Jacques Spiesser

Jacques Spiesser

Рождение : 1947-06-07, Angers, Maine-et-Loire, France


Jacques Spiesser (born 7 June 1947) is a French actor. After having taken courses at the Conservatoire, he made his film, debut in 1972, in Nina Companeez's Faustine et le bel été with Muriel Catala. He is best known to English-speaking audiences for playing the role of Gilles in Priceless. Source: Article "Jacques Spiesser" from Wikipedia in English, licensed under CC-BY-SA 3.0.


Jacques Spiesser


Everyday Portabella
Когда выходит отшельник
"Когда выходит отшельник" – девятое головоломное расследование блистательного комиссара Адамберга, который не доверяет логике, зато умеет "видеть в тумане", ловя сигналы интуиции. Серия смертей от укусов паука-отшельника взорвала соцсети на юге Франции. Поползли панические слухи о резком увеличении популяции этих пауков или об опасной мутации – до сих пор их укус не считался смертельным. У Адамберга само их название вызывает необъяснимую тревогу, и комиссар, вопреки здравому смыслу, начинает несанкционированное расследование, не подозревая, какие бездны злодейства разверзнутся перед ним
Alexandre Caussey
Во время поездки в Канаду Алиса узнает о случайной смерти матери. Тело было репатриировано во Францию по просьбе ее супруга, отца Алисы. Но он мертв уже 22 года. Ее ли это отец на самом деле? Почему мать лгала ей?
Mongeville et Magellan : Un amour de jeunesse
A commissioner and a former examining magistrate are asked to find a woman, whom they both loved, just disappeared.
Entre vents et marées
Ferdinand Lebovitz
In Brittany, a notary is killed with shots to the head. His wife Joséphine is a suspect. Her husband had just sold part of their property to two shady real estate developers who wanted to transform the little fishing village into an ultra-modern marina for wealthy clients.
Последний бриллиант
Pierre Neuville
Бывший заключенный, втирается в доверие к дочери покойного эксперта-ювелира с целью выкрасть «Флорентийца», один из крупнейших в мире бриллиантов. Добившись своего и заменив драгоценность фальшивкой, мошенник передает бриллиант подельникам, которые тотчас же пытаются его убить. Потеряв в одночасье бриллиант и друзей-предателей, герой пытается удержать самое дорогое, что осталось в его жизни — полюбившую его девушку.
A Place On Earth
Monsieur Morin
Antoine is a joyful but disenchanted photographer. His only true friend, Mateo, is 7 years old and the son of his neighbor, who is often absent. One day, he hears a piano sonata coming from the building across the courtyard. Mesmerized by the music, he becomes obsessed by Elena, the beautiful but mysterious pianist, and starts to photograph her at every opportunity. An intense relationship develops between fragile and idealistic Elena and Antoine, who is transformed by this encounter.
La solitude du pouvoir
Stéphane Prévost
Pierre Vasseur is the French president. He has a busy schedule: resolving political crises, abating popular anger, tolerating sarcastic journalists, and parrying opposition attacks-not to mention dealing with the tense relationship he has with his daughter.
Mon frère Yves
Le commandant
Bay of Algiers
The writer Louis Gardel remembers his youth in Algeria. In 1955, Louis is 15 years old and lives with his grandmother Zoé. Zoé is friend with president Steiger, leader of the French settlers but also with the old Arab Bouarab. One night looking at the Bay of Algiers, Louis is convinced that the world in which he has grown will disappear. The first events of the War of Independence have begun. The young boys and young girls have a good time at the seaside: swimming, dancing, flirting. But, little by little, the war becomes part of their daily life.
The Gordji Affair
Edouard Balladur
Wahid Gordji is an Iranian diplomat suspected of the attack at 'rue de Rennes'. Yet, he is ultimately absolved when French hostages in Lebanon are released. Political scandal in France: there is suspicion that the government had intervened in the case and to have exchanged the liberation of the hostages with that of Gordj. Discredited, the judge commits suicide. Mitterand and Chirac keep lobbing the responsibility of the case to each other.
Here Below
The true story of a nun who betrayed a network of Resistance fighters after having a passionate but doomed love affair with a priest during the Second World War.
A Bad Encounter
Bouquet final
Accusé Mendès France
President Perré
Conférence de Berlin 1885 - La ruée sur l'Afrique
Otto Von Bismarck
A docudrama depicting the Berlin Conference in which the Western powers decided the partition of Africa.
