Florence Darel

Florence Darel

Рождение : 1968-01-01, France


Florence Darel
Florence Darel
Florence Darel
Florence Darel
Florence Darel
Florence Darel
Florence Darel
Florence Darel
Florence Darel
Florence Darel
Florence Darel
Florence Darel


Je t'aime, filme-moi!
This film is a tribute to love, a tribute to cinema. Our two main characters take us with them into the intimacy of "real people". We cross the roads of France with them, in their different vans and pick-up trucks transformed for the occasion into mini movie studios. Their concept: to film "declarations of love" and to deliver them directly by van to their recipients. And we discover, as we go along, that our duo and their own personal adventures are subtly intertwined with the people they film. This mix of genres offers several universes to the spectator in order to make him question himself about love.
Le syndrome de l'écossais
Bruno and Florence invited Sophie and Alex for the evening, but nothing goes as planned between the successful author, the brilliant entrepreneur and their respective wives, two sisters. Contradictions, anxieties, bad faith and pettiness come around the table. A delightful cascade of incidents quickly transforms the family reunion into a crazy night where secrets, bottles and unsaid are shattered until the two couples, caught in an irresistible whirlwind, formulate the most unexpected.
Soda : Un trop long week-end
Isabelle Juhel
The Lanzac Clan
Angélique Lanzac
A war of inheritance in the Lanzac family, a rich industrial family from Bordeaux, against a backdrop of family secrets and the unsaid. Elisabeth Lanzac authoritatively leads an important industrial group specializing in wood. Her eldest son, Nicolas, is her named successor, but he dies in a road accident. When the will is read, the family is stunned to learn that he has left his share to Julien, his secret son...
A demain sans faute
Odette Cléry
Как все
la sœur de Manu
Что не хватает респектабельному французу в сорокалетнем расцвете сил? Деньги — есть, дом — есть, положение в обществе — есть, культурный и разнообразный досуг — есть, любовь — есть, да и все родственники и друзья давно привыкли, что он -. .. гей, много лет живущий в паре с другим мужчиной. Однако, оказалось, не хватает объекта для тёплой родительской заботы — своего ребёнка. И жажда приложения нерастраченных родительских сил может заставить пойти его на многое — даже бросить любимого и ввязаться в сомнительную авантюру с незаконной иммигранткой — ведь законного способа стать отцом у него нет. Неужели у такой истории может быть хороший исход?
La Maison
Malo has separated from his wife and a divorce is in the works. His children leave with his wife on holiday, and he is lonely and depressed. His friend Rémi drags him to a party in the country, and driving back they see by chance a notice of a house being sold at auction by creditors. The low reserve price surprises them and they go round to have a look. Finding the door open, Malo picks up a letter from a little girl to her father saying she misses him - moved by the resonance with his own daughter, Malo accidentally takes the note with him when they leave in a hurry. He then resolves to return the note to the now grown-up little girl Cloé, but of course it's awkward to explain how he got it. He learns that she really doesn't want to sell the house, which is all that remains of her childhood. The relationship between them develops, and emotions run high at the auction. Ultimately the film explores whether Malo can give both or either Cloé and his daughter what they want/need,
A young woman goes for a mountain walk with her two little sons. The eldest, not yet quite adolescent but already wilful, finds a wounded horse. He doesn't want the animal to suffer any more. The mother wants nothing to do with it. Beautifully shot, attractive mid-length short shot in beautiful nature about a rite of passage.
A Winter in Paris
After being released from prison, a burglar is convinced by a former accomplice to participate in the theft of a precious jewel belonging to a rich heiress.
Les Contes secrets ou les Rohmériens
Les Contes Secrets ou les Rohmériens features interviews with 16 actors who have appeared in Rohmer's films, and they talk on camera about his unusual working methods, his personality, and his spare but evocative signature style. Among the thespians who share their memories are Jean-Louis Trinitignant, Marie-Christine Barrault, Zouzou, Jean-Claude Brialy, Béatrice Romand, Françoise Fabian, and Andre Dussolier; the film also includes rare footage of Rohmer himself at work on the set of his 1978 effort Perceval.
Отец Горио
Delphine de Nucingen
По одноименному роману Оноре де Бальзака. Трагическая история старика Горио — мелкого торговца, составившего большое состояние и, подобно королю Лиру, отдавшего все дочерям, которые доводят его до нищеты.
Король выше облаков
La journaliste
Париж, 1977 год. Журналистка газеты "Фигаро" пытается выяснить детали исчезновения кинематографиста Анри Ланверна, снимавшего фильм в Таиланде и позже арестованного в Лаосе по обвинению в шпионаже. Раскрывая деталии биографии Ланверна, девушка постепенно узнаёт истинные причины его пребывания в Юго-Восточной Азии.
Le intermittenze del cuore
Paola Dalai / Carla
Claire La Fontaine
