Margarete Haagen

Margarete Haagen

Рождение : 1889-11-29, Nuremberg, Bavaria, Germany

Смерть : 1966-11-19


Margarete Haagen


Onkel Filser - Allerneueste Lausbubengeschichten
Tante Frieda - Neue Lausbubengeschichten
The 13-year-old Ludwig is to have for every joke. At boarding school he cuts his stern teacher, Captain a. D. Semmelmaier, during the nap from the beard. The angry pedagogue then sends the spoiled flail back to his beloved Bavarian village. The long-suffering mother persuades the rector to resume her reforming boy at the Latin school. Everything seems to be working out for the better, but the upcoming marriage of his sister Ännchen with the Berlin beer brewer Karl Schultheiss presents Ludwig with new challenges.
Großmama Sesemann
After her mother's death, the five year old orphan Heidi is brought by her aunt to her grumpy grandfather Alp, who leads a hermit life in the beautiful Swiss mountains. Heidi's natural cheerfulness quickly brings renewed joy in grandfather Alps life. Heidi becomes friends with the goatherd Peter who is about the same age as her and spent two beautiful years in the pasture. But then she is sent by her aunt to Frankfurt in the house of Consul Sesemann where Heidi should get a proper education and upbringing. After some initial difficulties Heidi eventually adjusts to her new situation and makes friends with Clara, the paralyzed daughter of the consul. Only with the strict governess Miss Rottingmeier she keeps getting in trouble. Miss Rottingmeier clearly can not cope with the free and outdoors spirit of Heidi. But Heidi lets a fresh wind blow through the Sesemann house and even causes Clara to overcome her illness.
Die Pfingstorgel
Apollonia Flohreiter
Night train D 106
Frau Mangold
'Please help me!' the young GDR refugee begs the passengers of the interzonal train 'D 106'. He has just jumped on the night train during an unforeseen stop - to get to the west as quickly as possible. He can't go back, and in less than an hour they reach the German-German border - without stopping. The passengers meanwhile begin to ask themselves serious questions: Am I helping the young man and risking my own safety? Or is that too dangerous for me? While people are racking their brains, not only is the train racing away, but time is too ...
Liebe will gelernt sein
Frau Krüger
Die Soldaten
Frau Wesener sen.
Black-White-Red Four Poster
Tante Röschen
Robert und Bertram
Alte Dame
Tante Agathe
Ein gewisses Röcheln - Hitchcocktail für starke Nerven
A crime comedy directed by Walter Sedlmayr.
Ein Student ging vorbei
Melody and Rhythms
Erna Hummel
Единственный ангел на Земле
Chief of Angels
Если бы он случайно посмотрел в её глаза, она бы замерла от счастья! Маленькая стюардесса Лина красива, великолепна, безумно влюблена, и все же совершенно несчастна. Потому, что является для соблазнителя и гонщика Пьера Шелло пустым местом. Он думает только о своей невесте, богатой и избалованной Августе фон Мюнхенбург. Даже лучший друг Мишель не может заставить его перестать думать о ней. И казалось бы, ничем нельзя помочь девушке, но на помощь к ней, с неба спускается Ангел, в обличии Лины…
Liebe auf krummen Beinen
Ältere Dame
Hier bin ich – hier bleib ich
Baronin Appollonia von Löwenherz
Lady Country Doctor
A German village gets a new doctor, but the conservative folk have trouble accepting a female for the job.
Der schwarze Blitz
Cook Wally
Michael Kirchner, nicknamed "The Black Lightning", is a passionate alpine skier. Now he must eliminate the tough opponent Herbert Tanner to be the representative of the national team.
Ihr 106. Geburtstag
Cäcilie Burger
Herz ohne Gnade
Mimi Busse
Eva küßt nur Direktoren
Franziska Baldinger
A Piece of Heaven
Dame im Auto
Kein Auskommen mit dem Einkommen
Haushälterin Lina
Die Zwillinge vom Zillertal
Baronin von Auerstein
Ferien auf Immenhof
Oma Jantzen
The pony hotel has just been opened, but so far no guests have arrived. Dick gets Ralf to design a brochure about the hotel. The girls and Ethelbert then lead the village children on horseback to Lübeck, where they all distribute the brochure - not knowing that Dalli has added some embellishments to the text.
Das Glück liegt auf der Straße
Leiterin Kinderheim
Kindermädchen für Papa gesucht
Frau Stadelmeier
Königin Luise
Gräfin Voss
Kleiner Mann - ganz groß
Mrs. Nachtigal
His grandpa gives the orphan boy Robbie a foal that they call "little brother". The boy loves the animal and wants to train it as a racing horse - but then his grandpa dies. Robbie's sister isn't old enough to care for themselves, so they get a guardian who decides to sell all the horses. Robbie hides his "little brother" at a farm, but it's hard for him to come up with the rent regularly..
