Carl Jaffe

Carl Jaffe

Рождение : 1902-03-21, Hamburg, Germany

Смерть : 1974-03-12


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Carl Jaffe (21 March 1902 – 12 April 1974) was a German actor. Jaffe trained on the stage in his native Hamburg, Kassel and Wiesbaden before moving to Berlin, where his career took off. In 1933 Jaffe changed his stage name to Frank Alwar, but in 1936, with the situation for Jews in Germany rapidly deteriorating, he made the decision to migrate to the United Kingdom. He remained in the UK for the rest of his life and enjoyed a prolific career, appearing in over 50 films and many television productions. Throughout his British career he was almost invariably cast as German or Central European characters, usually in supporting roles, and often with a war, crime or espionage setting. His more notable films include The Lion Has Wings, The Life and Death of Colonel Blimp, Two Thousand Women, Operation Amsterdam and The Roman Spring of Mrs. Stone. Jaffe's television credits included Danger Man, Dad's Army and Oh, Brother!.


Carl Jaffe


Скрипач на крыше
Isaac (uncredited)
История Тевье, бедного молочника, пытающегося выдать замуж своих трех дочерей. Действие происходит в маленькой украинской деревушке в 1905 году.
Battle Beneath the Earth
Dr. Galissi
Government officials discover a horrible plot: the Chinese are tunneling their way to the United States.
Police Surgeon
Агент ЦРУ Дэн Слейтер вылетает в Австрию на похороны сына. Но, оказавшись на месте, он начинает подозревать, что эта смерть не похожа на несчастный случай в Альпах. Благодаря помощи юной Джины Слейтер нападает на след преступников, но вскоре понимает, что все это слишком похоже на ловушку, и кто-то готовит его двойника, чтобы внедрить в высшие эшелоны американской разведки...
Up Jumped a Swagman
A dreamy Australian singer comes to London to seek his fortune and falls for a down-to-earth lass and a high-strung debutante at the same time.
Римская весна Миссис Стоун
Baron Waldheim
Вивьен Ли играет стареющую звезду сцены Карен Стоун, которая только что провалилась в роли, более подходящей для молодой женщины. Она решает отдохнуть в Европе, но неудачи продолжают преследовать ее. Ее богатый супруг заболевает и умирает на пути в Италию, но она все-таки приезжает в Рим. Когда вдова признается подруге Мэг, что не отказалась бы от мужского общества, та знакомит ее с великосветской сводницей, которая находит вдове красивого юношу - итальянца. Карен влюбляется в молодого человека с самыми печальными для себя последствиями.
Man on a String
U.S. spies catch a Moscow-born U.S. citizen (Ernest Borgnine) helping spies, and they force him to counterspy.
Subway in the Sky
dt. Kriminalbeamter
Berlin provides the backdrop for this crime drama that centers on a military doctor falsely accused of dealing illegal drugs. Determined to prove his innocence, he escapes from the MPs and ends up holing up in the apartment his wife rented. He doesn't know that she has sublet the flat to a nightclub singer. When he finds out, he begs the singer to assist him. She is attracted to him and agrees. The doctor believes that his wife is behind the black-market dealings, but in the end, they find the real culprit.
First Man into Space
Dr. Paul von Essen
The first pilot to leave Earth's atmosphere lands, then vanishes; but something with a craving for blood prowls the countryside...
Operation Amsterdam
Diamond merchant
When Germany invades Holland in 1940, a British intelligence officer and two Dutch diamond merchants go to Amsterdam to persuade the Dutch diamond merchants to evacuate their diamond supplies to England.
Rockets Galore
Dr Hamburger
The inhabitants of Todday are content to live their lives in peace and quiet, until, that is, the government decides their little corner of the world would be the perfect place for a rocket launch site.
I Accuse!
Colonel Maximilian von Schwarzkoppen
Alfred Dreyfus, a German-Jewish captain serving in the French Army, is falsely accused of treason and made a scapegoat for military espionage in an act of institutional anti-Semitism. Sent to prison, he becomes a cause célèbre for the novelist Émile Zola, who dubs it the "Dreyfus Affair." Eventually, Dreyfus is pardoned when the military cover-up is made public, and he returns to France. But his name is forever tarnished by the accusations of treason.