The young, sickly girl Bernadette comes from a poverty-stricken family. When the Virgin Mary appears to her in a cavern near Lourdes, no one takes the girl seriously, even when she digs up a wellspring at the Virgin's instructions The local authorities even try to hush up the entire incident. In vain, however, because when Empress Eugénie requests water from the spring for her sickly son, they are forced to acquiesce. And even the local priest is finally convinced. While taking his tuberculosis-stricken fiancé Claire to a sanatorium, the young doctor Henri Guillaumet meets Bernadette. The water from Lourdes' spring heals Claire's disease overnight, but the scientist in Henri doubts the miracle and wants to expose Bernadette as a liar. It is not until Henri again meets Bernadette, who has in the meantime become a nun and works as a nurse, that he finds a way to balance belief and modern science. And his love for Claire is strengthened as well.
Les moissons de l'océan
In the 1960s, the tribulations of a young fisherman who attracts the hostility of a rich couple whose daughter he has fallen in love with.
Les liens du cœur
L'enfant du secret
Blanche, a social worker living in Southern France is assigned the case of a five year old deaf boy, who is found by a Gypsy lady after having been abandoned and tied to a shed near her trailer. The boy's life is in danger apparently because he is related to the family of a local politician who is seeking election as mayor. Blanche, though suffering from manic depression and thus emotionally vulnerable, decides to take charge of the situation, get her act together and besides being told to drop the case, seeks to discover the secret the boy has inside.
Farinet, Heroes and Outlaw
Thérèse de Sépibus
Back in Saxon after ten years of absence, Farinet discovers that the village is under the yoke of Gaspard de Sepibus, director of the casino and president of the commune. He starts making counterfeit money to pay off his father's debts and help the villagers send their children to school.
Жанна-Дева – Тюрьмы
Jeanne d'Orléans
Во второй части рассказывается, как Жанна, несмотря на нежелание Королевского совета, продолжает освободительную войну против англичан. Победа под Орлеаном. Миропомазание короля Карла в Реймсе. Она приходит на помощь Компьеню, осажденному бургундцами и, в результате предательства, попадает в плен. Король Карл, который стольким был ей обязан, не делает ничего, чтобы спасти Жанну. Вскоре за 10 000 золотых ливров бургундцы продают её англичанам. Инквизиционный процесс Жанны д’Арк проходит в Руане под председательством Пьера Кошона, епископа Бове. Жанна была признана виновной по всем основным пунктам обвинения как вероотступница и еретичка, после чего сжигается на костре...
Henry's Romance
It is carnival time in Munich and participants are overindulging in alcohol and sensual pleasures. "Follow us into madness" beckons Lys who is drunk on life, but the sensitive Henry does not follow him. Lys has betrayed his fiancé, as Henry once betrayed his lost love Anna. In memory of Anna and his cruel Dickensian childhood, Henry challenges Lys to a duel to try to appease his guilt.
À la Mode
Fausto enters an orphanage and is initially bullied, but then makes friends with a new bunkmate, Raymond. He is apprenticed to Mietek, a tailor in the Jewish quarter, who teaches him the trade. Fausto charms everyone in the quarter, and falls in love with Tonie, the mechanic's daughter. He starts making outrageous suits for publicity and, after dressing Tonie, decides that he wants to be a famous couturier.
Похититель детей
Простая житейская история. Отца нет, мать лишили родительских прав, детей двое (мальчику - 8, девочке - 11). Карабинер Антонио сопровождает их в сиротский приют. Путь не близкий и в дороге спутники становятся друзьями. И оказывается, что совсем немного нужно этим обездоленным детям для счастья...
Marie-Anne Archambaud
After World War II, a small French village struggles to put the war behind as the controlling Communist Party tries to flush out Petain loyalists. The local bar owner, a simple man who likes to write poetry, who only wants to be left alone to do his job, becomes a target for Communist harassment as they try and locate a particular loyalist, and he pushes back.
Весенняя сказка
Жанна преподает философию в лицее. Ее друг в отъезде. И хотя у нее есть ключи от двух квартир (своей и любовника), она не хочет возвращаться ни в одну из них. Тем временем познакомившаяся с ней на вечеринке студентка Наташа вовсе не против компании и предлагает Жанне переночевать вдвоем в парижских апартаментах ее отца — поскольку Игорь (так его зовут) бывает, дескать, в них крайне редко. К тому же, женщины чувствуют друг к другу странную симпатию. Спустя еще несколько дней они становятся неразлучны. Но вскоре выясняется, что одна из причин сближения — стремление Наташи заменить нынешнюю любовницу своего отца… на Жанну.
Весенняя сказка
Жанна преподает философию в лицее. Ее друг в отъезде. И хотя у нее есть ключи от двух квартир (своей и любовника), она не хочет возвращаться ни в одну из них. Тем временем познакомившаяся с ней на вечеринке студентка Наташа вовсе не против компании и предлагает Жанне переночевать вдвоем в парижских апартаментах ее отца — поскольку Игорь (так его зовут) бывает, дескать, в них крайне редко. К тому же, женщины чувствуют друг к другу странную симпатию. Спустя еще несколько дней они становятся неразлучны. Но вскоре выясняется, что одна из причин сближения — стремление Наташи заменить нынешнюю любовницу своего отца… на Жанну.