José Sancho

José Sancho

Рождение : 1944-11-11, Manises, Valencia, Spain

Смерть : 2013-03-03


​From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia José Asunción Martínez Sancho is a Spanish actor. Over a period of fifty years he has appeared extensively in Spanish television and films. He was born in Manises, Valencia in 1944. He divorced the singer María Jiménez, with whom he has a son named Alejandro. He is currently married to the journalist Reyes Monforte. His first film role was when he was aged just four in Si te hubieses casado conmigo (If you had been married to me)(1948), directed by Viktor Tourjansky. He became popular thanks to his role as The Student, in the TVE series, Curro Jiménez (1977–1978), directed by Pilar Miró, Mario Camus, Antonio Drove, Marchent Rafael Romero, Francisco Rovira Beleta and others. Twenty years later he returned to star in another TV series, Carmen y familia (1995), together with Beatriz Carvajal and her former partner in Curro Jiménez, Álvaro de Luna. A year later, he joined up with Rocío Dúrcal Los negocios de mamá (1997), also for television. Among his many roles in film is his collaboration with Pedro Almodóvar Live Flesh along with Javier Bardem, winning the Goya Award for Best Performance by an Actor in a Supporting Role in 1997. In 2000 he guest-starred as Don Rafael Alvarado who is murdered in the first episode causing his daughter, Tessa, to take up arms as the title character in the syndicated TV series The Queen of Swords. His involvement in several films and theatrical activity has been intense, but his role of Don Pablo, in the TVE series, Cuéntame (Tell Me!), brought him great popularity and recognition from 2001 to 2008. Description above from the Wikipedia article José Sancho, licensed under CC-BY-SA, full list of contributors on Wikipedia.


José Sancho
José Sancho


En fuera de juego
Julio Soriano
Diego, an Argentine doctor traumatized by the soccer since his childhood, is not satisfied with his life. Javi is a representative of kids who start playing soccer, a Spanish third division manager who dreams of an opportunity to change their fate. Suddenly, the discovery of a young Argentinian star, will join Diego and Javi in a common adventure, full of surprises and and picaresque.
Tarancón, el quinto mandamiento
Cardenal Tarancon
Cartas de Sorolla
Siempre Habana
Ignacio and his nephew Tomasín are two Galician businessmen sharing a family inheritance bonus with their cousin Divina Luz, cuban-born, but of Galician descent. The division of the property is notarized in Santiago de Compostela, where Divina Luz is received by his unknown family.
Desde que amanece apetece
Finito (as Pepe Sancho)
Pelayo is leaving to work for his uncle Lorenzo and to find a nice girl to settle down with. Pelayo arrives to find out that Lorenzo's "business" is in fact a male strip show and Lorenzo's dancers are a laughing stock. Lorenzo has all his money tied up in his wedding with ex-prostitute Palmira. With Pelayo arriving life turns upside down. Can Lorenzo keep his infidelities a secret and his crew off the streets? Can Pelayo keep from falling for a prostitute on his way to finding a wife?
Режиссёр Микель де Гарей и его молодой продюсер, хорошенькая Андреа Бильбао, собираются снять фильм по последнему роману Розендо Карбайо. Он известный писатель с гомосексуальными наклонностями, разорвавший свой брак по расчёту и теперь живущий с молодым гомосексуалистом. Розендо намерен встретиться с Микелем и Андреа, к ним хотят присоединиться трое друзей писателя – Фенандо, Беатрис и Начо. Конфликт возникает внезапно, когда персонажи начинают играть в опасную игру – копаться в прошлом друг друга.
Kibris, la ley del equilibrio
Город колдунов
Alfredo (voz)
Черный маг Белиал стремится завладеть сокровищами Древнего Храма и безраздельно господствовать над миром. Коварным планам противостоят три колдуна — Мельхиор, Гаспар, Балтазар. Схватка героев в жарких пустынях, океанах льда и мрачных лабиринтах Соляного Города поможет остановить зло и откроет великую тайну…
Two disgraceful fifty year old men accept the job of their lives by carrying drugs to Perpignan in exchange for a million Euros. A whole mess comes about as the journey starts...
