Joel Junior


Во сколько она вернётся?
Фильм повествует о домработнице Вал, которая, проработав многие годы в Сан-Паулу вдали от своей дочери Жессики, оставленной в штате Пернамбуку, наконец, имеет стабильную работу, но ее мучает совесть из-за расставания с семьей. В то же время она фактически стала второй матерью сыну своих работодателей, которого помогала растить как няня.
Fraternity Member
Jimmy and Chad have been best friends forever. Binger is smart and funny, but he's permanently in the Friend Zone with girls. Chad is hot, but girls never seem to want to stick around after spending the night. One day, Chad meets Roxy, who is cooler, smarter and funnier than all the rest. Chad is tongue-tied around her and begs Binger to help. Binger agrees and starts talking to Roxy using Chad's Facebook account. It works. Roxy is totally into "Chad" online. But how can they reveal the truth without ruining everything? Especially since Binger might be falling in love with Roxy himself... In the screen capture style of UNFRIENDED, LIKED is a Cyrano de Bergerac comedy for the digital age.