combination. However, the old-fashioned Fred is less than thrilled about his girlfriend’s "male profession". In his opinion, the masculine job damages her femininity. Since Petra is unwilling to give up her beloved job for such stupid concerns, there is a lot of friction between them. It is not until Petra turns the heads of all the men at a fair that Fred realizes how absurd his objections really are.
On the occasion of their daughter's birth, the king and queen give a lavish feast. Among the guests are twelve fairies who endow the infant in the cradle with all good qualities. As the king loathes diligence, he does not invite the thirteenth fairy - the fairy of diligence. A captain lets her slip into the castle and she casts a spell on Sleeping Beauty, wishing death upon her. The twelfth fairy transforms and mitigates the spell. On the day she turns fifteen, the princess is to sink into a hundred-year sleep after pricking her finger on a spindle.
Бывшие эсэсовцы, которые в конце войны стали свидетелями сброса в озеро сокровищ, пытаются достать их со дна. Однако эти планы были сорваны группой детей, которые помогали полиции ловить преступников… Знаете ли Вы, что... :
Фильм снят по мотивам книги Хорста Безелера «Совиная ложбинка» («Käuzchenkuhle»).
Сын богатого дельца Михаэля Витте соблазнил молодую девушку Анну Ковальски, горничную в их доме. У Анны будет ребенок. Это не устраивает Михаэля, так как он мечтает женить сына на дочери богатого французского коммерсанта, а если история с Анной раскроется, планы выгодной женитьбы сына рухнут. Михаэль решает избавиться от Анны.