Fanny Cottençon

Fanny Cottençon

Рождение : 1957-05-11, Port Gentil, Gabon


Fanny Cottençon


And Yet We Were All Blind
Who has never heard of pregnancy denial? This condition, often caused by miscellaneous circumstances, escapes our understanding and even science. How can the mind of a pregnant woman hide a child growing in her body?
Au-dessus des nuages
Mère de Dorine
César Wagner
Marie-Ange Wagner
Pourvu qu'il soit heureux
Everything was fine in Camille’s life until his parents accidentally discovered his homosexuality. How will Claudine and Maxime react? Turnarounds, an inimitable sense of dialogue make this comedy the feeling of back to school. How easy it is to be tolerant when you are not involved yourself! Because when Claudine and Maxime, an open-minded couple, who even demonstrated for marriage for all, come across, by leafing through a celebrity newspaper, on a photo of their son in the company of a man, the sky plummets them. the head. Claudine, more benevolent, tries to reason with her husband, but he finds it difficult to digest the news. Each in turn, the mother and father will question themselves, question themselves, and try to face this revelation, which cannot alter the love they have for their child.
Online Billie
The story of a wannabe actor who falls in love with a camgirl.
Me and El Che
Ingrid, Go's wife
GO is not just an aging college teacher. He still is the young 18 year-old idealist who dared to engaged in social and political action to defend his principles. As a matter of fact, he was one of El Che’s last companions. It was somewhere over there, in Bolivia, in 1967. At least, that’s what he tells everyone...
2 Hours from Paris
A mother never knew who her daughter's father was. When the daughter starts to crave an answer, they both return to their home region of Picardy to find out.
Pleins feux
Catherine Moreau
On ne se mentira jamais !
Лучшие дни впереди
Кто сказал, что уход на пенсию — это начало конца, а не новое начало? Каролина делает совсем не то, чего от неё ждут: заводит любовника, получает новые впечатления, нарушает установленные правила и, в конечном счёте, вновь становится хозяйкой своей жизни и переживает вторую молодость.
Jusqu'au bout du monde
Virginie, a young woman french, goes to work to the Bresil...
Le jour de la grenouille
Catherine Brahé
A dedicated archaeologist, Anna Brahé, is stubbornly engaged in exploring an underground site, convinced that she will soon come across some important burial artefacts. Her superior is more sceptical and, his patience exhausted, sends Peter Morel, a renowned archaeologist, to make an assessment of Anna’s discoveries so far. Despite their differences Anna and Peter cannot help being drawn to one another as the site collapses around them...
Les pieds dans le plat
Judith Alban Stern
La Vérité
Le gendre idéal 2
Le Gendre idéal
Tu peux garder un secret ?
Le temps d'un regard
Mrs. Agnès
Комната смерти
La mère de Lucie
Двое безработных программистов, в безлюдном месте по дороге домой, случайно сбивают мужчину. При нем они находят кейс с двумя миллионами евро. Они прячут тело и решают забрать деньги себе, не подозревая о том, что мужчина — отец похищенной девочки, а деньги — выкуп за нее. Не получив денег, маньяк убивает жертву, одев ее как популярную когда-то во Франции куклу. Расследование поручают Люси Аннабель — молодой женщине, вернувшейся в полицию после рождения близнецов. Расследование только начинается, как маньяк похищает еще одну девочку…
Диалог с моим садовником
Успешный художник, уставший от жизни в Париже и находящийся на грани развода, возвращается в дом детства. Ему нужен кто-то, чтобы снова создать настоящий сад из пустыни, в которую он превратился. Он нанимает садовника, который, как выясняется, учился с ним когда-то в одной школе.
A Child's Secret
Marie de l'Épée
Set in 18th century, a 10 year old deaf boy has been abandoned by his mother, Comtesse de Solar, and is taken care by Abbé de l'Épée, who teaches him how to comunicate and express.
Granny boom
Mariage mixte
Luce Zagury
A woman seeks the blessing of her wealthy father when she becomes engaged.
Moments de vérité
Carrot Top
Madame Lepic
A good-natured kid struggles to earn his mother's love without much success.
After a brutal attack, a 19-year-old girl falls into a self-destructive cycle.
Измени мою жизнь
Nina is an unemployed actress who has just taken a lethal overdose of tranquilizers. Stumbling though the streets of Paris in a deathly haze, Nina collapses into unconsciousness. Fortunately for Nina, lonely Algerian Sami happened to jog by at just the right time. But as soon as Sami previously appeared, he vanishes back into the blackness of night, leaving the recovered Nina with no one to thank for saving her life. Determined to let her guardian angel know just how thankful she truly is, Nina discovers that Sami was once a promising long-distance runner whose dreams of Olympic stardom had been dashed, and who now scrapes by as a transvestite prostitute. Realizing that they've both hit rock bottom, Nina and Sami make a pledge to support one another to the point where they can both get clean and pursue their dreams before it's too late.