Arroz y tartana
Tío Juan
Manuela de Fora, an elegant woman, widow of Pajares, lives with the sole obsession of marrying well her two daughters from her second marriage, Concha Blanca Jara and Amparo. She also has Juanito, son from her first marriage, but she despises him for wanting to be a merchant, like his father. Who really appreciates the laborious Juanito is his uncle Juan, a man of austere habits that blames his sister Manuela for wasting money to pretend being of high social position.
Besos de gato
Fran, a successful lawyer with a comfortable life but lacking in communication with his family, arrives at his house for dinner. That night his daughter Carlota has not returned yet, somewhat unusual for her, so Fran, pressed by his wife, goes out to search for her.
The Witch Affair
Miguel Gironza
The night of San Juan, Miguel murders his associate. Two elderly people are witness to the crime and predict that all of his dreams will come true thereafter. He will know the price he has to pay when he sees a black cat with a moon shaped mark on its forehead. Twenty-two years later a messenger begins to see all his dreams come true...
Viento del pueblo: Miguel Hernández
Miguel Hernández Sánchez
The life and tragical death of the young Spanish poet Miguel Hernández.
El deseo de ser piel roja
Saint Anthony: The Miracle Worker of Padua
Depiction of the life of St. Anthony, beginning with his initial calling to the priesthood as a young Portugese nobleman, and following him as he becomes a Franciscan monk and preaches across Africa and Europe.
La mujer de mi vida
Ramón, an egocentric and successful film producer, is only interested in money and women. Shortly after receiving a Goya for his latest film, he learns that his friend Enrique, a forgotten actor who is going through a rough patch, needs help. He has contacted Faby, an undocumented Peruvian waitress who works in the slum where Enrique has felt ill. Fascinated by the girl, Ramón decides to solve her problems, marrying her to Enrique.
Марсианская одиссея
Andre Vishniac
Аварийная посадка на поверхности Марса прерывает сенсационную экспедицию, призванную раскрыть удивительные тайны красной планеты. Оказавшись в разбитом корабле среди бескрайней каменной пустыни, астронавты понимают, что теперь они могут надеяться только на своё мужество и изобретательность. В отчаянной попытке выжить и не сойти с ума, марсианские пленники отправляются на разведку к странному объекту в гигантском ущелье. Они еще не знают, что впереди их ждет поразительное открытие, о котором не могли мечтать даже самые смелые фантасты.
Dr. Samuel Leon
На далекий остров в Тихом океане вторглись пришельцы — распространители невиданного еще вируса. Монструозный результат его воздействия — перевоплощение островного населения в гигантских пауков. Для опознания страшного вируса секретные службы отправляют экспедицию суперпрофессионалов. Но они даже в кошмарном сне не могли представить, какая им грозит нечеловеческая борьба с пауками-каннибалами. Зрелище не для слабонервных!
¡Ja me maaten...!
An honest and humble gypsy lives in a poor neighborhood with his family until something unexpected changes his life forever.
A young man who lives in Morocco, his father and his half-sister are the characters. When the girl disappears in Kasbah, a night club, her half brother becomes the prime suspect.
Секс из сострадания
Мудрую Долорес любят все жители ее маленького увядающего городка. Все, кроме ее мужа Маноло, который, доведенный до отчаяния ее непостижимой щедростью, попросту сбежал. Оставшись одна, Долорес решила впервые согрешить, переспав с мужчиной, однако таким образом она спасла ему жизнь, и поэтому ее грех тотчас же превратился в благодеяние. Тут и другие мужчины потянулись к Долорес в надежде, что ее ласки подарят им удачу. Жены же, видя, как щедрая женщина преображает их благоверных, решили не вмешиваться. Вскоре все нарекли Долорес святой, а ее пыльный городок расцвел от улыбок счастливых супругов, чье семейное счастье она спасла столь чудесным образом. Однако события приняли неожиданный оборот, когда вернувшийся домой Маноло, взбешенный поступками супруги, назвал ее шлюхой. Неужели теперь все соседи и друзья встанут на его сторону и никто не заступится за несчастную святую? Кто поможет бедной женщине, которая хотела лишь подарить людям немного счастья?
