Werner Schlichting
Рождение : 1904-06-27, Berlin, Germany
Смерть : 1996-03-08
Production Design
Третий фильм трилогии пародийных комедий о привидениях рассказывает о событиях, случившихся в отеле "Шпессарт", где его владелица Анна-Луиза Зандау готовится к свадьбе с американским офицером Фрэнком Грином…
Art Direction
When Emil travels by bus to Berlin to visit his grandmother and his cousin, his money is stolen by a crook who specializes in digging tunnels. Emil must get the money back as it is for his grandmother. While following the thief, Emil runs into Gustav, an enterprising young boy who gathers up all his friends to help Emil find the money. Emil's cousin also gets involved and they get into more trouble than they bargained for when Emil's pickpocket turns out to be mixed up with a couple of notorious bank robbers.
Art Direction
Supported avidly by his mother and more reluctantly at first by his father, a working-class Austrian boy joins the Vienna Choirboys, where he proves to be unusually talented.
Production Design
Art Direction
Vienna, 1956. After Soviet tanks crush the Hungarian uprising, soldier-of-fortune Michael Reynolds is hired to help a threatened Hungarian scientist escape from Budapest.
Art Direction
A Communist officer falls hard for a married woman trying to escape from Hungary.
Art Direction
Production Design
Production Design
Биографическая драма о жизни и психическом состоянии Моцарта во время его работы над последней оперой «Волшебная флейта». Опера была заказана ему в тот момент, когда «придворный композитор» в этом сильнее всего нуждался. «Волшебная флейта» воздавала дань идеалам масонов, к которым принадлежал Моцарт. Во время работой над оперой и репетиций композитор влюбился в молодую певицу Энни, исполнительницу роли Памины. А незадолго до премьеры девушка согласилась на выгодное для себя предложение и почти уехала на гастроли. Но осталась из-за теплых чувств к своему воздыхателю. Фильм «Дай руку, жизнь моя» - претендент на награду Каннского кинофестиваля.
Art Direction
Production Design
Heidi, a young orphan girl living with her aunt in Frankfurt, is forced to move to the Swiss Alps to live with her ornery grandfather. At first, he resents her presence, but, after a short while, Heidi manages to pierce his gruff exterior, and the two become close. She also befriends a young shepherd named Peter. After three years, Heidi's aunt arrives and demands Heidi's return to Frankfurt.
Production Design
Production Design
Production Design
Art Direction
In 1882 a country girl disappears from a small Hungarian village. The inhabitants suggest that she was murdered by the Jews. Everything is done to accuse them before the trial. A study in stubbornness, racism and intolerance and how to fight against it.
Production Design
Art Direction
Музыканту предлагают работу в Вене в качестве режиссёра, но его разногласия с Марией, аристократической оперной дивой, заканчиваются внезапным увольнением, несмотря на взаимное влечение. Он быстро увлекается другим театром и прославится своими сценическими постановками и прекрасной постановкой оперетт, которые начинают свой золотой век с Сюппе и Штрауса.
Production Design
Shortly after being demobilized, Georges Duroy becomes aware of his power over women in the arms of Rachel, a young singer. Thanks to his good looks and his charming manners and his unabashed cynicism he will rapidly rise to the top by courtesy of women women (Mme Walter, Clotilde, Madeleine), from journalist to member of Parliament to cabinet minister. But it is also the fair sex that will cause his fall in the end.
Production Design
Mabel is a successful pilot who hates sensational media, but falls in love with Jack, a womanizer journalist with conservative views on gender. When the two of them get married, they make a deal: Mabel will cease to fly as long as Jack doesn't interview any more women. But how long can they keep their pact?
Production Design
Production Design
Best friends David and Philip have to end their love affair with their mistress Aimée which they - not knowing of each other - share, because they are going to marry their sweethearts Gaby and Viola. Of course Aimée will not accept her defeat. She interferes the engagement of Gaby and David, which lead to some turbulence and change of horses before they all end up in their honeymoon.
Production Design
XVII век. Отец Cандора фон Баринкай однажды спрятал сокровище где-то в лесу. Свиновод Зупан знает об этом сокровище и хочет, чтобы Баринкай женился на его дочери Арсене, с целью заставить его заключить союз между их двумя семьями. Но когда Баринкай встречает цыганку Ципру, которая также слышала о сокровищах, цыгане видят в Баринкае своего нового лидера. Получив фальшивый титул «Цыганский барон», он теперь имеет право на дворянский титул и жениться на Арсене. Но затем он встречает Саффи, цыганку, которая оказывается дочерью последнего турецкого паши...
Production Design
The film starts in the fashionable seaside resort on the Baltic, Heringsdorf, where Renate Müller spends a secret weekend away from her husband with her bosom friend Ida Wüst. The husband meanwhile has a flirtation while traveling by night train from Frankfurt to Berlin, nice atmospheric shots of sleeper and dining car in the morning. The action continues in the luxury villas and apartments of Berlin, Renate Müller wears a string of very elegant outfits. Misunderstandings, jealousies, temporary separation of husband and wife, a few songs, wicked humour.
Art Direction
Art Direction
Helene has agreed to marry a man that she isn't in love with. On the day of her wedding her cousin arrives just in time to rescue her and they run away together. They stay with her aged grandmother who assumes the young man (whom she doesn't know) to be the new husband and has prepared a bridal bed for them.
Art Direction
Очень популярный тенор Энрико Ферраро работает под чутким контролем своего импрессарио. Он устал от постоянных гастролей и уезжает в отпуск. Но и на отдыхе певца не оставляют в покое.
Art Direction
Käthe von Nagy plays Ronny, who designs the costumes for the upcoming premiere of an opera written by the young prince of Perusa (Willy Fritsch) and has to deliver them personally due to the urgency of the commission. Arriving there, the prince not only is charmed by the young lady (who wouldn't?), but also mistakenly believes her to be the famous singer who is to be the female lead in the opera. What Willy does not know yet is that the real singer has cancelled her appearance, and as the state ministers hope to distract him from politics with the performance of the opera, they indeed want Ronny to appear in the show….
Set Decoration
When a suspicious man bribes Emil with chocolate in return for a bundle of cash, the young lad thinks of a plan to catch him.
Production Design
A wife believes her husband has been deceiving her and decides to have some fun at his expense. After a bit of mischief, her husband, a lawyer who is preparing a divorce for a client, decides to start divorce proceedings himself. The wife then realises she has gone too far.
Art Direction
An American millionaire, who had always bad luck with women, bets that he can live without them for five years. But after four and a half years traveling around on his yacht, he rescues a lady from drowning in the English Channel.
Set Designer