La fille de son père
A man decides to pose as his friend and claim to be the father of a child that isn't his.
The Cane of My Father
Cécile Bertoux
A story of a big family living in French countryside between First and second world wars.
Our Happy Lives
la mère de Cécile
Six people whose lives are intertwined struggle to find happiness amid broken relationships and painful life changes.
Ça reste entre nous
Martin Lamotte made his directorial debut with this French comedy. Building contractor Patrick is unaware that Helene, his wife for 15 years, intends to celebrate their wedding anniversary with a surprise party. She's invited friends and relatives to spend the weekend at their blue house. Elsewhere down the road, at an identical blue house, Patrick and his other love, Elizabeth, the mother of his two-year-old daughter, are planning an engagement party for the son of their neighbor. Neither woman knows about the other, and this sticky situation requires Patrick to rush back and forth from one blue house to another throughout the evening. The story is told in flashback by Patrick -- from his hospital bed.
La voisine
A retired woman befriends her neighbor without suspecting that it is her own daughter whom she abandoned at birth.
It's September in Lisbon… Elsa’s young daughter leaves with her father, and Teresa, a friend’s friend, comes to stay in her room. One night the two women go out and meet Raul, a vagrant lover of Elsa. A triangle takes form. They finish the night on a boat by the name of Pandora, but in the morning Raul sails away, alone. Elsa and Teresa will start a new life...
Les hommes et les femmes sont faits pour vivre heureux… mais pas ensemble
Maurane / Catherine Wolf
Alfred, in his forties, runs a publishing company and lives with his wife, Maurane. But he suddenly sees his life as a happy routine, but totally devoid of passion, so he proposes to his wife to replay their encounter, to separate from her in order to win her back. The next morning, Maurane disappeared. A few days later, Alfred meets Catherine Wolf, a young writer, who strangely reminds him of Maurane.
Les clés du paradis
Two brothers, one very successful and the other not, switch places with each other, exchanging jobs and wives.
Le manège de Pauline
Налево от лифта
Florence Arnaud
Робкий Ян и темпераментный Борис — художники, живущие по соседству. Ян влюбляется на вернисаже в прелестную замужнюю блондинку и приглашает её к себе... А Борис на той же выставке учиняет скандал, приревновав другую красавицу Еву к кому-то из публики. Острота комедийной ситуации усиливается тем, что дверь в квартиру Бориса постоянно захлопывается от сквозняков. И полуобнажённая Ева вынуждена искать убежища в... квартире Яна, который в это же время ждёт свою избранницу. Две парочки и дверь вступают в истерически смешные приключения...
The Seasons of Pleasure
Charles and Emmanuelle organize as every year, the congress of perfumers who distribute their products in their castle. Garibaldi, their mutilated and somewhat disturbed son-in-law, will be the butler.
Tant qu'il y aura des femmes
Sam is a screenwriter, good at sorting out other people's stories but unable to organize his own life. He loves women with passion and there are too many around him.
Diary of a Madman
In the nineteenth century, in St. Petersburg. Poprichtchine, a small official living almost in misery, decides not to go to the office. Coming from a noble family, he can not stand his condition anymore.
Angel Dust
Martine Blount
A tired and alcoholic police investigator has lost his wife to a hotel owner, and former pimp, but befriends a young woman which isn't at all who she claims to be.
Golden Eighties
Three young women at a hair salon all like the son of the clothing store proprietors across the mall. Although Robby is selfish and shallow, he's appealing to Lili, the salon's manager, who's trendy and also the salon-owner's moll; to Mado, who's innocent and sweet; and to Pascale, who's intelligent but passive and downcast. Robby's dad tells him to grow up and see beyond the mercurial Lili, so he proposes suddenly to Mado. She's delighted, but the day before the wedding, Lili returns to give Robby another look. In the background, a Yank who was a soldier in France in World War II returns to Paris and tries to recapture the love of his wartime sweetheart, Robby's mom.
Spécial police
Paris Flic and computer-crack David Ackermann is a teacher at the academy advising the rookies in computer-crime. By coincidence Informations about personalities from the high-politics and police-authorities that are involved in organized crime fall into his hands. From than on he's been chased merciless, even having his ex-wife kidnapped to blackmail him. With the help from his new girlfriend he lashes back.
Volley for a Black Buffalo
During the years following World War II, a new boy arrives to class 7/c, and the audience learns to know the lives of the drunkard teacher, his husband-cheating wife, the lonely music teacher hiding behind her paper flowers, the wise count deprived of all his properties, the jovial parish priest and especially the buffalo owner of tragic fate who lost his four daughters, alongside with the young protagonist.
