Julien Laudicina


Книга решений
Visual Effects Coordinator
Непризнанный «гений режиссуры» Марк уверен, что продюсеры его новой картины готовы погубить замысел и отстранить его от работы. С помощью преданной команды Марку удаётся заполучить отснятый материал и скрыться в загородном доме любимой тётушки. Там он пытается закончить работу над проектом. Но неукротимая творческая натура берёт верх, и жизнь незадачливых киношников превращается в весёлый хаос...
No Love Lost
Visual Effects Coordinator
Étienne is barely twenty when he falls in love with Valérie. They are hardly any more when their daughter Rosa is born. And then, one day, Valérie leaves and never returns. He chooses not to make a drama of it and builds a happy life for him and his child. Sixteen years later, when Rosa is about to lead her own life, Étienne recognizes his wife in a television report. The past brutally resurfaces, and father and daughter are propelled into one last chaotic family journey.
The In(famous) Youssef Salem
Visual Effects Supervisor
Youssef Salem, 45, has always managed to miss his writing career. But the trouble begins when his new novel becomes a success because Youssef couldn't help but be inspired by his own, for better or worse. He must now avoid at all costs that his book falls into the hands of his family.