Hochzeit auf Immenhof
Oma Jantzen
The Immenhof has been closed by officials, awaiting auction. In the meantime, Angela has died, so Jochen is now a widower. Oma Jantzen and Angela's younger sisters Dick and Dalli live with him in the forester's house. In order to save the manor house, Dalli has started a "pony circus" with the village children in the barn, while Dick has given up hope of Ethelbert ever returning.
Heute heiratet mein Mann
Schwester Theophenia
Die fröhliche Wallfahrt
Klara, des Pfarrers Haushälterin
Santa Lucia
Vergiß wenn Du kannst
Suse, Wirtschafterin
Die gestohlene Hose
Tante Amalie
Лола Монтес
Немолодая уже, но всё ещё очаровательная танцовщица и авантюристка Лола Монтес даёт последнее представление в цирке, отвечая на глупые вопросы публики. В цветном и хаотичном водовороте перед зрителями пролетает её жизнь. Серьезный взгляд на европейскую культуру через призму романсов Лолы Ментес, хитрой куртизанки и сообразительной танцовщицы из цирка. Красивый, изысканный и прописанный до деталей фильм Макса Офюльса удивляет своей эстетической глубиной.
Two Blue Eyes
Девушки из Имменхофа
Oma Jantzen
Бабушка Янцен живет со своими тремя внучками Дик, Далли и Анджелой на небольшой ферме Имменхоф в Северной Германии. На этой ферме выращивают пони, а поскольку разведение пони больше не приносит прибыли, бабушка Янцен изо всех сил пытается сохранить семейное хозяйство. Во время летних каникул юный Этельберт проводит отпуск со своими двоюродными братьями в Имменхофе. В то время как Анджела влюбилась в богатого землевладельца Йохена фон Рота, Дик и Далли приходится мириться с тщеславным горожанином Этельбертом.
Der Himmel ist nie ausverkauft
Frau Rose
Three Men in the Snow
Hausdame Kunkel
Reaching for the Stars
Glückliche Reise
Mutter von Mühlen
Ein Mädchen aus Paris
Emil and the Detectives
Oma Tischbein
Emil goes to Berlin to see his grandmother with a large amount of money and is offered sweets by a strange man that make him sleep. He wakes up at his stop with no money. It is up to him and a group of children to save the day.
Die schöne Müllerin
Josefine Krügler
В маленький немецкий городок приезжает знаменитый цирк Саши Обольского — укротителя диких зверей и непокорных женщин. Он вступает в этот заштатный городок с особым трепетом, ведь именно здесь проживает его многочисленная родня, от которой он удрал двадцать лет назад. Его приезд приурочен ко дню рождения старшего брата, Альберта Оберхольцера, городского садовника, поставляющего фигурки гипсовых гномиков в сады немецких бюргеров. У Альберта есть дочь, семнадцатилетняя Анна, которая учится в школе танцев и мечтает о столичной сцене. Анна сразу очаровывается своим дядей и тоже мечтает стать циркачкой…
Annie from Tharau
Gru Gutjahr
Melody Beyond Love
Mutter Strotthoff
Marlene Roedern is a student at the Salzburg Mozarteum, as is her boyfriend, Hans Hellmer, a promising conductor. Strothoff, a government cultural representative, engages Hans to conduct at Hamburg. While in Salzburg, Strothoff meets Marlene, who works as a tourist guide in order to pay her tuition fees. He hires her for an all-night tour of the city. She becomes infatuated with him and he with her. Hans is not happy about this.
Schule für Eheglück
A lighthearted comedy about a couple that tries to keep their struggling marriage together.
Rote Rosen, rote Lippen, roter Wein
Westhoffs Mutter
Mit siebzehn beginnt das Leben
Tagebuch einer Verliebten
„Oma Sanitätsrat“
In South Tirol, shortly after ww-ii: Paul and Barbara Holzmann and their son Charlie own a small gasoline station. At their wedding anniversary, of all days, Barbara finds proof that Paul may again have cheated on her. At first she believes his explanations, but when she finds more proof later, she leaves and seeks comfort in the arms of her former friend Nicola in Italy. The story is told from the perspective of her diary.
Der Klosterjäger
Wildwest in Oberbayern
Mathilde, seine Frau
The Chaplain of San Lorenzo
Fanfaren der Ehe
Schwester Rosmarie
Wenn abends die Heide träumt
Frau Odewig, Karls Mutter
Der Weibertausch
Tante Angermeyer
Zwei Menschen
Until we meet again
Frau Wagner
This is the tear-jerking love story between young Pamela and casino owner Mayrhoefer.
Fritz und Friederike
Tausend rote Rosen blüh'n
Drei Kavaliere
Frau Häberlein
Heidelberger Romanze
Amalie Brückner
The rich and jung American Susanne falls in love with the Student Hans-Joachim. Set in the romantic Heidelberg.