Doctor Hoff
An insurance investigator tumbles onto a series of similar deaths, by brain hemorrhage, of patients of a psychiatric clinic in France where therapy involves a device which can implant visual imagery in the minds of patients, ostensibly to help them relax.
The Traitor
Stefan Toller
One time members of a resistance group come together every year to remember their dead leader, betrayed to and executed by the Nazis. When it seems that they might finally know the name of the traitor - and that he or she comes from within their own unit - their annual gathering becomes a deadly trial...
The Case of The Smiling Widow
From the case files of Scotland Yard, detectives investigate the mysterious death of Peter Adams, artist and possible forger.
The Hostage
Dr. Pablo Gonzuelo
In this political thriller, set within an unnamed country, revolutionaries try to prevent their leader's execution by kidnapping the president's daughter. A brave hostage pilot, breaks out and heroically saves the girl as the revolutionary leader is killed.
House of Secrets
Walter Dorffman
Police in Paris recruit an English ship's officer (Michael Craig) to help trap counterfeiters by joining them.
Солнечный спутник
Professor Bechstein
Журналисты со всего мира приехали на территорию военно-воздушной базы Великобритании, чтобы присутствовать на знаменательном событии. В ближайшие дни, нет — часы должен состояться триумф британской науки и техники. Учёные разработали и создали летательный аппарат, способный преодолеть оковы земной гравитации и выйти на орбиту Земли с человеком на борту. За основу взят реактивный самолёт, снабжённый усовершенствованными турбинами, форсированным двигателем и современной системой герметизацией. Экипажем, совершающим первый в истории человечества прорыв во внеземное пространство, руководит Майкл Хейдон. Восторг по поводу предстоящего полета не разделяет энергичная журналистка Ким Хэммилтон. Она спрашивает организаторов "за чей счет этот банкет?",но тем не менее, под покровом ночи залезет на охраняемый объект и затаится в трюме космического корабля. А экипажу за несколько часов перед стартом открывают тайну государственного масштаба: на самом деле научная цель экспедиции всего лишь фикция.
Port of Escape
Ship's Officer
Two sailors dock in London in search of a good time. But when one of them fatally stabs a man during a scuffle in a bar, the pair flee the scene, commandeer a boat and take the three women on board hostage as they try to outrun the law.
Cross Channel
Otto Dagoff
Charter-boat owner "Tex" Parker is framed on a murder rap by a gang of jewel-and-American currency smugglers operating from the coasts of England and France, with a mid-channel rendezvous. The smugglers use him, his boat and partner, "Soapy", to carry their goods back and forth across the English. During one of the trips, "Tex" is thrown overboard, but is picked up by a French fishing boat and the fisherman take him back to their village, Porte Soliare, where he meets Jacqueline. People who appear to be quite dead early on turn out to be not dead later on, and money and swag and goods keep changing hands with such regularity that, at one point, one guy is searching for something he already has (and doesn't know it), while another guy isn't searching for it because he thinks he has it...but doesn't.
The Awakening
The Tailor
"The Awakening" is a 1954 short drama film of Douglas Fairbanks Presents anthology series based on Nikolai Gogol's short story "The Overcoat".
Park Plaza 605
Boris Roff
Suave private investigator Norman Conquest intercepts a secret message and meets a beautiful but foreign blonde lady in room 605 of the Park Plaza hotel. But when Conquest wakes up in the room the next morning he is lying next to a dead body. With the mysterious blonde nowhere to be seen, Conquest soon becomes the police s number one suspect with Inspector Williams following his every move. In order to clear his name, Conquest enlists the help of Pixie Everard (Joy Shelton), but the going gets rough when he discovers that the murder is connected to a stash of stolen diamonds. As gun-happy gangs of communists and Nazi sympathizers turn up the heat, Conquest has to solve the murder whilst staying one step ahead of both the gangs and the police.
Desperate Moment
Cellblock Guard Becker
Story of a Dutchman's flight across post-war Germany trying to locate the man who alone can clear him of a false murder charge. (BFI Website)
Appointment in London
German General
Wing-commander Tim Mason leads a squadron of Lancaster bombers on almost nightly raids from England. Having flown eighty-seven missions he will shortly be retiring from flying, but the strain is showing. He tries to make sure his men concentrate only on their job and so keeps women away from the base, but then he himself meets naval officer Eve Canyon.
