Rati Chkhetiani


WAR IS OVER! Inspired by the Music of John & Yoko
Foley Editor
Set in an alternate WWI reality where a senseless war rages on, two soldiers on opposite sides of the conflict play a joyful game of chess. A heroic carrier pigeon delivers the soldiers' chess moves over the battlefield as the fighting escalates. Neither soldier knows his opponent as the game and the war builds to its climatic final move. Whoever wins the game, one thing is for certain: there are no winners in war.
Foley Editor
Легендарный гонщик, гениальный конструктор и основатель культового бренда Энцо Феррари пережил много невероятных поворотов судьбы, взлётов и падений. Чтобы круто поменять свою жизнь, он принимает участие в грандиозной гонке на выносливость Mille Miglia...
Totally Killer
Foley Editor
Thirty-five years after the shocking murder of three teens, the infamous "Sweet Sixteen Killer" returns on Halloween night to claim a fourth victim. Seventeen-year-old Jamie ignores her overprotective mom's warning and comes face-to-face with the masked maniac and, on the run for her life, accidentally time travels back to 1987, the year of the original killings. Forced to navigate the unfamiliar and outrageous culture of the 1980s, Jamie teams up with her teen mom to take down the killer once and for all, before she's stuck in the past forever.
Без обид
Foley Editor
Находясь на грани потери дома своего детства, молодая ветреная девушка Мэдди обнаруживает интригующее предложение работы: богатые родители ищут кого-то, с кем бы мог «встречаться» их замкнутый 19-летний сын Перси перед отъездом в колледж. К своему удивлению, Мэдди вскоре обнаруживает, что неуклюжий Перси не так уж и безнадёжен.
Cold Copy
Foley Editor
A young broadcast journalism student is trying to win the approval of her influential mentor who pushes her to reconsider the meaning of truth if it means success.
Drive-Away Dolls
Foley Editor
A Russ Meyer-inspired action sex comedy centered on a party girl who takes a trip from Philadelphia to Tallahassee with her buttoned-down friend. As they cruise the bars they find themselves mixed up in a series of misadventures involving a severed head in a hatbox, a bitter ex-girlfriend, a mystery briefcase, and an evil senator.
I Heard the Bells
Foley Editor
Known as America’s Poet, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow leads an idyllic life – until the day his world is shattered by tragedy. With a nation divided by Civil War and his family torn apart, Henry puts down his pen, silenced by grief. But it’s the sound of Christmas morning that reignites the poet’s lost voice as he discovers the resounding hope of rekindled faith.