Hijos del viento
Hernán Cortes
Speaking of Buñuel
Surrealist master Luis Buñuel is a towering figure in the world of cinema history, directing such groundbreaking works as Un Chien Andalou, Exterminating Angels, and That Obscure Object of Desire, yet his personal life was clouded in myth and paradox. Though sexually diffident, he frequently worked in the erotic drama genre; though personally quite conservative, his films are florid, flamboyant, and utterly bizarre.
Washington Wolves
Alberto and Miguel have a bar, but things are not going very well. They need to get out of this black hole and they need money to do it. Alberto is divorced and alcoholic, Miguel has a big secret... Their old friend Claudio is very rich. Why not steal some of his money? Troubles grow when Claudio's wife is planning to steal this money too... The Washington wolfs, in a circus near all this, are the silent witnesses of all that happens that night.
Flowers From Another World
Patricia, a woman from Dominican Republic, needs a home and an economic security that her illegal status in Madrid does not provide her. Milady, twenty, born in Havana and dying to travel the world. Marirosi has a job, a home, and the most complete solitude... just like Alfonso, Damián and Carmelo, men from the St. Eulalia, a village lacking both marrying women and future. A bachelors' party forces the encounter between them and the beginning of this bittersweet story of sharing a living.
Живая плоть
Фильм снят по одноименному роману популярной английской писательницы Рут Рэнделл. Главный герой картины, Виктор, из-за ссоры со своей подружкой Еленой, случайно ранит полицейского. Через 4 года, проведенных в тюрьме он узнает, что тот самый полицейский стал известным баскетболистом, кумиром и героем зрителей с баснословными контрактами да еще и женился на его бывшей подружке Елене.
Поборницы свободы
Obrero padre
19 июля 1936 года в Испании разразилась революция. В маленьком городке близ Барселоны революционерами был разрушен монастырь. Мария, монахиня из разрушенного монастыря, находит убежище в борделе, куда вскоре с миссией освобождения проституток заявляются активистки Организации Свободных Женщин. Некоторое время спустя, попадая под влияние Флорен, Мария вступает в эту организацию и участвует в вооруженной борьбе наравне с другими активистками, которые предпочитают умереть, сражаясь плечом к плечу с мужчинами, чем жить, прислуживая им.
Everyone Off to Jail
A prison in Valencia hosts an event recognizing political prisoners jailed during Franco’s reign. The reunion proves more raucous than the organizers intended.
La Lola se va a los puertos
1860, in the Bay of San Fernando, Cadiz. Lola is an Andalusian singer who all men that meet her love. Along with guitarist Heredia, a man who is resigned to love her in silence, she travels to the farmhouse of the wealthy Don Diego, which is also in love with her, to sing in the compromise party of his son Jose Luis and Rosario, his fiancée of childhood. Lola, a woman who never loses her head, is disturbed by the presence of the handsome young gentleman José Luis. Both are attracted and inadvertently awaken the jealousy of Rosario and the envy of Don Diego ... Remake of an eponymous film directed in 1947 by Juan de Orduña
Ай, Кармела!