Monsieur de Pourceaugnac
Mixing real locations with a Louis XIV stage setting, director Michel Mitrani interprets the story first told in Moliere's play of the same name, written for the stage. A slightly supercilious country gentleman, Monsieur de Pourceaugnac (Michel Galabru) has arrived in Paris to marry Julie (Fanny Cottencon) the woman promised him, but he does not know that Julie is in love with a handsome young man and has no interest in marrying the grand Monsieur, at all. She and her lover ask the cunningly clever Sbrigani (Roger Coggio) for help, and he concocts a wild array of characters with claims on the easily gulled Pourceaugnac's attention, including arrogant doctors and women with supposed liens on his matrimonial intentions -- actually no more valid than the ostensible creditors out to collect imaginary debts from the unwary gentlemen. The dialogue and situations are as funny as when Moliere first wrote them, but Mitrani's version may be a bit long and slow for some tastes.
Les fausses confidences
Фанни Пелопаха
Estefanía Sánchez/Fanny 'Pelopaja'
История странных отношений любви-ненависти преступницы-рецидивистки и полицейского. Фанни потеряла мужа. Его убил Андрес Гальего, которому Фанни и поклялась отомстить. Садисту Гальего тоже есть что терять. И тут начинается охота, исходом которой может стать только смерть.
Femmes de personne
Cécile, a single mother, contrives to meet Gilquin, the married father of a classmate of her nearly-adolescent son. An affair ensues. Isabelle, approaching middle age with two children, discovers she's pregnant, goes into a funk, and arranges for a younger woman to seduce her husband. Adeline is distraught at her ex-lover's plan to leave France. The three women are colleagues at a radiology clinic. They come to each other's aid, but each must decide on her own what course to take: Cécile with Gilquin, Isabelle with her husband, and Adeline with her solitude.
Друг Винсана
Когда женщина начинает мстить – это всегда шаг отчаяния. Винсана преследует неизвестная девушка с пистолетом. Несколько раз он чудом оставался в живых и теперь вынужден "залечь на дно". Кто же эта женщина? Эту загадку должен разрешить друг Винсана, но для этого ему предстоит познакомиться со всеми любовницами своего приятеля. В Винсана могла выстрелить любая из его бывших женщин! Но только в одной из них долгие годы боролись любовь и ненависть...
Tout le monde peut se tromper
Albine Boisvert
A young woman, employed in a jewelry store, decides to take advantage of the heist she witnesses. She shoots down one of the burglars; the other will pursue her.
Рай для всех
Jeanne Durieux
Работник страхового агентства Ален Дюрей пытался покончить с собой. "Обычная депрессия", - установил врач Пьер Валуа и применил новую методику лечения. Короткая электронная манипуляция над мозгом - и готов новый человек, всегда довольный, всегда уверенный, всегда уравновешенный. У Анри начинают прекрасно идти служебные финансовые дела. Вот только друзья и близкие почему-то очень тревожатся...
Северная звезда
Sylvie Baron
1934 год. Эдуар возвращается в Европу из Египта, где прожил в доме одной странноватой особы несколько лет, увозя от нее прощальный подарок - кольцо с драгоценным камнем, которое и является всем его состоянием, продав которое он рассчитывает обзавестись каким-нибудь бизнесом. На пароходе он знакомится с танцовщицей Сильви, знакомит ее с богатым египтянином Немродом. Сильви параллельно непрочь погулять и с Немродом, и с Эдуаром. Пересев на материке в поезд «Северная Звезда», Немрод, в общем, погибает насильственной смертью, и пропадает большое количество наличности, бывшее с ним. По прибытии в Бельгию Сильви селит Эдуара у своей матери. Эдуар очаровывает хозяйку, в котором она находит буквально товарища, который ее понимает...
Tête à claques
Sandrine 'Zoé' Crispin-Vautier
Alex Berthier would love to be a famous songwriter. Meanwhile, he has to cope with unemployment, a witty 12 years old son and a rich and cute heiress who tries to help Alex as much as he tries to escape her: she brings nothing but trouble ! Fortunately, luck will strike again.
Signé Furax
Carole Hardy Petit
The notorious and mysterious criminal Furax steals France's famous monuments, replacing them with replicas.
Le roi des cons
la femme à la terrasse
Georges Le Roi lives odd jobs and shares his life between two girlfriends. One day, he falls in love with Sophie and records a message of love. The tape is mistakenly broadcast in the company. In the face of success, Sophie founded the company Tell me about love and spread the messages of Georges, who soon became a sex symbol.
The Impostures of Scapin
Octave has married Hyacinthe during the absence of Argante, his father.
The Night of Saint-Germain-des-Prés
In 1951, in Saint-Germain-des-Prés, the private detective Nestor Burma was commissioned by an insurance company to find stolen jewelery. The deal seemed easy and Burma got an appointment with a well-known black trumpet player in the neighborhood who could provide him with information. But the musician does not come and we find him murdered. The investigation becomes more complicated and Nestor must find an alibi so as not to be suspected of the crime.