Босиком по слизнякам
Odile, Pierre's Father
После внезапной смерти матери Клара вынуждена заботиться о младшей сестре Лилу, чья невероятная чувствительность делает ее уязвимой к внешнему миру и не позволяет быть самостоятельной.
A Dubious Place
Adrien Danglard
A gruesome discovery is made outside a London cemetery one night. Meanwhile in Paris, Police Captain Adamsberg discovers a body chopped into pieces. Could there be a link?
Блондинка с обнаженной грудью
Victor Durieux
Жили-были на маленькой барже два брата — 25-летний Юлиан и 12-летний Луи. Иногда они совершали мелкие преступления. Однажды перекупщики антиквариата предложили им украсть в Музее D’Orsay знаменитую картину Эдуарда Мане, «Блондинка с обнажённой грудью». В музее братья встретили дочь смотрителя — Розали, девушку благородную и честную, и оба влюбились в неё. Смогут ли они теперь совершить преступление?
Mom Lost It!
Seeking Whom He May Devour
Adrien Danglard
A wave of carnage is sweeping through Southern France, with locals blaming the return of wolves. However some begin talking of a werewolf, and Police Captain Adamsberg must investigate.
The Chalk Circle Man
Adrien Danglard
For months a strange phrase has been found scrawled on Paris sidewalks next to chalk circles containing odd objects. Policeman Adamsberg gets involved when a dead woman is found in one of the circles.
Le préfet
Coco is a French comedy released in 2009 and produced by Gad Elmaleh. This is the first embodiment of the actor, adapted from a sketch in the show La Vie Normale. Coco talks about organizing a Bar Mitzvah.
Белая опасность
Pfarrer Josef
Марк впервые возвращается в свой родной альпийский город Фент, который покинул после смерти брата девять лет назад. В городке осталась и его девушка Анна. После встречи с Марком Анна находится в смятении: она так и не сказала ему, что маленький мальчик Нико на самом деле его сын. Тем временем Фент готовится к открытию горнолыжного сезона, но по мере приближения радостного события усиливается метель
Roland Herbelin
After the Liberation of France during the World War II, ten former Resistant fighters meet again during a dinner organized by Marie-Octobre...
Sous les vents de Neptune
Adrien Danglard
Le vrai coupable
Inspecteur Barton
Nos retrouvailles
The Missing Granddaughter
Eva is a Jewish literature teacher at a high school in Bordeaux, France, after the Second World War. During the war her whole family was sent to the German extermination camps by French collaborators. Eva survived by chance. Then by chance a new girl enters her class, a girl who resembles Eva's dead daughter.
Le père de Charlotte
Charlotte, an alienated sound engineer, travels to the country home where her mother was just murdered. She is quickly frustrated by the lack of progress in the police investigation and so begins her own. While listening to a fresh sound recording she made in her mother's house, Charlotte discovers a strange phenomenon, she can hear sounds from the past in her headphones. Soon she is using this ability to hear the past to piece together the last few days of her mother's life, drawing ever closer to discovering who killed her, even as the murderer returns to try and eliminate Charlotte before they are discovered.
Роковая красотка
Авантюристка Ирен принимает скромного служащего отеля Жана за миллиардера. Обнаружив свою ошибку, она тут же покидает его, однако влюбленный Жан бросается следом.Его сбережения быстро заканчиваются, и от отчаяния Жан принимает предложение стать сопровождающим немолодой, но чрезвычайно обеспеченной дамы. Новый статус сближает его с Ирен, которая, в конце концов, смиряется с присутствием Жана. Она помогает Жану советом, и, сама того не осознавая, начинает все больше и больше привязываться к нему.
A City Is Beautiful at Night
The manager
Adapted from the best-seller, the films is a road movie full of music and poetry, driving us from the hot districts of Marseille, to Paris, Montrealand Dakar. Paulo, the young writer, follows Richard, the old musician, in his wanderings, encounters, love stories and will share his vision of life. Richard transmits to Paulo his crazy and strange experience, opening the door to an enchanting world of passion.