Паулино и Кармела — супружеская пара бродячих артистов, отправившихся в путешествие по Испании в период гражданской войны 30-х годов. Они, республиканцы, вместе со своим переводчиком Густавете попадают на территорию франкистов. Местный командир делает им предложение поставить спектакль, высмеивающий Республику, в обмен на их свободу и жизнь…
La Bandera
1560 год, Южная Америка. Уже открыты Эспаньола и Куба, Венесуэла и Мексика, Панама и Золотая Кастилья, но Эльдорадо, легендарное государство из золота, так и не найдено. Тщеславие и жажда золота все дальше и дальше гонят испанских конкистадоров в дикие джунгли Амазонии. В очередной опасной экспедиции по неизведанным землям набирается команда самых мужественных и отчаянных рыцарей-авантюристов. Здесь нет законов, здесь нет королевской власти. Впереди - неизвестность и страх, голод и смерть, стрелы индейцев и тропическая лихорадка. И еще - Эльдорадо... Золото или смерть - третьего не дано!
Закусочная на колесах
Два энергичных китайца организовали в Барселоне передвижную харчевню. Их желтый фургончик дарит людям вкусную еду и очаровательный китайско — испанский сервис. Но однажды всю их выручку похищает хитрая Синьорита Сильвия.Масса самых забавных ситуаций, сумасшедшие гонки на автокухне, виртуозные сцены рукопашных поединков и, как всегда, полный задора и отточенности в движениях Джеки Чан!
...And the Third Year, He Resuscitated
Adolfo Suárez
On November 20, 1978 a truck driver picks up a man on the road, that tells him to take him to Pardo's Palace. Soon, the truck driver begins to realize who this person is.
Father Cami's Wedding
Juan Camí
A Jesuit priest in 1950s Spain becomes disillusioned with his faith, swapping religion for politics and carnal knowledge.
Visanteta, estáte quieta
El virgo de Visanteta
Avisa a Curro Jiménez
El Estudiante
Lord Killarney, delegate of the British Museum, acquires in Córdoba, at an auction, an incunabule, a valuable treatise on Arabic botany, but he is killed and the book disappears. The suspicions fall on El Lince, an old-fashioned antiquarian who had bid with the English to get the book. When he is arrested, he asks his nephew to warn Curro Jiménez, who discovers that the famous treaty actually contains the key to accessing a fantastic treasure that a caliph has hidden in the Mosque of Córdoba and that has been, for centuries, cause of deaths and betrayals. But the stolen book is split in half. The other half is, for years, in the power of El Lince, which he bought from the famous bandit Mariano Romero, who has been presumed dead for thirty years.
Peribáñez y el Comendador de Ocaña
Con ella llegó el amor
Life Goes On
Amigo de julio (uncredited)
A promising goalkeeper of Real Madrid sees his chance when a teammate is injured and is summoned to replace him. But the misfortune is primed with him when an untimely car accident damaged her spine and is forced to give up that had to be the game of his life. Tired of so much bad luck, he retreats to a seaside hotel, where chance will go up to the stage.
Amor a todo gas
Codo con codo
Amigo de bruno (uncredited)
Bruno and Micky are two young people who abandon their studies to dedicate themselves to song. When Bruno meets Mayte and becomes a fashionable singer, he forgets about his closest friends. But success is short-lived ... One of the most delirious manifestations that Spanish cinema saw of the 'ye-yé' hatching, with an absolutely priceless Micky, half-self-interpreting, like Bruno Lomas and Massiel. The story revolves around the desire to succeed that drives the trio, as well as the romantic relationships established between them. Seen today, it must be as delicious as it is moving, especially considering that it premiered a year before Massiel caused a national earthquake by winning at the Eurovision Song Contest with the famous "La, la, la".
Jugando a morir
Pepe Rosales
Blas Romero "El Platanito" is a bullfighter who begins to take its first steps in Merida. After a long journey, one day he is lucky enough, his performance is showed on TV and that brings him to top of the charts. From now on, his problems will be centered with the dilemma of having to give up their dreams of making serious classical bullfighting, or jump to a false bullfighting, between slapstick and temerity, which will give offer him numerous well-paid contracts.
Suena el clarín
Doomed Fort
Story of a group of settlers and how they had to take refuge in a fort when they were attacked by Indians, as told by the only survivor