Austrian Monk
В 1190 году саксонский рыцарь сэр Уилфред из Айвенго инкогнито возвращается в Англию из Третьего Крестового похода, чтобы собрать деньги для выкупа короля Англии Ричарда Львиное Сердце из австрийского плена. В Англии Айвенго узнает, что брат Ричарда, принц Джон, намерен вероломно узурпировать королевскую власть. Верный Ричарду отважный Айвенго не намерен мириться с ситуацией, и онрешает действовать. Прелестная девушка Ребекка, дочь спасенного бесстрашным рыцарем, богатого еврея, подарит Айвенго фамильные драгоценности, чтобы он смог купить снаряжение иучаствовать в престижном рыцарском турнире в Эшби. Там Айвенго должен выиграть призовые деньги для выкупа Ричарда из неволи. Многострадальная Англия ждет своего короля.
A Tale of Five Cities
Charlotte's Brother
An Englishman has been working in the US so long he now speaks with an American accent. He is drafted into the British Army during WWII but is injured and loses his memory. Because he talks like an American, the doctors repatriate him to the States where he is housed with a New York family. After the war they all travel throughout Europe, searching for the women he still remembers in the hope of restoring his lost memory
Lilli Marlene
Propaganda Chief
Lilli Marlene, a French girl working as a bar maid in her uncle's café in Benghazi, Libya, turns out to be the girl that the popular German wartime song Lili Marleen had been written for before the war, so both the British and the Germans try to use her for propaganda purposes - especially as it turns out that she can sing as well. When the Germans kidnap her in Cairo and she starts appearing in radio broadcasts from Berlin, her British soldier friends think that she's joined the enemy. They couldn't be more wrong, because after the war it turns out that her songs over the radio contained secret messages to London from British agents in Berlin.
Национальная тайна
Janovic Prada / Tugboat Captain
Посетив Англию, американский хирург доктор Джон Марлоу приглашается в среднеевропейскую страну Воснию. Он соглашается. Во время операции он осознаёт, что его пациент — сам генерал Нива, диктатор страны, который должен быть переизбран на свой пост через несколько дней. Известие о его болезни скрывали от народа. Когда последний умирает, его заменяет двойник, но затем Марлоу становится объектом жестокого преследования со стороны тайной полиции Воснии, поскольку жизненно важно, чтобы о смерти диктатора не стало известно. Спасаясь бегством, он ищет помощи у актрисы Лизы Робинсон, и их обоих преследуют в сельской местности.
The Dancing Years
The episodic story of a composer of operettas, Rudi Kleiber, in in old Viennese days, and the two women in his life; Maria Zeitler, his sweetheart, later mistress, lost love, an operetta star, and his first patron, and the mother of a son he did not know he had; and of Greta, his first love and companion in later years
Солдат в юбке
Jail Officer (uncredited)
Западная послевоенная Германия восстанавливается при поддержке союзнических войск. Бывшие любовники Анри Рошар - капитан французский армии и девушка Кэтрин Гэйтс - лейтенант армии США только что выяснили отношения и решили больше не встречаться. Но начальству до этого нет дела, полковник дает этой рассорившейся парочке поручение добраться в один дальний городок и найти скрывающегося нацистского ученого. Герои отправляются в путь. Им предстоит проехать немало километров на трофейном мотоцикле с коляской, ввязаться в вереницу приключений, вновь понять, что они любят друг друга и в итоге оформить брак в местной канцелярии и церкви. Но на этом история не заканчивается. Анри решает покинуть родные края и уехать вместе с молодой женой в США, но военная бюрократия ставит барьеры на их пути...
The Blind Goddess
Johan Meyer
Justice, the poets have it, is a blind goddess. Eric Portman stars as the lawyer defending a lord, Hugh Williams, accused by his secretary Michael Dennison of having diverted public funds for his own use.
The Man from Morocco
German General
With the ending of the Spanish Civil War, a dispirited band of volunteers from the International Brigades seeks refuge in France. But on reaching the frontier, the band is disarmed, and all are detained as political prisoners. Then come instructions from Vichy that all fit prisoners are to be sent to Morocco to work on the Sahara railway for the Germans. However, one man manages to escape to London with vital information for the Allies.