Мой лучший друг
Франсуа — успешный антиквар, ведущий роскошный образ жизни. Он высокомерен, эгоцетричен и… одинок. Катрин, его бизнес-партнер, предлагает пари: если Франсуа сможет найти друзей, она уступит ему очень ценную греческую вазу. Теперь у Франсуа есть всего несколько дней, чтобы проштудировать свою записную книжку и представить Катрин своего лучшего друга.
Le temps de la désobéissance
le divisionnaire
In 1942, Edouard and Lucas are two childhood friends, both policemen in Nancy in different police stations. Soon the beautiful friendship between the two policemen will shatter with all the suffering and disappointment that implies.
Guy Chartrier
It is the end of the judicial control of Thierry Chartier, 18 years old. He was a virgin in Heuzecourt, a small village in the north of France populated by farmers and retired miners, where his paternal grandmother lived. He earns his living by helping out in the fields, he helps his grandmother, and would like to take over the farm. But, following an incident, he is condemned to seven years of criminal imprisonment, for complicity of murder, Thierry leaves on parole with an English diploma and a tattoo. But above all a guilt forever anchored. It is now up to him to rebuild his life.
Celle qui reste
Alice has lost her father and one leg in a car accident. She lives with her mother (Jeanne) and grandfather in a farm. Summer holidays start and she can't go to the sea with other children of the village. Then she meets Vincent, a younger boy who stayed in the village as well, and Alain, the mayor's son who's back in town to train his athleticism female club. Alice would like to run with her prosthesis but Jeanne doesn't want her to run nor to approach Alain.
D'Artagnan and the Three Musketeers
Exile and possibly death are in the cards for the Queen of France in this edgy cloak-and-dagger adventure based on Alexandre Dumas' unrivaled tale of THE THREE MUSKETEERS and their reckless romantic friend D'Artagnan. Supernatural powers and dark mystical forces add an exciting twist to this classic tale.
The Hook
A writer of novels in need of an editor accepts the contract offered to him by a famous writer: to eliminate his ex-wife against a large sum of money.
Nature contre nature
Sébastien Chantoux, a psychoanalyst, decides to move to the Creuse. Adapting little by little to the local customs, he joined "Troc'en Creuse", an association that promotes exchange between individuals. He proposes, within this framework, psychoanalysis sessions.
L'affaire Dominici
Juge Péries
During the night of August 4-5, 1952, three Englishmen, Jack Drummond, his wife Anne and their daughter Elizabeth were murdered near their car near the farm of the Dominici family, in the commune of Lurs in the Alpes-de-Haute-Provence. Denounced by two of his sons, the patriarch Gaston Dominici was judged and condemned without any real evidence.
She's One of Us
At the start, Christine Blanc is a temp, her boyfriend has gone. Near the story's end, she's been offered a steady job, she has a fiancé, other men seem interested in her, she's passed her driving test, and, after she wins 1000 Euros in a scratch-off, her colleagues sing that she's a jolly good fellow ("one of us"). But something's askew: her gaze is too direct, her eyes open too widely; conversational gambits hit odd notes; she parrots others' words; she cooks too much food when she invites a supervisor to dinner. When the supervisor takes Christine on a spontaneous outing that disorients her, her oddities become something else. Can things ever be normal?
Jean Moulin, une affaire française
Drama set in the Second World War, focused on Jean Moulin, hero, martyr and symbol of the French resistance and the patriotism during the dark years of Nazi occupation.
C'est la vie
Dimitri joins La Maison, a place where people are welcomed for whom medicine can not do anything anymore. There he meets Suzanne, a volunteer who is dedicated to supporting people at the end of their lives.
Quatre copains
Charles Biraud
After the Reconciliation
An elderly couple and a younger man and woman follow up failed seduction attempts with conversation about love and the meaning of life.
Dessine-moi un jouet
Raoul Monge
A french fantasy film with Christoph Waltz
Joost Van den Vondel
Фильм - ожившая рембрандтовская картина, как бы многокадровый автопортрет художника - от молодости и до самой старости. И все это - на фоне страстей, которые кипели в Амстердаме в XVII веке...
Life Doesn't Scare Me
Stella's father
We follow how four ordinary little girls learn about life, love and all that sort of things.
Victor Schœlcher, l'abolition
The struggle of Victor Schœlcher for the abolition of slavery in the French colonies.
Madame Jacques on the Croisette
A César Award winning short film about an elderly Jewish couple playing cards in Cannes who find love at an unexpected age.
