Fritz Stapenhorst

Рождение : 1912-01-01,


Als ich beim Käthele im Wald war
Aus meiner Waldheimat
Als ich noch der Waldbauernbub war
Es war die erste Liebe
Die verschwundene Miniatur
The Flying Classroom
The third form of a boarding school and the students of a neighboring school do not get along. Each side dreams up the craziest pranks to defeat the other. And when one day the high school students go as far as stealing the Gymnasium students’ essays and even burning them, daily school life really gets out of hand.
Assistant Director
Martin Luther
A biopic of Martin Luther, covering his life between 1505 and 1530, and the birth of the Protestant Reformation movement.
My Name is Niki
Assistant Director
Winnie is desperate and doesn't know what to do next. She is about to marry her lover Paul, who has returned from war captivity. Both want to emigrate to America short after marriage. But the young woman has an illegitimate one-and-a-half-year-old son, whom she has kept secret from her fiancé. The short-tempered Paul would never understand that. When she is on her way to the orphanage, the grumpy senior civil servant Hieronymus Spitz and his little dog Tobby get into her train compartment. After a short observation, Winnie is certain that the misantrope actually has a good heart, because he lovingly takes care of his dog. Without further ado she leaves little Niki with the tax accountant and disappears from the train. Only a note with a request remains. The overwhelmed old gentleman initially wants to get rid of the child, but then takes it home and takes care of it together with his housekeeper. Both take the bundle of joy to their hearts. But then everything turns out differently.
My Name is Niki
Winnie is desperate and doesn't know what to do next. She is about to marry her lover Paul, who has returned from war captivity. Both want to emigrate to America short after marriage. But the young woman has an illegitimate one-and-a-half-year-old son, whom she has kept secret from her fiancé. The short-tempered Paul would never understand that. When she is on her way to the orphanage, the grumpy senior civil servant Hieronymus Spitz and his little dog Tobby get into her train compartment. After a short observation, Winnie is certain that the misantrope actually has a good heart, because he lovingly takes care of his dog. Without further ado she leaves little Niki with the tax accountant and disappears from the train. Only a note with a request remains. The overwhelmed old gentleman initially wants to get rid of the child, but then takes it home and takes care of it together with his housekeeper. Both take the bundle of joy to their hearts. But then everything turns out differently.
Ночью на улицах
Пожилой водитель грузовика находит контрабандные деньги и оказывается связан с бандой грабителей.
Ночью на улицах
Пожилой водитель грузовика находит контрабандные деньги и оказывается связан с бандой грабителей.
Eine Frau mit Herz
Assistant Director
Eine Frau mit Herz
Проделки близнецов
Second Unit
Близнецы Луиза и Лотта разделяются в младенчестве из-за развода родителей. Луиза вырастает у отца, дирижера в Вене, Лотта у матери, редактора журнала в Мюнхене. Когда им исполняется 10, они встречаются в летнем лагере, узнают правду и меняются местами, чтобы помочь родителям снова воссоединиться.
Проделки близнецов
Близнецы Луиза и Лотта разделяются в младенчестве из-за развода родителей. Луиза вырастает у отца, дирижера в Вене, Лотта у матери, редактора журнала в Мюнхене. Когда им исполняется 10, они встречаются в летнем лагере, узнают правду и меняются местами, чтобы помочь родителям снова воссоединиться.
Frauenarzt Dr. Prätorius
In the face of two world wars, Professor Prätorius, a philanthropist and a surgeon, wants to exterminate the one danger to mankind, the microbe of stupidity, as he states in a spontaneous lecture to his male and female students. When he tries to help a pregnant girl he gets involved more and more in her life and is forced to marry her.
Assistant Director
Unser Mittwochabend
Нехватка в послевоенном Берлине создала цветущий черный рынок, и товары, собранные во время крупного полицейского рейда, похоже, пришли из одного и того же источника. След ведет комиссара Науманна к кабаре «Alibaba», но он не может найти убедительных доказательств, чтобы обвинить его владельца Голля.
Kitty and the World Conference
The setting is Lugano (Switzerland), where an apparently very important world conference takes place. The film tells the story of the young Kitty (Hannelore Schroth), who works as a manicurist at the Eden Hotel, and who in the course of events gets to know both a young journalist (Christian Gollong) and the English minister of economics (Fritz Odemar). A lot of wild mix-ups, comic situations, a love story and occasional singing ensue, and in the end most of the VIPs have gained their share of laughter… There’s also a great performance by Paul Hörbiger as the hotel porter. For a 1939 film made in Germany, “Kitty” is remarkably irreverent and satirical about politics.
The Girl from the Marsh Croft
A farm boy betrothed to a socialite falls in love with his maid - an impoverished girl from the marsh.
April, April!
Douglas Sirk's first feature film.