I Didn't Do It
Hilary Vance
Gormless George Trotter (George Formby) moves down from Manchester to the bright lights of London in search of fame and fortune on the stage - only to find himself the prime suspect in a bizarre murder mystery! Whilst staying at Ma Tubbs' theatrical boarding house, a man is murdered in the room right next door to George. When George tries to solve the mystery, he ends up presenting the police with a whole load of clues - all of which point to him as the culprit! Now George must uncover the real murderer himself, with the help of his showbiz friends, his little Ukulele and a fiendishly cunning song! This delightful comedy musical includes three full-length musical numbers - The Daring Young Man, She's Got Two of Everything and I'd Like a Dream Like That.
Two Thousand Women
Sergeant Hentzner
During the Second World War, three downed English airmen hide out with women's internment camp in France.
The Night Invader
Count von Biebrich
Dick Marlow, a British agent, has parachuted into the occupied Netherlands to retrieve vital documents. Whilst on the trail of the papers, he poses occasionally as an American journalist and a Gestapo officer. He meets and falls in love with a Dutch woman who professes solidarity with the British, but matters become complicated and dangerous when it transpires that the woman's brother is in possession of the documents Dick Marlow needs, and is far less kindly disposed towards the British than his sister – or is she?
Жизнь и смерть полковника Блимпа
von Reumann
О жизни Клайва Кэнди, британского солдата. Она показана в эпизодах, начиная с 1902 года, когда он сделал блестящую карьеру молодого офицера в Бурской войне, до 1943 года, когда он скрипучим, старческим голосом рассказывает о времени бомбежки Лондона, размышляет о потерянной молодости и любви.
Warn That Man
At the height of World War II, the Germans discover that a certain British personage is to stay at the country house of Lord Buckley. They devise a plan whereby they will kidnap the real Lord Buckley, and send to England an actor who will masquerade, lie in wait for the visitor with a number of gunmen, and take him back to Germany.
Squadron Leader X
Luftwaffe Colonel
Equipped with an RAF uniform, an English accent, a photograph of his "wife" and a packet of Players (cigarettes), a German agent is parachuted into occupied Belgium to create anti-British propaganda. Unfortunately for him he chooses a night when the Belgian resistance are smuggling the crew of a British bomber home across the channel. Before he knows it he is landing on the south coast of England. With MI5 hot on his trail, the fugitive tries to contact his old German émigré friends in London. But they have all been interned on the Isle of Man. How will he escape back to Germany ?
Gestapo Chief
It's war time London and the Crazy Gang (Flanagan & Allen, Nervo & Knox, Naughton & Gold) are doing their bit for the war effort by running a fish and chip stall using their platoon's barrage balloon for advertising. Their Sgt Major is not happy about this and orders them to take the balloon down, but a freak heavy wind accidentally carries the gang away to Nazi Germany. They are captured and placed in a detention camp where they meet an elderly prisoner named Jerry, who possess a map for the location of a secret weapon which will win the war! Fortunately Teddy Knox's impersonation of Hitler lands him the spot of pretending to be the Fuhrer at a gala dinner and the gang are allowed out of the camp. However the Nazis have other ideas for their substitute leader.
All Hands
From a series of propaganda films made to raise awareness of the risks of idle gossip providing vital information to enemy spies and collaborators. This Ealing Studios production features well-known 1940s actor John Mills, playing a sailor whose girlfriend thoughtlessly blunders away vital wartime secrets. The consequences prove disastrous when his boat next leaves to cross the English Channel.
An Englishman's Home
A German spy is dispatched to Britain to search out targets for a planned invasion.
The Lion Has Wings
Unnamed Character
This early, influential propaganda film blends documentary and studio footage to show the valiant efforts of the Royal Air Force to defend the British people against the Nazis.
Over the Moon
Young Jane Benson just about manages to make ends meet running the large family house in Yorkshire. In love with local doctor Freddie Jarvis, she suggests they marry, but almost at once finds she has inherited eighteen million pounds. He makes it clear he wants nothing to do with the money and what it can buy, and Jane sets off alone on a spree pursued by two ardent suitors. Jarvis finds he has gained notoriety for turning down such a catch and his plans for ernest research are soon compromised.
The Saint in London
Suave soldier of fortune Simon Templer gets mixed up with a gang of counterfeiters who've murdered and robbed an European count of 1,000,000 pounds. He is aided reluctantly by Scotland Yard inspector Teal, who's convinced that Templar himself pulled off the heist, and less reluctantly by light-fingered Dugan and dizzy socialite Penny Parker.
Second Best Bed
Georges Debonnet
A newly married couple run into difficulty when the wife refuses to obey her husband.