Lulu, roi de France
Lucien Hastier, known as "Lulu", is a locksmith in La Courneuve and a communist activist. He had never known his parents and had been raised by the public assistance, a notary comes to announce that his father died and left him an extraordinary inheritance: a castle, a title of duke and a royal filiation. But problems arise, the deceased duke has left heavy debts and suitors to the title.
Le mas Théotime
Pascal lives on the land in Provence that his father left him. He is supported by the Alibert family, his tenant farmers, to counter the maneuvers of his cousin Clodius who wants to compromise the irrigation of the vines or contaminate the beehives. It is in this atmosphere of suspicion that Geneviève returns to the country, charged with a mysterious past.
L'Affaire Seznec
Guillaume Seznec and Pierre Quéméneur join forces to sell cars to the Soviets. It was then that the latter suddenly disappeared, while driving with the former about 30 kilometers from Paris. The body will never be found. Seznec quickly became the main suspect and was sent to prison for life, even though nothing clearly indicated that he was the culprit.
Все об этом!
Zuckmeyer, le directeur de l'hôtel
Франсис, судья из Лиона, и обворожительная адвокатесса Мари любят друг друга и мечтают жить вместе. Однако на пути их сильного чувства возникает одно небольшое препятствие: Мари замужем, а Франсис давно женат. У возлюбленных есть лишь один выход: сделать все возможное для того, чтобы их нынешние супруги понравились друг другу и тем самым решили все их проблемы. Для этого две супружеские пары отправляются в потрясающее путешествие на гору Монблан...
L’homme imaginé
The itinerary full of pitfalls, funny and serious encounters of a young dreamer who lives with an obsession.
El Corazón de las Tinieblas
Joseph is a sailor who returns to his aunt's home after 14 years at sea, there he will be involved in the process of African colonialism signing a contract to travel to Congo captaining a ship called Florida that is shipwrecked as soon as it reaches Congo forcing them to walk the Congolese forest in the heart of darkness
Thick Skinned
Two brothers set fire to a barn while drunk, inadvertently causing the death of a sleeping wanderer. One of them takes all the blame for the incident and spends ten years in prison.
Мертвая хватка
Michel Ferrer
«Я Бакстер. И жизнь у меня собачья. Дома я сижу на цепи, а выводят меня только на поводке. Хозяйка боится меня. Я чую запах ее страха. Она думает, что я сошел с ума. А ведь я хороший мальчик. Я думаю, без людей моя жизнь была бы куда лучше. Мне не нужны люди. Кошки и птицы прекрасно без них обходятся. Они никому не доверяют. Мне хочется кого-нибудь убить. Пора приступать к делу. Сегодня у меня родился план…»
On a volé Charlie Spencer!
Students of film history will appreciate the many tributes to famous films of yore which appear in this first-time feature directed and written by former drama teacher Francis Huster. In the story, a mild-mannered bank clerk has heroic dreams of being a real he-man. Given his diffident, shy nature, it comes as a bit of a surprise that not only does he actually have a girlfriend, but he has managed to get her pregnant. However, she doesn't fit his image of himself, and he can't bring himself to marry her. When the bank he works in is robbed by a daring group which includes a magnetically attractive woman, the clerk throws his lot in with them and becomes an outlaw.
Folie suisse
Nicholas' father
The Trout
The sexual and social dysfunctional behaviour of the corporate elite are further aggravated when a naive married woman becomes the obsession of two wealthy suitors.
Le Sang des Atrides
Le juge Chabrand
Même les mômes ont du vague à l'âme
Monsieur Saint-Saëns
Camille Saint-Saëns
The imaginary adventures of musician Sans-Saëns.
Autopsie d’un complot
Jean-Marie Bigot
Следователь Файяр по прозвищу
Jacques Steiner
Jean-Marie Fayard is a young examining magistrate in a large provincial french city. He belongs to that generation of judges who are endeavoring to re-adapt the notion of justice to our changing times. His methods are not agreeable to every one. Criticism and pressure are brought to bear upon him but he is aware of his value, professionally, and refuses to make any concessions. He follows an unwavering course. He uses dynamic methods and takes uncustomary initiatives. He behaves like a crusader, a battler, whence the nickname given him by the reporters : the sheriff.
