Key Animation
Tired of constantly having nightmares, Nobita ask for Doraemon to bring a Dream Machine which would allow Nobita to dream of anything he wants. After an attempt to have a dream about the fall of Atlantis fails, he chooses a dream where he is in a fantasy world with an inspiration from The Three Musketeers. Together Nobita and his friends must defeat the evil King before he escapes from Nobita's dream into other people's dreams.
Key Animation
Nobita's dad stumbled upon a strange advertisement of a fantastic resort on television at midnight. Sleepy as he was, he made a reservation even though he didn't even realize he was talking to the advertisement. The next day he discussed with the family their holiday plans, only to realize he could not find the place anywhere on earth. All of a sudden though there was a suitcase in Nobita's room and intrigued as he was, he opened it only to find a portal to a beautiful resort managed by tin robots. Better still, it's absolutely free. It seems that there is a hidden agenda behind the person who invites them there.
Key Animation
Новый дом намекианцев, планета Новый Намек подвергается осаде огромной металлической планеты. Опасаясь за существование своего народа, Денде, новый Хранитель Земли, обращается за помощью к Гоку и его друзьям. Прибыв на планету, они встречают уже знакомого им Кулера, который сумел каким-то образом выжить в прошлый раз.