The Heath Is Green
Frau Lüdersen
After the end of World War II Lüder Lüdersen, the former owner of a feudal estate in the East, and his daughter Helga arrive as refugees in the Lüneburg Heath. While living a seemingly happy life on the estate of his cousin, Lüdersen hides a dark secret: he is a poacher.
Hilfe, ich bin unsichtbar
Das ewige Spiel
A woman between two men. Horror melodrama.
Professor Nachtfalter
Frau von Weinsberg
Die Tat des Anderen
Die wunderschöne Galathee
Geliebter Lügner
Frau Weber
Das Geheimnis des Hohen Falken
Ich mach Dich glücklich
Ms. Geheimrat
Mordprozeß Dr. Jordan
Frau Leborius
Nichts als Zufälle
Dorothea Reitmayer
Elisabeth Herzog, ehem.Hofschauspielerin
Comedy Times Three
Tante Hermine
The Last Night
Lisa Plessow
Set in German-occupied France in 1944 where a female resistance operative and a German army officer fall in love.
Aunt Hartwig
Die kupferne Hochzeit
Miss Truelsen
The Original Sin
Teufels Großmutter
An apple juice producer can't decide between his wife and his secretary and tries to commit suicide. Being committed to psychiatry, he falls asleep and dreams of adventures as Adam and Eve in heaven and hell.
Frau von Hartensfels, Hausdame
Im Tempel der Venus
Film Without Title
Haushälterin Emma
A screenwriter comes up with a story about an affair between a maid and her employer.
In Those Days
Baronin von Thorn
A car tells its story and the story of its seven owners during the years of the Third Reich.
Under the Bridges
Two barge skippers fall in love with the same woman.
The False Bride
There's only one way for the farmer Assbichler to save his farm from ruin: he has to marry off his son Toni to the pretty Rosl, the daughter of the rich farmer Pius Mang. Mang, however, wants his daughter to marry a well-off man; and so Assbichler has to borrow some cattle to give the farm the appearance of a large farming estate.
Where Is Mr. Belling?
Frau Reisch
Der grüne Salon
Frau Geheimrat Anna Bütow
Das war mein Leben
Komm zu mir zurück
a movie by Heinz Paul
Der Täter ist unter uns
Frau Torsten
Die Zaubergeige
Frau Weißpfennig
Die keusche Sünderin
Genofeva Minze
Xaver Bimshofer is the richest peasant in the village; and therefore, his only daughter Lenerl should marry a guy, who is diligent enough to keep the exemplary farm running. But Bimshofer doesn’t know, that Lenerl has long been a couple with the servant Sepp. So he suspects that every young man in the village wants to conquer his poor, innocent daughter. So that Lenerl really resists all these attempts, he gets a stone statue from Thomas Kammerlehner’s barn, “The Chaste Kunigunde”, which is supposed to protect the girl’s chastity and to protect her from sin by its positive energy.
Das Lied der Nachtigall
Herzogin von Lichteneck
Man rede mir nicht von Liebe
Frau Labarre
Liebe, Leidenschaft und Leid
Gefährtin meines Sommers
Fräulein Heubner, Haushälterin bei Manfred
Kohlhiesels Töchter
Kohlhiesels Wirtschafterin Sophie
I pagliacci
Geliebte Welt
Frau Kramer
Kleine Residenz
Tante der Herzogin
It’s 1910 and we’re in the duchy of Lauffenburg. Everybody is celebrating the 600th birthday of the local hero, Otto the Ironman, who in his time saved the duchy from annexation and beat the enemy so badly, that he fled ... well, that’s what it says in the history books, at least. Local gossip asserts, however, that Otto wasn’t even part of the battle and was spending his time having fun with a pretty girl. When one day a piece is introduced at the court theatre, which tells the heroic story of Otto, the director rejects the mediocre story.
Alarmstufe V
Das andere Ich
I accuse
Berta Link
In this film, the wife of a renowned doctor becomes ill with multiple sclerosis. Trying to spare her beloved husband the ordeal, the woman turns to a family friend, Dr. Lang, to help end her life. When this doctor declines to help with the assisted suicide, however, she is forced to turn to her husband. After much soul-searching, Dr. Heyt, her husband, assists in her suicide. The act, however, is witnessed by a chambermaid, who reports him to the police. Dr. Heyt is put on trial for murder and, at first, Dr. Lang testifies against him in court. Soon, however, Dr. Lang is faced with a similar case in his professional practice and this, along with Dr. Heyt’s impassioned performance in court, convinces Dr. Lang that, in some instances, mercy killing may be the right thing to do. A very rare film, which, no matter on which side of the debate you stand, has relevance to this very day.
Das sündige Dorf
Links der Isar – rechts der Spree
Tante Rosa
Der rettende Engel