The Devil in the Heart
Éric Bouvier
It takes place in a chic milieu, where both the father and the son are in love with the au pair girl (but she sleeps with the dad). The young student is far from the post May 68 clichés and the movie walks a fine line off the beaten path. Philippe Lemaire and Emmanuelle Riva are ideally cast as the bourgeois parents who urge their offspring to attend the grandma's Christmas meal.
Little Marcel
A homeless young man, living in his delivery truck, is simultaneously adopted by a pranksome group of youngsters and made into a police informer. Believing that he is doing something good both for the other kids and for himself, he has no qualms.
Sarah, an actress nearing her forties, has invited 3 friends to join her for a holiday in Provence. This is the prologue for what happened a year ago in Paris with a man Sarah had long considered a platonic friend. She had just finished a film, had also finished her relationship with the director and was about to receive an award…
Un animal doué de déraison
A wealthy French promoter based in Rio tries to seduce Alexandra, a young woman of high society, but trapped in her strict education.
Черные и белые в цвете
Hubert Fresnoy
Действие фильма происходит во время Первой мировой войны на границе между французской Экваториальной Африкой и германской колонией Камерун. В поселение французских колонистов с опозданием доходит сообщение об идущей уже полгода войне с Германией, что побуждает их выполнить свой патриотический долг и начать формирование ополчения из туземцев с целью совершить дерзкое нападение на противника…
Серьезный, как удовольствие
L'homme au km 103
Великолепная эксцентричная комедия о похождениях экстравагантной троицы - двух молодых мужчин и одной молодой дамы, состоящих в романтической связи и при этом вполне мирно уживающихся друг с другом. Компания находит повод пошутить над всем окружающим миром в Париже, а потом и в путешествии по стране. Фильм фонтанирует неисчерпаемым юмором. В небольших камео засветились многие звезды французского кино.
The clown sphinx
A dreamlike adaptation of the legend of Ariadne and the Minotaur.
Rémy Abeillé
С каждым такое бывает — наступит вдруг черная полоса в жизни, когда все, чего не коснись, плохо. Вот и на Жана Дулеана, преподавателя географии в лицее, неприятности посыпались одна за другой. В полиции на него завели дело (избил двух стражей закона, защищая студента) и ему грозит увольнение, любовница, с которой прекрасно ладил много лет, вдруг ушла, обожаемая 18-летняя дочь забросила учебу и собирается покинуть родной дом, чтобы поселиться с бойфрендом. Но жизнь, как известно, тем и прекрасна, что за черной полосой неизбежно следует белая…
Michel Grandville
История о жизни афериста, чье разоблачение в 1934 году вызвало попытку правого переворота по Франции, а сам Серж Ставиский покончил жизнь самоубийством 3 января 1934 года. Родившийся в России мошенник был замешан в продаже фальшивых ценных бумаг и ряде других преступлениях, но, очевидно, надежно защищен высокопоставленными официальными лицами. Когда один из чиновников был убит, были выдвинуты обвинения в том, что этот человек из государственной прокуратуры намеревался рассказать о коррупции. Представители всех партий подняли шумиху, утверждая, что это вызвано общей коррумпированностью правительства. Волнения начались с 6-го по 8-е февраля, была объявлена общая забастовка. Правительство зашаталось и пало, затем была образована новая коалиция из людей вне зоны влияния Ставиского…
The Irony of Chance
Jean Rimbert
Человек, который спит
Хроника отторжения внешнего мира и медленного погружения в полное отрешение, скрупулезное описание постепенного ухода от людей и вещей в зону «риторических мест безразличия»
Nothing to Report
Rémy March
In 1956, the professional army of France lacks the manpower to keep the peace in Algeria, the colony which the country is determined to hold on to at any price. For this reason, reservists are called up and subject to an intense period of training before being sent to the front. Rémy March, Alain Charpentier and Raymond Dax are three such young men who have no interest in the military escapade and are reluctant conscripts. What they witness in Algeria will appall and transform them. Rape, torture, executions... there is no end to the atrocities in which they become unwilling participants. No wonder the French military are so willing to proclaim that there is nothing to report...
Faustine and the Beautiful Summer
Faustine suffers the wounds of first love. During a summer when she is staying with her grandmother, she comes to know the nearby neighbors. Two brothers live in the large house. One is divorced and one has recently remarried, both of them live there with their teenaged and adult children. Though the boys of the household are drawn to Faustine, she grows ever more smitten with the divorced older man...