Jack Hofsiss


Кошка на раскаленной крыше
Брик Поллит, в прошлом известный игрок в американский футбол, проводит время в беспробудном пьянстве и получает нелепую травму. Он со своей женой Мэгги про прозвищу «Кошка» приглашён на 65-летний юбилей отца — Харви Поллита, которого все называют «Большой Папа». Харви только что был выписан из больницы, где был обнаружен неутешительный диагноз — рак, однако ни он, ни его жена не знают, что дни его сочтены. Но остальные члены семьи в курсе и начинают суету вокруг немалого наследства.
Family Secrets
Three generations of women spend an emotional weekend that will change them forever.
I'm Dancing as Fast as I Can
An adaptation of Barbara Gordon's nonfiction account of her addiction to Valium.
The Elephant Man
A taped version of the stage play about a hideously deformed 19th-century London man and how he managed to triumph over his disease.
The Oldest Living Graduate
Henry Fonda stars as Col. J. C. Kincaid, crusty patriarch of a Texas family. Kincaid's weak-willed son Floyd (George Grizzard) wants to get into the old man's good graces so that he can develop the Colonel's vast land ownings. Floyd arranges a city-wide celebration lauding Kincaid as the oldest living graduate of a nearby military academy. The festivities serve only to make the already sour Kincaid even more truculent and miserable. Adapted from Preston Jones' 1974 play and originally telecast live from Dallas' Southern Methodist University on April 7, 1980.
The Sorrows of Gin
An affluent suburban couple's empty and gin-fueled lives are observed through the eyes of their neglected, eight-year old daughter.
Out of Our Fathers' House
Drawn from the diaries and letters of noted feminists, such as women's suffrage founder Elizabeth Cady Stanton and labor organizer "Mother" Mary Jones, this unique production paints a compelling portrait of the women's liberation movement.
Out of Our Fathers' House
Drawn from the diaries and letters of noted feminists, such as women's suffrage founder Elizabeth Cady Stanton and labor organizer "Mother" Mary Jones, this unique production paints a compelling portrait of the women's liberation movement.