Hugh Thomas

Рождение : 1949-01-01, Wales, UK


Hugh Thomas is a Welsh actor best known for his parts in the films 'If....' (1968), 'The Tall Guy' (1989) and 'Breaking Glass' (1980). Thomas was educated at Rugby School and Merton College, Oxford.


When Peter, an anxious arcade owner, is prescribed an app rather than sleeping pills, he reluctantly tries it out. However, far from bringing rest, Erebus’s soporific voice takes Peter into a waking nightmare from which he may never escape.
Тайны «Ночного дозора»
Jacob Jorisz
Как идентифицировать убийцу среди стрелков роты капитана Франса Баннинга Кока и лейтенанта Виллема ван Рейтенбурга? Остросюжетная история расследования политического заговора и зловещего преступления с помощью одной из самых загадочных картин в мировом искусстве, шедевра Рембрандта «Ночной дозор». Какие события в жизни художника отразились на его полотнах пронзительной глубиной и неземным светом? Экстравагантный взгляд на жизнь и творчество гениального Рембрандта.
Thicker Than Water
Debbie and Jo are identical twins. After Jo is killed in a car accident, Debbie starts to act increasingly like Jo. Mysterious circumstances lead Jo's widower Sam to suspect that the accident wasn't an accident at all.
The Old Devils
Alun's Fan in Bookshop
An adaptation of the novel by Kingsley Amis about a group of university friends reunited in retirement. Alun Weaver has found success as a celebrated London-based writer. After returning home to Wales with his alluring wife Rhiannon he reunites with old friends who chose to remain in the valleys. Long dormant romance are rekindled and rivalries resurrected in this turbulent story of ageing, friendship, lust, nostalgia and nationalism.
The Tall Guy
Dr. Karabekian
An American actor in England tries to find love and work.
Owain Glyndŵr - Prince of Wales
Lord Reginald Grey
A biopic of the last Prince of Wales.
Cymbeline, the King of Britain, is angry that his daughter Imogen has chosen a poor (but worthy) man for her husband. So he banishes Posthumus, who goes to fight for Rome. Imogen (dressed as a boy) goes in search of her husband, who meanwhile has boasted to his pal Iachimo that Imogen would never betray him. And Iachimo's determined to prove him wrong.
Soft Targets
A Russian in London finds himself targeted by British Intelligence.
Timon of Athens
Timon loves to give parties and objects to friends, but when he cannot pay his creditors, his "friends" refuse to help him, and he becomes a misanthropic hermit.
The Life and Times of David Lloyd George
Rufus Isaacs
The Life and Times of David Lloyd George charts the life of the controversial Liberal politician with Philip Madoc in the titular role. The title theme, Chi Mai, was by Ennio Morricone
Breaking Glass
Breaking Glass is the story of punk singer Kate and her meteoric rise to stardom. Starting out in the rock pubs of London, Kate, assisted by her manager Danny, becomes a huge star overnight. Once at the top the pressure is immense as Kate's band are squeezed out and she is left to cope alone in the spotlight.
Keep Smiling
Family picnics should not be like this; bugging devices, men with X-ray eyes. Mary doesn't understand what terrifies Simon, nor the bizarre events of the next six months.
Stronger Than the Sun
Kate works in the nuclear industry. She is concerned about the way things are being run. So she smuggles out some Plutonium to prove how easy it is. She tries to pass it on to protest groups, but nobody is interested as they have their own agendas.
О, счастливчик
Молодой англичанин Майкл Трэвис — пока ещё не джентльмен ищет себя в этом «безумном, безумном, безумном мире!». Как приятно начать свой путь в бизнес с запасов кофе, личного автомобиля, блестящего (натурально!) костюма с иголочки и — почти весь мир у тебя в кармане! Но дальше начинается жизненная дорога в прямом и переносном смысле. Джентльменский набор киногероя: карьера, надежда, обман, путешествие, катастрофа, любовь, музыка, котелок с тростью, снова обман… И единственная удача, которая обязательно придёт, если всегда оставаться самим собой!
Действия разворачиваются в английской школе, где царят старые порядки — школьников бьют хлыстами за провинности, старшеклассники шефствуют и издеваются над младшими. У группы старшеклассников созревает план протеста…